
Photograph via snooOG

Community modded sub for discussion of Anti-Racist and Anti-Fascist ideas.

This sub is a free-discussion counterpart to /r/antira. The community can suggest rules as they see fit; but for the most part content is decided by voting. Mods will remove calls for violence or personal harrassment, as well as outright and obvious hate speech / pseudoscience (i.e.: Stormfront copypasta, phrenology, "(x race) are criminal degenerates", etc.)


37 Subscribers


Here's a disgustingly sexist and racist reddit post promoting and discussing sexpating in China. Look at the comments.

1 Comment
00:37 UTC


Goals and whatnot. (And ethics)

What would you say is the total goal of antifa? I know you're antifacist and believe in punching Nazis, but what do you plan to do in the long run? If it's to kill and and/or assault all Nazis, then good luck, considering not only is it immoral to kill and assault people who've not threatened nor assaulted you, but as well as illegal. I'm not trying to be condescending, I'm just saying. And how do you plan to achieve these goals? And how do you find it ethical to assault Nazis? I'm genuinely asking.

23:41 UTC


Welcome to /r/antira2!

Welcome new subscribers! This subreddit is community moderated (content decided almost strictly by voting). The goal of this subreddit is to create a community dedicated to widening the appeal of Anti-Fascist/Racist movements and raising awareness of and support against fascists and hate groups, while offering more freedom of debate and discussion. The main sub, /r/antira will be moderated as a safe(r) space. People of all political views are welcome in this subreddit.

Please feel free to reply and introduce yourself a bit, tell us why you subscribed and what you're hoping to see from this sub. Have a nice day!

22:15 UTC

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