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I know of digital records though flech sheets for classic battletech. Is there anything like that for Alpha Strike? I have the cards that come with the minis and know of printing from Master list. But I was wondering if anyone had made interactive digital Alpha Strike cards? Thanks for your help.
Title. I have older PDFs but would really like ones with the updated mech artwork. I thought maybe the newer "Succession Wars" and "Clan Invasion" ones might, but I have PDFs of the tech readouts of those from the Humble Bundle several years ago and they still have the old artwork, so I suspect the record sheets are still the same.
Heres the pic i left out of my last post c+c welcome
I was playing MW5:M recently and zipping around the battlefield in a Locust to avoid artillery fire. I noticed the fire always follows the PC so I left my AI to clear out the enemy mechs while I focused on VTOLs and tanks. I was surprised at how fast the Locust is. It got me thinking, is there a group that races mechs? Similar to the Atom Cats from Fallout 4 where they kit out their armor and race.
I am relatively new to it all. But I am not quite sure on color styles?
Do each clan/house have specific colors or nah?
Like the commonwealth sounded cool, so I looked up painted models of them… and some where blue… some where white… (see what I am saying)
Does anyone have the " A Game of Armored Combat" box mechwarrior cards? I just bought the box and mine didn't have them in there. If I can get them in a PDF it doesn't really bother me much. Or if anyone has scanned them before? Hook up a fellow mechwarrior with the pdf.
Otherwise, does anyone know how responsive catalyst is to customer support?
May have gone a little crazy on the chipped paint and rust but over all happy all thats left is basing
Hey! Bryan Young here! Author of BattleTech: VoidBreaker. I figure enough time has passed since the release of the book that we can talk about it frankly and I can answer some questions without the veil of secrecy. I'll be around for a solid hour or two right then at 2pm, and then I'll answer questions intermittently after that.
The only thing I ask is, y'know, be respectful and keep it largely on topic to BattleTech and I'll see you there!
Are there any rumours or release schedules that are circulating that hint at when we can expect a Force Manual for House Liao, as we've seen for Davion and Kurita?
Hoping to find some avenues for help. I ordered one of the giant game mats from Catalyst Game Labs store back on December 21st, and still haven’t received it. I can see from the USPS tracking that a shipping label was created in Suwanee, GA but it never actually shipped. I emailed customer service.catalyst@gmail.com on January 29th and haven’t received an answer. Is this normal? Is there any other way to contact the company? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
21st Avalon hussars lance. I have 3 more units to complete but wanted to shows these as I'm doing the mechs first.
Man this was different. Very happy with how they all turned out.
Hi welcome 0.50.03-Development!
Another packed release with tons of new stuff, bug fixes, and general improvements. We don’t anticipate this release to be a Milestone, but you never know!
Check out the notes here and we are still working on our State of the Universe address which is very very late!
I love everything about this goober mech
So I'm diving into the rules for creating my own 'mechs (as presented in the Techmanual, corrected 6th printing) for the first time. These state that I must calculate the 'mech's Defensive Factor, which "is based on the unit’s highest potential target modifier (including bonuses for jump capability, enhanced movement capability from MASC or triple-strength myomer, and the maximum effects of stealth armor, such as the modifier for long range), as shown on the Defensive Factors Table and Defensive Factor Modifier Table (p. 316)."
Said table includes a column for "Target Modifier". As far as I've been able to determine, Target Modifier is not a defined term with a precise meaning in either the Techmanual or Total Warfare (my version is the corrected 10th printing).
At first I thought this term might be synonymous with "Target Movement Modifier", but the fact that it includes the effects of stealth armor seems to exclude this possibility.
Then I thought it might include everything in the "Target" heading of the "ATTACK MODIFIERS TABLE" on page 117 of Total Warfare, but this possibility seems to be excluded by the example of the MON-66 BV calculation on page 304 of the Techmanual, which does not account for the potential of said 'mech to run 10 spaces on a paved surface, then attempt to turn and move off the paved surface, causing it to slide (EDIT: "skid", not "slide") and then fall prone, resulting in a total modifier of +7 (the example only counts a modifier of +4).
So, my dual questions are:
Thank you in advance for your input!
i love painting this scheme so much. Wondering what mech to do next for my lyran guard. Leaning towards a hatchetman but would love some suggestions. I probably need more light mechs