"I'm coming!"
Post content from anime, manga, and visual novels that are not intended to be funny but are, when taken out of context, or that are missing some context.
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Type 'source OR flair:source' in the search box below the submit button (or at the top of the page in new reddit) to see if your post is a repost.
Post screencaps from anime, manga, and visual novels that are not intended to be funny but are, when taken out of context.
Check the search before posting
Type 'source OR flair:source' in the search box above the submit button to see if your submission has already been posted.
Translation errors and edited subtitles are not out-of-context. Please do not post them here. All posts here must have faithful translations of the original media. If the translation has been deliberately distorted ("ghost stories" has been deliberately distorted from the original script), the content should be posted on /r/animefunny instead.
Discussing the context in the comments is allowed, that makes the sub more fun.
Spoiler >!Spoiler Text Here!<
Korean manga/cartoons are allowed
If you made it this far (and even if you haven't, I guess), feel free to check out our wiki.
This subreddit is a proud member of the NCN. The current members of the NCN are:
Also affiliated with /r/animefunny for submissions that break rule #5 and /r/hentainocontext (note, currently banned) for those wishing for a more...focused...experience. Also totally not affiliated with /r/FauxHentai and /r/SpotTheMC.
Chapter 22