Welcome to r/aiArt ! A community focused on the generation and use of visual, digital art using AI assistants such as Wombo Dream, Starryai, NightCafe, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, and more.
Rules for r/aiArt
1. Share your original SFW images made using generative AI
This is the sub for original AI artwork. Low effort posts may be removed.
2. We're an "E for everyone" sub. Posts must be SFW. No gore. No porn. Do not post NSFW/NSFL images.
Do not post sexually suggestive or horrific imagery. Other AI subreddits have been set up for your daily dose of nightmare fuel or NSFW. Post horror to r/synthetichorror. And there are a bunch of other NSFW ai subs.
3. Use flair that best matches the content
When posting artwork you must use the flair for the AI generator you used. If it isn't listed, edit the "Other" flair.
4. Reddit TOS forbids copyright infringement. Don't post images that violate an artist's IP.
5. Be kind. Be civil. Be human.
Please be kind and constructive to others in the sub. Critiques are welcome but no personal attacks are allowed. Keep it civil. Keep it positive. We’re here to create, learn and enjoy AI artwork. Review the general Reddiquette or message a moderator with any questions or concerns.
6. No Deepfakes
Posts designed to use famous peoples likeness to cause drama, are prohibited. Also, please be aware of right of publicity. If you think it might not be allowed, it probably isn't.
7. No Ai Art bashing, toxic comments or posts. We're here to enjoy art.
While we welcome healthy dialogue regarding ai art and what it means for art and industry, blanket statements like "ai art is theft!" are designed to provoke, are unhelpful and will be removed.
Discussion that becomes heated or toxic will be locked by moderators, repeat offenders will be permanently removed from the group.
8. No advertising/self-promotion/spam.
You can self-promote only in our "self-promotion thread," available here: https://www.reddit.com/r/aiArt/comments/1040fpe/ongoing_selfpromotion_thread_promote_your/
9. No selling of any kind.
Attempting to sell services, invites or anything involving trade or money will result in an immediate ban for violators.
10. No doxing!
If you come across your creation on another site, without accreditation. Let the mod team here know, we are reaching out to administration with your complaint. Do not, under any circumstance, start posting anyone's name, home address, phone number etc. This is doxing and not allowed at all. Read more about doxing here, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doxing
11. Generative AI video should go to the r/aivideo sub.
12. For more Ai Art support, please see r/DefendingAIArt and for more debate see r/AiWars
For more ai art support, please visit https://www.reddit.com/r/DefendingAIArt/ , to more ai art debate, please visit https://www.reddit.com/r/AiWars/
I don’t want to spark debate about ai vs regular art, but why aren’t there more efforts to integrate AI into teaching people how to draw more?
Would be an absolute banger moment if someone redrew this but I highly doubt it. Feel free to say stuff about this ig
So I m seeing some videos of people with their footage, that end up being heavily AI edited (completely changing the vibe), and I was wandering what AI platforms do that. I tried Luna and Runaway but they both let you input 1-2 photos only.
An example:
Smaugust 2024 Day 24
When I generate many images on the same day, I often get this blocking me (I have no ongoing creations). Even when I wait a long time, it doesn't disappear, I really have to wait a looootttt of time to be able to create images again. I am the only one who gets this? How can I fix it? It's fucking annoying cuz I was creating stunning omages and it appeared all of a sudden
Delete if not allowed. Can someone more in tune with AI art generate an image of a PC case that looks like the infinity castle from Demon Slayer on the inside of the case for me please? Thanks in advance!
with the brouhaha regarding how midjourney steals artists works without clear compensations or acknowledging the use of real artists works...
i realised , after a series of alleged breaches of usage, how midjourney's action througout as a company is based on:
Scam-Like Behavior: The supplier's actions continue to exhibit characteristics of scam-like behavior, including deceptive practices and a predatory approach to business.
Ethical and Legal Concerns: The superficial review process, which almost never leads to a reversal of the ban, combined with the refusal to offer refunds, highlights significant ethical and legal concerns. The practice of banning users without clear cause, especially so soon after payment, without providing a legitimate avenue for recourse or refunds, reinforces the perception of the company engaging in deceptive and exploitative behavior.
Here i want to argue and describe the Midjourney's actions as deceptive and unethical, with their business practices potentially falling under scam-like behavior due to the lack of meaningful recourse, the finality of the ban decisions, and the refusal to provide refunds.
am i the only one seeing a pattern here?
The word warren in green capital letters,A la Dubréc,Close-up of transparent face,Image of jungle mountains in the foreground,(Multiple exposure:1.8),Intricate illustrations in a surrealist art style,Surreal dreams