
Photograph via //r/Alonetv

Ten people try to survive as long as they can Alone in the wilderness with only the 10 items they've selected. While Alone in various harsh and unforgiving types of terrain, these men and women must hunt, build shelters and fend off predators, all while documenting the experience themselves. It's the ultimate test of their will and survival skill.

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What is with the editing?

Hello all,

I've just binged seasons 1-4 (pretty please don't mention details about later seasons), and I truthfully don't understand the editing of the show.

When season 2 started, I was disappointed to not see any of the shelters being built, or the same coverage of foraging and what not that season 1 had. At first I thought that maybe the contestants just weren't filming as much, but then seeing the training that they all get on the cameras, and inferring that they're probably asked to film as much as humanly possible, I attributed it to the editors. So then I thought that maybe (especially with season 2) they were trying to focus more on the mentality of it all, which seemed like a definite theme throughout that season. Which is fine, but I missed the bushcraft that they focused on in season 1!

Then Patagonia comes around and I loooved that season, but was flabbergasted with the uneven amount of screentime that the contestants got. Like the young dude who we see only once --literally the day he taps because he gets himself with the ax? And then we see nothing of Carleigh for episodes and episodes, but she ends up being the runner up? It's just wackadoodle. It reminds me of Survivor and how you always know who's going to make it to the top three because they barely even show interviews from anybody else.

So season 4 starts and it's back to Vancouver Island, which is kind of boring. And they're a little more balanced with the contestants' screentime (they have to be --half the teams were gone in a fortnite!), but there was nothing interesting ever being talked about. Thinking back to Alan or Callie or Carleigh (with what little screentime she got) and their deep thoughts, or even Larry with his borderline psychosis, I just really felt the lack of deep conversations in this season. Maybe it's because the people weren't as deep, maybe it's because those thoughts came out more easily in monologue form than in dialogue, but I don't know.

What do you guys think about the editing?

On a similar note, I would give anything to see the reactions of the people who make it far, when they find out how many people were left when they tapped.

01:14 UTC


Anyone know where I can find the torrent file for season 2 episode 5? Can't find it anywhere

Can't find the file for s02e05 (or s02e06). Anyone help a sister out? šŸ™ƒ

16:25 UTC


Why did they get rid of the S8 end of episode follow up interviews? Were they not well received? I liked them.

Would have really liked them in S9 just to find out >!what had gone on medically for the two guys who killed beavers!<

22:56 UTC


Anyone kind of annoyed by the 1000 spin off seasons?

Alone Australia, Germany, now Iā€™m hearing Denmark? Itā€™s way too confusing imo. I wish they just filmed 1 season with a really high budget once per year. I already bugs me that Alone Frozen which had contestants from official previous seasons isnā€™t as well known about because itā€™s not listed as part of the official chronological numerical order. Iā€™d rather have official 1 really well produced season once a year than 1000 spin offs.

22:15 UTC


Who is your favorite contestant all time?

I think I surprised someone because they assumed I base my favorites on the same values every season.

Are your favorites alike in personalities and skills or do you have greatly varying reasons for liking a contestant?

00:42 UTC


Fire-rolling is quite easy, guys. So is flint and steel,

that is, once you have a fire and can make some charred punkwood. When you have char, it's easily ignited with any hard, sharp rock and the spine of your carbon steel replacement knife blade on your multitool. but then you have to keep the char DRY. That means that you need a tarp and tape bag. you can also make a special "ashes-pit, in which you bury coals and charcoal, to keep a fire "alive' overnight. Make a little primitive A frame shelter (movable, of course) to put over this pit, and trench around this pit to drain away water or snow-melt. Oops, you need to know to bring the shovel, dont ya? Aw, shucks! :-)

just cause you get some sparks does not mean you can have a fire of a size that will help you. You have to know how to build those sparks into a real, consuming flame. You need altnerative Swedish fire torches with which to ignite Siberian fire lays (if all is wet) I doubt any of them know how to use either of these very useful types of fire lays. I've seen no evidence of either on the shows.


1 Comment
13:45 UTC


Alone Australia S02E06 Episode Discussion Thread šŸØ

Starting at Day >!16!< , >!5!< Contestants left: >!Krzysztof, Rick, Tamika, Suzan, Andreas!<

09:26 UTC


Proposed Alone Spinoff

Is this an appropriate forum to propose an idea for an Alone/Spinoff season?

Several seasons ago, I think I sent an email to the History channel with my idea, but I never heard back. I'm wondering what the reddit community thinks.

Years ago there was a program called Pros vs Joes, where athletic amateurs would go up against well known sports professionals to see how they'd fair in various athletic events. Or if anyone remembers the original American Gladiators, something like that.

I'd like to propose the following type of Alone - Pros vs Joes

  1. Bring in the best qualified survival specialists (5?) you can find - whether it be people from previous seasons, or other highly qualified "experts". The Pros.
  2. Bring in the (5?) best self-proclaimed amateurs - The Joes - that on paper/testing, probably don't stand much of a chance at winning. The level of expertise here would be open to debate, but I'm sure it wouldn't take long to figure out a survival rating/score for these contestants - say 3 to 7 out of 10, 10 being best. As where the real experts/Pros are a solid 8 to 10.
  3. Everyone gets the same items and item choices like the regular show, however the main difference being that the Joes get technology. They get satellite internet and phone/tablet use. They can search the internet for How To on YouTube, reddit, and wherever. They can talk to family. They can interact in real-time for help.

If I were running the show, the above would be my premise, but there would be some alternatives I think would be interesting:

  1. It would break the tradition of Alone - but maybe have it be 2 groups 5 pros vs 5 joes. It would be interesting to see the group dynamics among 5 experts vs 5 amateurs. The main problem I see there would be "drama". I don't care for the drama in other survival shows, but a lot of viewers do seem to like it.
  2. Limitations on the "Tech". Maybe unfettered internet access is too much of an advantage? How about no video calling? Or restrict internet access to x number of hours a day? Or - how about NO internet access, but you can bring all the survival manuals (apps) you can fit on your phone/tablet - these may be books on military survival, first aid, plant identification, hunting, fishing, etc...

As one other side note - I'd like to see the contestants of the current Alone series and possibly my above idea to have at least the option to choose some sort of water purification either chemically or some sort of filtration like a LifeStraw. I just hate seeing people drop out from getting sick. I get that it's somewhat avoidable, but sometimes it's not.

Anyway, I'd love to hear other people's thoughts on this alternative Alone idea. Criticisms, opinions, modifications, etc...

15:17 UTC


Danish Alone

OMG!! If someone wants to drink their own pee and take their temperature up the bum why the f would you film yourself doing that!!.

00:33 UTC


Another thing from season 3

Ole boy falls on his ax head doesnā€™t barely attempt to stop the bleeding and taps. Woman from redemption season gets a hook all the way in her hand sticks it out another whole day or two? He clearly didnā€™t want to be there ultimate waste of a spot short of the ultimate Iā€™m gonna kick a bears ass dude then taps when he thinks he hears a bear

23:36 UTC


So season 3ā€¦..

I knew from jump when dude said they were on the verge of adopting 3 kids he wasnā€™t long for the challenge and the whole PMA phrase. Why even accept these participants when itā€™s clear from a viewer during episode one itā€™s not gonna work out well? There had to be better contestants right? Or am I being to mean about the situation?

22:16 UTC


Alone: The Beast Impressions & Analysis

After hearing for years that Alone: The Beast was absolutely awful, I finally decided to give it a shot. My verdict is that it's nowhere near as bad as the community makes it out to be. Not even close. However, it has some flaws that if the producers addressed them, would give Alone fans a proper side grade experience.

The Premise: 30 Days. No Tools. One Animal.

30 Days. Unlike the main show that has 10 players competing simultaneously, each episode features a team of 3 working together to make it to 30 days. Unlike the bulls--t rule from Season 4's duos, if one player taps the others can remain to play.


No Tools. I didn't know this before going into the show but none of the players have any tools whatsoever. And because of this there were quite a few times I saw some of the craziest most inventive things I've seen on Alone period. I was literally in disbelief with my jaw open over the stuff these people were doing. If you know you know.

One Animal. Each team begins their mission with a slain beast (hence the name of the show). It's up to them to process the animal using only their wits and what they can find in their environment. As a viewer you immediately get to see why Alone: The Beast is different.

The Problems

No Stakes. If you were looking to see how much the players win or thought I left that part out I'm sad to say there is no prize money. There is no reward for winning other than pride. What this translates to as a viewer is that there are no stakes whatsoever. When I watch Alone I start rooting for certain players because I want them to win that life changing amount of money because I empathsize with their story and/or I'm living vicariously. It's easy to fall into this loop that if I trained I could play on the show myself and also earn that life changing $$$. But with no prize to speak of, this tension, drama, and sense of stakes COMPLETELY vanishes. When players leave the competition there's just no friction in that choice. Unlike the main show where I personally agonize over the decisions players make that could lead to their downfall on The Beast? I'm just like, "Yeah I'd leave to. There's no prize. Just pride and publicity. Who f--king cares?"

  • Solution. Give the players some f--king prize $$$.


There's a Camera Crew. Listen with a name like Alone, the producers kinda boxed themselves in with what they can and can't do on the show. Even season 4's duos pushes this limit. But considering there's a team of 3 working together with a camera crew there's f--king NOTHING alone about Alone: The Beast. It's a bunch of people out in nature who don't win a single damn thing just making the producers and History channel $$$. F--k that.

  • Solution. They film themselves. This is a no brainer. By time The Beast aired, the main Alone show had six seasons of players filming themselves. The footage the players provided worked well enough for there to even be anything past season 1. There's absolutely no reason players on Alone: The Beast should have a camera crew. End of story. When a player taps out they have to fire a flare gun to 'signal for help'. But it's bulls--t because there's a camera crew right there with them with communication gear that actually calls for help. This 'symbolic exit' comes across as so f--king fake which is just emblematic of the camera crew being there to begin with.


No competition. As mentioned above each episode is a self contained journey of 3 people trying to see if they can make it to 30 days. So they aren't competing against anyone and as a viewer coming from the mainline Alone, this just sucks. Whatever tension was left after the no prize aspect ruined it, is completely vacated by there being no real competition.

  • Solution. Bring back the competitive aspect. Like no f--king shit bring back the competitive aspect. Have 3 teams of 3 people each competing against each other. What I'm not sure of is if the limit should be 30 days or the last team/person standing. The reason I say that is if Alone: The Beast was done right, it could be seen as a more hardcore version of mainline Alone which could cause what's supposed to be a side grade turn into something that divides the fanbase or cannibalizes the main line show. But you'll never look the same at anyone again on the main show who taps out super early when you have these f--kers going a month with NO TOOLS.


Finally if The Beast ever does come back for a s02, I hope the producers experiment with never before tried locations. In s01 of The Beast I finally got to see Alone take place in a swamp and it was as f--king miserable as you can imagine. Definitely worse than Alone: Australia which at the time was the worst location I saw on the show. Other than the problems listed above, I loved watching the swamp action. Having a shorter time limit gives us viable access to things like deserts, tropical islands... hell maybe even abandoned cities or something. The sky is the limit.


So in short, if you're undecided and the above doesn't scare you off, give it a watch if you're an Alone junkie. And just pray if the producers ever bring it back for s02 they happen upon this thread and take note. See you down in the comments!


17:41 UTC


Comparing Alone USA and Denmark, some questions

I have started watching Alone (USA) after seeing Danish season 8. Some differences noted:

  • The USA version is much more steady in editing. Focus on a single person for extended timeline, telling their background story. In the Danish version, the cuts between people are very fast, and the background story appears several episodes in. As an afterthought.

  • The Americans don't seem to have fishing gear provided. Danes get a net - since fishing pretty much is the only source of food in Scandinavian versions.

  • We see that the Americans tap out (make the call). In the Danish version, there always is a cut between 2-3 people and the boat, so we have to guess who tapped out.

  • The Americans are super prepared and have skills. The Danish version often is "let's see what happens, I can win this because I once slept in a shelter in Denmark".

  • The American version contains various facts about plants, nutrition, wildlife etc that makes the show interesting.

  • The Americans often make a fire on the beach. Probably due to fire risk ?

Now, I am curious how the Danish (or others) are versioned for the American / Australian viewers: is it just a subtitled raw edit from Danish TV, or are there English language headlines, background etc ? Is the Danish version censored for "dirty words" and the occational naked butt view ? (it is not censored in Denmark).

The pace of editing and camera work almost makes it seem like two different rulebooks.

08:11 UTC


I want to see this dude on Alone.

05:56 UTC


Runner-ups finding out they were one away from winning

Have they ever shown a runner-up contestant being told they were one away from winning? Or interviewed them about it once they found out? Seems like knowing you were one away would be extra hard!

03:17 UTC


Why go into this if youā€™re going to miss your family and loved ones?

Just about every Alone contestant struggles with leaving family and loved ones behind. Well dogh! Of course youā€™re going to miss them and struggle mentally having been so long away from them for months. And hunger, as we all know makes it far worse. About the only contestant that almost won and could go for months or years was Callie North from Alone US season 3. She already lives alone and off the grid. She was innovative too with her day sauna hut idea and more. But I get the feeling the producers choose people with baggage because they know they will fold right about day 60 at the most.ā€

02:55 UTC


Fun discussion

Who wins a hypothetical season of the survival experts on tv? Les stroud Cody lundin Matt graham Josh James and all the military guys from dual survival(Grady would be the only one I would have any confidence in) and then add In woniya and Callie Russell. Me personally Matt Graham comes out on top narrowly.

15:26 UTC


Screenshot from Hulu (USA) upon opening episode to watch, but nothing to be found online. Weird.

00:31 UTC


June 2024 new season???

I am in the US, I turned on season 5 on Hulu to rewatch and at the start there was a screen that simply said, new season June 13, 2024 I feel like I am losing my mind as I cannot find any reference anywhere to this. Any intel on this???

00:34 UTC


Alone Australia S02E05 Episode Discussion Thread šŸØ

09:33 UTC


Alone: Comedians

Most contestants aren't particularly entertaining.

Solution: Gather some famous comedians or actors, teach them survival skills for a few weeks and off they go. Bill Burr, Jimmy Carr, Conan, Nick Offerman... Who would you like to see?

06:07 UTC


I wish the producers would.

Plonk the contestants down somewhere with reasonable amounts of food (hunt/fish/gather) and give us a showcase of bushcraft and woodland ingenuity instead if just...endless, unsuccessful fishing and starvation.

I mean, I've been in places before where I caught several fish in an hour, so...such places exist.

02:38 UTC


Something Iā€™ve always wondered

Are contestants allowed to bring medicine or otherā€¦recreationalā€¦hobbies?

As a stoner myself whoā€™s very much into lighting up in the wilderness, Iā€™ve always wondered this. Iā€™d imagine illegal substances are still very illegal, but what about something like that?

Or even regular prescriptions that someone may need, how would they manage that without knowing how long theyā€™d be gone or their state of health?

15:54 UTC



I mean, it's half a million dollars and they are not taken to the moon, but Canada. Also, there's no camera crew.

Shouldn't be too difficult nor expensive to organize some sort of outside aid to win the thing, even though they do need to lose a lot of weight to appear legit. And like 3/4 of them have some sort of survival school or whatnot, meaning they know people who could easily come up with a way and do find them once they're unloaded to their "secret" location.

I just wonder why nobody's tried it yet.

05:13 UTC


What are your favorite winner moments?

Watching Jordan win season 6, his wife tackling him in his shelter and calling him wild, probably my favorite.

22:11 UTC


Would they masturbate?

Please hear me out. I know this is a crass question to ask, but masturbation is known to help release anxiety, stress and depression. Do you think to beat boredom some of them have masturbated? Off camera of course.

09:53 UTC

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