Quality reddit dudes sharing quality reddit wisdom through questions.
For a chat with other members of the Troll community, please visit here: http://webchat.snoonet.org/TrollChromosomes
B-but isn't all of reddit AskTrollY...
Nah. After long deliberation we need it because otherwise girls are having all the fun. That, and this is a positive guy space to be guys without getting shit, and AdviceAnimals isn't that funny. #dealwithit
1) No grills allowed
2) Ok grills allowed but only because at the moment they're funnier than us, be cool though
3) Dicks = cool, being a dick = not cool
4) If you're going to post a meme, it should really be some high quality, 100% pure grade A Colombian rage
5) Keep the reelly srs biznss gender drama in /r/MensRants / /r/SRSFunny
6) Keep it funny, keep it about being a guy
8) Harassing others will result in an immediate ban
9) Absolutely NO 'Do Men like...' questions allowed. Seriously, we don't answer for all men. If you want to know what one man likes, then ask him.
10) Uploading your gif or picture onto Imgur will not only make things easier, it'll make us happy. We like our hover images around here.
11) Please don't start a comment with "As a woman", you're asking trollyers the questions, let us answer them! (this doesn't mean you can't participate in the comments section, just please be respectful and don't turn everything into a gender war).
12) This is a page for asking cool men any question you have always wanted to ask but never got the chance to. If you want to post a MRW or HIFW, then head on over to /r/TrollYChromosome!
13) For those interested, here's the woman version: /r/AskTrollX and also /r/TrollXChromosomes