Archer is an American adult animated television series created by Adam Reed for the FXX network.
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Domirillo [Archer Animator] gives the drink recipe that will be featured in each weeks show.
Archer, P.I. is an interactive ARG played on your phone. Solve cases along with your favorite private dick with this new way to follow the show!
ASH Thursday was the weekly roundup and discussion to figure out the mystery behind the scavenger hunt for seasons 6 and 7.
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I haven't even finished season 5 so I don't think i will be able to watch all the other season by the time November finishes
Personally I think one of the funniest ones is the episode the papal chase 😂😂
Cyril, you are not to blame. You are merely a victim of sexual addiction.
All I can think of is Mallory's line now.
Basically the title. I remember archer saying “Oh, who remembers?” one time and this got me thinking.
Just started re-watching archer again & I noticed on the 2nd episode of the first season.. archer throws away Cyril’s pen & exclaims “that was my dead mother’s pen”….Then when you fast forward to the last coma dream season where they’re all in space…. When archer & Cyril go to inspect “cubert”, archer pokes it with Cyril’s pen & that causes Cyril to say “hey that was my new pen”…. Which archer then tossed into the dark abyss of space.
Now I know you pick up on more & more call backs every time you re-watch archer but I was wondering if anyone has found a YouTube video or something alike, deep diving into archer & pointing out EVERY single call back & reference to something?
Does anyone have ideas or photos of their Archer tattoos either than Seamus? Any tattoos of Archer Krieger, Lana or anyone else? My brother and I are looking for ideas!
Sorry. Every night, there’s always a couple of great quotes/obscure references. My favorite will always be “Rabbert Klein.”
How do Archer, Lana, and Ray survive the avalanche, but Crashdoes not? I know ow itsplot armor, buy sometimes it's just too much...
I enjoyed season 7 and just rewatched it. However, when I fist saw the season I was disappointed in the reduction of episodes. Most of the season focused on the Longwater mystery, but it had great side episodes. I feel they could've made three more filler episodes of them working P.I.s in LA
Has anyone else noticed when Barry walks in on Archer and Framboise that there is a dildo vibrating in her hand that is blurred out?
I wish we knew what was in the Briefcase that K-Log was trying to keep from Borgnar...
Me personally, ever episode and season, I have watched over 10 times- I am addicted!! I have not seen the final season as it saddens me to know that the show will no longer be producing any more episodes..
RIP Malory Archer AKA Jessica Walter:(
Would anyone know were I could get archers hat its so clean
...having a hair trigger fits so well with that version of him suffering from premature ejaculation. Anyone notice any other fun parallels?