Archer is an American adult animated television series created by Adam Reed for the FXX network.
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Domirillo [Archer Animator] gives the drink recipe that will be featured in each weeks show.
Archer, P.I. is an interactive ARG played on your phone. Solve cases along with your favorite private dick with this new way to follow the show!
ASH Thursday was the weekly roundup and discussion to figure out the mystery behind the scavenger hunt for seasons 6 and 7.
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I have some ideas of my own. But I’d like to see what other people also have. It’s fun to see the different takes people have on this.
I’ve enjoyed some bob’s burgers episodes but I just can’t get into it like I have with Archer
You're not my supervisor!
ill start i had the chance to irl use the phrase word for word " who am i karl Landsteiner? discoverer of blood groups?!" when asked about my blood type, it came out me before i even thought about it and best part they responded with "you dont know your own blood type but you know who discovered them?" and had not seen the show.
You know what I’m talking about…
That scene on the space ship where Archer and Pam get it on. She proclaims about this magical MOAB and to this day I’m trying to decipher it! I swear I got it once then lost it. But what do you guys think?
You wish there was a way not to keep constantly getting stuck in elevators? Well friend, wish and be tired no more.
For me it was Lana’s character. Particularly post-coma, where we get to see more dimensions of her personality. It originally started as a character study assignment from middle school (I was 14 at the time, now I’m 17); where each of us chose a character from a piece of media of our choice and analyzed their actions, dialogue, thoughts and emotions and determined their character.
And man when I chose Lana, it was as bad as blind reading the manga series ‘Berzerk’. The realization of how Lana’s flaws are as fucked up as Archer’s at a non surface level hit me like a nuclear bomb’s shockwave. And thinking about how she may end up being a more severe version of Malory than just being like her, hurting her daughter’s upbringing because she believes she has a moral superiority over the main cast.
The only obscure one I can remember is "How quasi? About a 4. Eh."
Ugh.. Save me from myself, such a fatty!
Single-handedly (no offense, Ray and Conway) the best character on the show
Who would be who if the Archer crew were on the Enterprise? Any show any era no limits.
The plot twists of both episodes are the same. Malory faked the threat (but it actually ended up being real) because she wanted to get a materialistic benefit. It's just the locations that are different, one is on a blimp and the other is in a restaurant.
Both episodes are still great though! Just thought I should point this out.
As I rewatch this episode, I find Archer being extra annoying - just a bit more than usual. For example, when he blows the engine. What would you say is his peak being annoying-ness is?