Altruism (Latin origin - alter: the other) consists of sacrificing something for someone other than the self (e.g. sacrificing time, energy or possessions) with no expectation of any compensation or benefits, either direct, or indirect (e.g., receiving recognition for the act of giving).
Altruism (Latin origin - alter: the other)
The deliberate pursuit of the interests or welfare of others.
Encourage selflessness and help pay it forward!
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I feel like selflessness is not seen for good reason. You see if everyone talks about how many good deeds, they did it would be seen as a way of prompting themselves up to look good like some kind of image. I have seen many good deeds and selfless actions and to speak of them would not make them selfless, but rather self-promoting or diluting the good.
Hi there folks, i have a question for you, do you think theres any use sending things like, money, fabrics, clothing, books, etc from a wealthy consumerist country to an impoverished nation that needs and uses? I mean is my country has plent yof problems but they dont value the gift of a 1st world country. is it just altruistic nonsense to sne dstuff to anaother coutnry does it really help? or is it just tokenistic and better to focus on problems in my own country like wage inequality, healthcare and mental health?
there so many kids out there who needs a home, more people should be willingly to take them in and raise these kids as there own.
so do the altruistic thing and spread it around! source that it helps with cramps Benefits of Ginger for Menstrual Cramps
what happened to doing a good deed for the sake of a good deed?
Trying to make my own crew of altruistic individuals, who cares about others than themselves, and like to have a good cause and act on it or atleast share some good ideas/contribute in some way.
Hey all. I’m sure without looking this topic has scooted across the proverbial desk here.
I think about altruism pragmatically and I can’t make sense of it. I read the Ayn Rand book and the CS Lewis retort, and I still find that true altruism cannot exist within the human construct. There’s always some expectation of reciprocity. At some level.
Looking forward to the comments to come.
Thank you.
Hello, I came to this sub because I am looking for people to point me in the right direction. My goal is to learn about psychology in order to help myself become a better person. By this I mainly mean that I want to enhance my ability to engage in voluntary self-sacrifice for my future self and others. I want to learn how to be more selfless, hard-working, and more passionately engaged in helping others. I believe that what tugs me away from becoming more selfless is short term gratification. For these reasons I am primarily interested in research that focuses on reducing short term gratification and promoting and growing my ability to voluntary self-sacrifice.
I feel like in my personal life there are moments of "clarity" where I am completely willing to engage in voluntary self-sacrifice out of compassion for humanity, while at other times I sell myself out to short-term gratification behaviors that I know are not beneficial and are hindering my ability to carry out my mission of helping out others. I wanted to know what literature exists/field of psychology that is dedicated towards helping people become more effective in their mission towards helping other people.
I'm doing some research on altruism and inequality for my Masters program in Behavioural Economics and am falling short of a few respondents. I would really reaallyyy appreciate it if y'all could spend 5 minutes on this and answer it!! :)
I've asked everyone I know and need help at this point.
Thank you!
God rest his soul.
Hello everybody! My school is taking part to a challenge with other schools. Every school had to do a rap-music and the one receiving the most upvotes on YouTube is winning! It is the first time (as the challenge happens every year) that our music is that qualitative and we really want to win the challenge. Many friends put a lot of energy in it and I would be really happy they could be rewarded for that :) If you accept to help us, all you have to do is to upvote our music on this YouTube link: https://youtu.be/al3dz_i0boY?si=b5m9EZWC3hldMPBn
It comes out today at 18h but you can already upvote! Thank you in advance!!! 😄
Are we just not the altruistic beings I wish we were? Anyone know why that is?
Soy nueva en esto, y me gustaría saber si hay algún sitio aquí (post, comunidad, lo que sea) para vender o comprar. Es para fines benéficos. Gracias.
I have planted a seed.
I need 35 more drops of water within 3 hours for it to become a real tree.
Water the seed here 👆
I am a Psychology Lecturer and Researcher at London South Bank University. I am looking to validate the Detached Mindfulness Questionnaire with this very short survey (it should take around 10 minutes to complete). All data will be anonymised and kept securely. You are under no obligation to participate and may withdraw up until 30th October.
Who can participate?
· As long as you are 18 years of age or over and you are fluent in English you can participate!
If you are interested, please click on the link below where you will find more information. Results of the study will be posted here in due course.
Thank you for your time!
Shot in the dark but I have an idea for a huge project. Something that if pulled off could truly create a better world. Something that if done successfully and without corruption could help a lot of people. Maybe even everyone.
Anyone know of a place to open a discussion with a decent sized audience? Even one person willing to hear me out would be amazing. Just hoping to increase the odds of 5 people listening…
Recruiting – Looking for people who don’t take psychedelic drugs to complete a short survey
I am a Lecturer at London South Bank University and I am researching the perceived effects of taking psychedelics on wellbeing and gut health. I am looking for people who don’t take psychedelic drugs so that I can compare the data from people who do take psychedelic drugs with that from people who If you don’t. If you can spare 10-15 minutes, please complete this online survey (link found below) – you would be contributing to this investigation into the perceived effects of psychedelics on wellbeing and gut health.
This survey is completely confidential and anonymous so no details that could identify you will be recorded. As long as you are over 18 years of age and you are not currently taking psychiatric medications (other than antidepressants), you are not under the influence of recreational drugs whilst participating; and do not have brain damage/diagnosed with memory deficit conditions, you are most welcome to participate. Please feel free to share the link with your friends as well.
Please note that this study asks you questions about your stool (poo) consistency and regularity so you may want to observe that first for a few days first.
This study is not restricted to any country and welcomes people from all countries to participate. Our findings will contribute to informing research on the perceived effects of psychedelics within the UK and internationally and will form the basis of a journal article that may be published in a peer reviewed journal.
The study has been approved by the School of Applied Sciences Ethics Committee, no. ETH2122-0230.
To participate, just follow this link:
Thank you so much! Your participation is appreciated.