
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit for owners or prospective owners of the beautiful Airedale Terrier. Post Pictures of your furry friend, talk about behavior, or just discuss the breed in general.

A subreddit for owners or prospective owners of the beautiful Airedale Terrier. Post Pictures of your furry friend, talk about behavior, or just discuss the breed in general.

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Stripping & coat health

Hi! This is my foster pup. I am hoping to hand strip her and give her coat the best chance it’s got (I have some experience, I’ll be rolling it) but I was wondering if for collar I should do rolled leather or just leather is fine? I have biothane on her right now because it’s easy to sanitize but it eats up coat and the breakage is nuts so I don’t want to use it long term. She doesn’t wear a collar in the house just outside and for training. I did order her some that have a fluffy minky lining too.

14:43 UTC


Best big brother ever.

Henry w

02:42 UTC


Homie number A

19:58 UTC


Can I teach her to sit in the car?

Rowena’s nearly 2. She LOVES the car. Problem is: she refuses to sit down! I’ve been unsuccessful trying to get her to jump in my SUV through the side door into the back seat. You all know how impossible an ADT can be to move when it doesn’t want to do what you want. They turn into lead.

Does anyone have any advice on how I can a) get her into the seat instead of the back, and b) teach her to sit?

(Also, I’m not going to put her in a cage, she’s clearly not sitting because it scares her for whatever reason. She’s never been thrown around in a car, I drive like a nervous grandma with her on board.)

05:54 UTC


Life with cats and dales

The worst thing about commandeering the best seat in the house is having the cat passive aggressively reminding you that you’re sitting in the best seat in the house.

16:44 UTC


Want fries but I'm comfy

1 Comment
22:39 UTC


All day, every day

We need a ChuckIt sponsorship over here!

1 Comment
16:58 UTC


Pillow pals

Airedale Jill and Welsh Missy sharing the prized corner of the couch.

15:38 UTC

08:49 UTC



Is 16 weeks too late to try to set these correctly? They’re not awful, but she juuuust came into my care and I’d like to give her a correct button ear if possible. Thank you!

06:47 UTC


Auggie and his crazy hair

He’s almost 4 months old! You guys weren’t kidding, Airedales aren’t for the faint of heart! 😅 He’s got a HUGE, hilarious personality. It’s been a wild ride so far!

22:40 UTC


Can you explain Airedale grooming like I'm five?

Hey everyone!

I’m a new Airedale Terrier owner and could use some advice on grooming my 3-month-old puppy. He's a house dog living with me in the city, so I’m leaning towards clipping instead of hand stripping since he's not a show dog. I’ve got a few questions and would love some guidance from experienced Airedale owners!

Here’s what I’m wondering:

  1. Brushing and Bathing: How often should I brush and bathe my puppy? I've read that some people only bathe their Airedales every few months, but I prefer keeping him clean since he relaxes in bed with me sometimes. Is it okay to bathe him more frequently without causing skin issues? What's a good brushing routine?
  2. Clipping vs. Hand Stripping: I’m aiming for a longer, fluffier coat, especially since I live in a hot and humid climate. I’ve read that clipping can give a softer, lighter coat and might even lighten the color to a greyish or blonde, while hand stripping keeps the coat dense and maintains the deep orange and black. Is this true? When should I first clip my puppy, and how often should I take him to the groomer for this look?
  3. Coat Maintenance Between Grooming Sessions: What should I do to keep his coat fluffy and clean between grooming sessions? Are there specific products or techniques to manage shedding or dead hair, especially if I want that fluffy look?
  4. Diet and Coat Health: Does diet affect the texture and health of an Airedale’s coat? Are there any specific foods or supplements that would help maintain a healthy, fluffy coat?
  5. Grooming Frequency as He Grows: Does the grooming frequency change as he grows? Should I expect to groom him more or less often as he transitions from puppyhood to adulthood?

I want to make sure I'm doing everything right to keep my pup happy and healthy, especially in this hot climate. Any advice, tips, or tricks would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance for your help!

00:28 UTC


How to avoid a nippy terrier?

I have had two amazing Airedales and I’m looking to get another puppy now that my last good boy passed away in January this year. My first was big and docile and lived with his “brother” a Wirehaired Fox Terrier (more dominant) and I never heard him growl let alone nip or bite. My second was very anxiously attached to me in particular, terrified of storms, didn’t like strangers on our property etc and got bad-tempered at times, he nipped at me on several occasions and I didn’t trust him around children, and yet he was perfect around other dogs. I really want to avoid having another dog that I have an underlying worry that they might misbehave, does anyone have any ideas around this? Is it down to breeding, something I did with training? I’d love to hear from some experienced Airedale owners! I am looking at some 4 month old puppies who are still with Mum and Dad on a farm nearby, I know I can ask the breeder, but I feel like they will just say what I want to hear. Thanks!

17:08 UTC


Beau's summer cut

Here's how i do a summer cut. Wash & dry first. Much easier to cut when he's clean and fluffy. I use clippers & scissors to blend. Body & undercarriage cut short, real short, like a 7-10 depending on when and how hot it is. I think this was a 9. Neck same as body. I trim the beard shorter than i should, but gotta keep the water off the floor somehow, plus a shorter beard is a cleaner beard. I get tired of pulling sticks, limbs, squirrels out of a long beard. Hind quarters are a tad shorter than legs. Legs are 3-4, i just trim and clean them up. I find the look is better with longer legs, blended into the quarters. Body scissor'd into quarters. A nice butt trim blended to the feathers. Then just clean-up to taste afterwards.

This is not professional or show quality, i have no idea how to hand strip and have no plans to learn how. I just can't afford $150 to have my boy get a haircut every 4 months. Plus, this is a good way to get back at him for all the pranks he pulls on me!

I use an Oster clipper (corded is the only way to go), i also bought a cheap battery powered clipper off amazon for touch up work. I use good scissors, straight & curved. The higher quality scissors last longer and cut better.

I wash my dog at the local DIY dog parlor for $20, they have all the gear (tub, towels, swearing rags, dryer, etc). I then take fluffy home and spend the next couple hours grooming away. I find that he's much more relaxed during the process and after, it's also a great way to spend a little time with him. I'll often take breaks, for both of us, then go back to it. Just saying there's no schedule, although at times he'll look like an outpatient depending on where we leave off. In the end, he looks pretty good. My goal is he's comfortable during the heat of the summer, and the girls don't laugh at him too much.

It didn't take too long to learn how to do it, the first couple times was a little dicey, but frankly Beau didn't give a sh&t how he looked, and it was easy to blame it on the cat. Clippers & Scissors paid for themselves within a groom or two, now it's just $$ in my pocket and well worth the time.

FYI - PetSmart will wash & dry your dog for $35 if you're not into getting soaked at the local dog wash. They'll also brush him and clean his ears. This is really a bargain. The other alternative is throw him in the back of the truck and run him through the car wash, although i don't recommend that.

I hope this helps anyone interested in grooming their airehead, it's well worth the time & money to do it and quite enjoyable in the end. Feel free to ask any questions or make any suggestions.

Best to all and prayers for the dog!


01:23 UTC


Recent Airedale Haircut: Does it look good?

I don’t know if this is a decent haircut if not? I’m used of his long hair and maybe this haircut is just throwing me off. Does he look good?

00:01 UTC



20:23 UTC



A woman I see when I am out walking my dog sent me this link. Is anyone familiar with Electronic the Airedale?

20:07 UTC


Crying and stubborn


I have been going out with an Airdale for a while now, the owner says he is very stubborn and other dogwalkers failed to lead him.

I have managed to control him through the slip lead, however he still has that stubborn behaviour of not wanting to walk whenever.

Also, if I were to sit for 15 min, he would "cry" out loud, anyone got tips of best way to behave when he cries? I need to teach him to be more patient.

11:37 UTC


Blossoming friendship

Airedale Jill with Welshie Missy. We play hard and sleep hard.

17:56 UTC


Barnaby in full King of Terriers pose (just hit 5 months)

Yes, we have given up on the floppy eared dream.

17:22 UTC

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