Archer is an American adult animated television series created by Adam Reed for the FXX network.
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Domirillo [Archer Animator] gives the drink recipe that will be featured in each weeks show.
Archer, P.I. is an interactive ARG played on your phone. Solve cases along with your favorite private dick with this new way to follow the show!
ASH Thursday was the weekly roundup and discussion to figure out the mystery behind the scavenger hunt for seasons 6 and 7.
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Okay so quick clarification. They're all evil in one way or another, that's a straight up fact.
But Lana did things that seemed the most malice driven, and I can't even justify them.
Remember when her husband was talking to her on the plane and being genuinely right? Lana opened the door and handed him over to the hijackers.
Lana also dropped Archer off the incredibly high metal tower during the chase on London (?) not knowing that high cane had a magnetic component that would save him.
Lana has also shot Archer so often it became a joke, funny yes, but she still shoots him, that's intentional injury when you realise Archer hasn't caused her any physical harm.
She taught their child that he's just a sperm delivery device? Seems a bit cruel to me, that and having that child without his consent.
I want to know what you all think, because each time I rewatch Archer, I notice that she does these evil acts with no justification, simply by impulse or malice.
At least Carol is clinically insane, Lana isn't
Archer, Cheryl, Krieger, and Mallory would vote for Trump.
Lana, Cyril, Pam, and Ray would vote for Kamala.
Any thoughts?
Now, I'll admit the fact that she went to Archer's and that moment was a bit heart warming. Other than that tho it was like meh
I don't know why but every time I get to that season I struggle to get through it. Anyone else feel the same? I love everything else about the show tho which I guess makes it weird.
Edit: it's season 10 I'm talking about
Or is it "tactileneck?" Idk, anyways...
Like what kind of time period or setting would you have most liked to see?
Adam Reed talked about doing a fantasy setting where Archer is a knight, Carol a Princess, and Krieger is a wizard. Which sounded cool.
Given Archer's love of Burt Reynolds I'd have loved to see a homage to Gator and White Lightning.
Another is a bit of a Longshot, but since Disney owns FX and Marvel, they'd do a MCU/Archer Crossover.
Also he forgot to put his phone number.
I think it’s a reference to chekovs gun. Ivy and Archer are in Ivy’s office, and he says that he did biathlon, pointing to his awards case with guns.
Then obviously his gun skills come in at the ending.
Is this common sound to make to test your hearing or something?
What is the biggest Out-of-Charactor moments you have seen from the group? For me it's Lana here in Coyote Lovely..... she's a radical environmentalist, extremely liberal, born raised in Berkeley, California with two Parents who live/teach/research in the liberal river of Cal State Berkeley.
BUUUUT....mention immigration and she goes FULL-ON Fox News and Friends?
I wonder if Fudgie the Whale will be there? Or maybe Cookiepuss?
Damn those guys know what they are doing....
I was personally hoping for Conway (or whatever his real name is) to lose his other foot, and then in the finale or shortly before or whatever we learn his real name just before he loses his head so he loses all 5 major limbs and it comes full circle, I know it’s a little dark but this is archer and would make total sense with the shows vibe. I want to see if there are any others people have
Anyone notice how Pam broke the 4th wall like she was addressing the director or artists? What's that about?
Hey everyone,
I’m working on an Insta story that totally reminds me of Archer. Quick context: I was sorting through some photos from a shoot, dressed in a suit (looking sharp and a bit narcissistic), and a friend filmed me kind of “admiring” myself. It immediately made me think of Archer and those moments when he looks at himself with admiration.
So, I’m trying to find a specific scene where Archer is looking at himself and loving what he sees, something like “I’m so good-looking” or “look at me.”
Any suggestions for scenes that fit this vibe?
Thanks in advance!
Hey, relax, Hannity! It wasn't that long ago that everybody hated the IRISH for swarming over here in their potato boats and taking all the jobs..
Anyone else’s brain just constantly inundated with Archer things?
What are your favorite Archer Details? I'll start with S7 E8, Liquid Lunch. Just around minute 5:50, while Krieger is going off about hypnosis, Cheryl/Carol/what have you is playing with a knife, and brings the pointy point right up between her eyes. For a second, her hands shake and she looks like she's really struggling about whether or not to impale herself. Blink and you miss it
I think Lana gets too much hate for stealing Archer’s sperm. Because I’m like 95% sure Mallory convinced her to do it. Mallory literally pimped Lana out to the mutineers. They stated she would be the perfect woman to be the mother of Mars.
Her parents are geniuses, she’s tall, athletic, almost as good an agent as Archer and competent. Mallory made sure to spend as much time as she could with AJ, and was a better grandparent to her than she was to Seamus.
Mallory wanted to be a grandmother, she had Lana wrapped around her finger. She knew Lana wanted to eventually become a mother (asking Ray to have a baby with her). If someone had to take over the agency as we saw, it would be Lana and thus inevitably AJ.
I feel Lana is at fault by like 30% and Mallory 70%.
"I could start smoking crack today, and he'd still turn out better than you"
Re-watching Archer and I've noticed that everytime Lana refers to her baby, she refers to it as a boy. Did this mean she wanted a baby boy, or were they just using he/him as a generic term for the baby instead of calling it "it"? I think Lana had some weird plan in her head to like, "Raise a better Archer"... or am i reaching? 🧐🫣🧐🤔 what do y'all think?