
Photograph via snooOG

Anarcho-syndicalism is a theory of anarchism that holds rank-and-file unions to be the greatest way for workers to exercise their power in a capitalist economy. The aim of anarcho-syndicalism is to bring the capitalist economy to a halt through mass refusal of work (the general strike) and for us to then occupy our workplaces in order to run them ourselves, according to socialist principles (i.e. production for need, not profit).

Anarcho-syndicalism is based on the key principles of:

  • Solidarity
  • Direct Action
  • Direct Democracy (worker's self-management)

The revolutionary trade unions that are formed in this tradition adhere to these principles. While syndicalism is a product of the labour movement, its basic aims and principles can be applied to other forms of class struggle outside of the workplace.

At its heart, anarcho-syndicalism recognizes that the working class, as the class that produces all wealth, holds the most power. Without our labour capitalism would cease to function. If we refuse to work for our bosses they will not be able to extract profit from our labour, which is how capitalism survives and functions. Anarcho-syndicalism is about making workers conscious of their power and exercising that power with the aim of creating a new world, free from bosses, wage slavery and work.

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23:36 UTC


Incremental Syndicalism

I'm doing my best to create actual syndicalist systems, but I am finding it hard to gain traction. I feel like there are too many purists. For example, I am attempting to create systems that exist within capitalism that use profit motives to create the foundational architecture, then creating a flattened hierarchy where the workers of said system simply share equal profits. Many anarchists' are trying to armchair quarterback "the revolution", even though everyone seems to have only vague and often very different concepts of what that would mean. I believe we should create parallel structures that work within the system we have now, and if it is the will of the people, these ideas will persist and expand. I don't want to force anybody and I feel that small examples that are well thought out will lead to wider developments.


Would anyone like to help me? Or perhaps I can help you? Not just advocate or spread awareness, but actually create something with presence, that represents a slice of the market. Cheers.

19:56 UTC


Do you think co-ops are a good way nurture a significant voice for the working class; a potential avenue for exiting capitalism?

19:54 UTC


CNT-CIT is acting as a landlord against dissidents


The real motivation of the CNT-CIT is to castigate, threaten and try to financially destroy a group of anarcho-syndicalists who did not agree with the internal practices of the central organs of CNT-CIT, nor with their strategic direction. It is quite remarkable and disheartening to see that apparently some wavers of black and red flags find this all to be reasonable.

This is not an example of the anarchism we seek to create. We talk to people about how the anarchist, self-organized society will work without courts and the state, but in practice, some people refuse to solve issues in this way, instead running to the state and resorting to the most repressive means.

In this situation, how can people claim to be promoting anarcho-syndicalism?

01:05 UTC


About BASF

20:20 UTC


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17:41 UTC

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