Archer is an American adult animated television series created by Adam Reed for the FXX network.
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Domirillo [Archer Animator] gives the drink recipe that will be featured in each weeks show.
Archer, P.I. is an interactive ARG played on your phone. Solve cases along with your favorite private dick with this new way to follow the show!
ASH Thursday was the weekly roundup and discussion to figure out the mystery behind the scavenger hunt for seasons 6 and 7.
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If she had a YouTube channel, I’d hope that she woulda put a “How-to” video for non-union workers.
“White Elephant” has gotta be one of the greatest episode to kickoff a season. I admire the editing of all the characters explaining storylines from 4 seasons in the interrogations.
Re watching the series for the gazillionth time when did they skip calduron asking malory if she has gas? In season 5 also what does that mean was he asking for sex?
So I watched "all" of archer. I place the all in quotation because I skipped the seasons he was in a coma. I really dislike prequels, fillers, or anything that doesn't move the story line forward. Anyway I am re-watching it now and I want to watch those seasons since I really enjoy the comedy but I'm skeptic. Is it a good laugh? Is it worth the watch? Does it show any present time events in the real world? Ahh idk. I want to give it a shot but I'm discouraged.
In other words I need someone to motivate me to watch those seasons..
Am i the only one who thinks that the preview we had at the end of season 4 looked better than what we had? What we have is still pretty good but i thinks it could have been better.
After watching a few scenes while skipping through the season 8 episodes I have decided to just skip the whole dream trilogy season shtick. Anything I would need to know before I start season 11 tomorrow?
The limited, what's that. Quick google search and oh the trailer park boys train episode.
I remember them more like
•They kidnap the pope.
•They get stuck in a lift.
•The one on a blimp.
•The one with the eco terrorist/ pipeline.
• The one with the other eco terrorist/ocean.
The one with the Japanese soldier. Etc.
Is it just me?
I think it's a great season. I like the character role switch ups. I like the setting, the theme song, I like the plot (mostly). I think Kreiger being a magical Parrot is a great fit, I like the Pam-Archer dynamic. I dunno, this sub tends to focus on seasons 1-4 a lot, and those are great, classic seasons. But I think Danger Island is pretty great, too.
if she did i apologize, it's been awhile since i watched the show
When Archer comes out of his coma, who's the only one who really supports him? Barry. Who is the only one who understands his isolation and reassures Archer that his efforts to rebuild his old skills aren't a waste and he shouldn't feel bad about his progress?
Barry, that's who. Everyone else is up Archer's ass and his cyborg nemesis is the one person who has faith in Archer.
Having seen "A Going Concern" episode (s02e02) several times, only today I gathered that Barry appears with 2 black eyes and some blood on the nose bridge and Lana with a broken hand after the mainframe scene. Could Barry really be such an a-hole?
Pam has super human strength, is super smart, has super human stamina, can take massive amount of drugs with no ill-effect, etc. Among her other abilities. All Archer can do is drink is body weight every day and hook up with woman. Would not Pam be a better example of some sort of example in the next wave of human development, then archer is??
What is the season and episode where Cheryl is praising the Lord of Flames? Trying to show that scene to my gf.
man I love the show so much. i first discovered it on netflix in early 2015 when i was in grade 6 (grade 6?! what is this, the people’s republic of canada?!).
in particular i remember not understanding like 90% of the jokes upon my first watch, and with each rewatch as i went into junior high, high school, and uni i came to love the show a more and more (than i already did).
i’m 21 now, and it’s still my comfort show. i love the references, the lewd humor, double entendres, running gags, and for me it also has a nostalgia factor.