ABCDesis (Abroad-Born Confused Desis) is a place for members of the South Asian diaspora who were raised outside of South Asia to share their experiences and be a part of the collective global Desi diaspora community.
Our purpose at /r/ABCDesis is to foster a sense of community among the South Asian diaspora.
While this subreddit has been named 'ABCDesis', commonly used as an abbreviation for American Born Confused Desi, this subreddit is for ALL people of South Asian heritage who have migrated away from South Asia, no matter how many generations ago.
This subreddit is also for anyone who is not of South Asian heritage and those that still reside in South Asia to gain a perspective into the lives of South Asians who have migrated abroad. We just ask that you respect the community it is intended for in how you discuss and interact.
Thank you and please enjoy your visit!
[1] — posted every 1st and 3rd Tuesday
[2] — an ‘introduce yourself’ thread will be posted during the first week of each month
Click here to see our wiki for more detailed info about /r/ABCDesis, including our Crisis Resources list and other original material, community-sourced info, and related subreddits.
While the origin of ABCD has the "C" standing in for "confused", we've chosen to leave its interpretation up to our members. Confused or Confident. Charismatic, Creative, or Cunning, we are what we make of ourselves and every experience is different.
1. No Bigotry
No racism, casteism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. This also extends to toxic nationalism and/or clan/tribe as well as discrimination against religion. If in doubt, remember to always be civil, even in your disagreements.
2. Keep It Civil
No matter how correct you may (or may not) be in your discussion or argument, if the post is insulting, it will be removed with potential further penalties. Remember to keep civil at all times. We also have zero tolerance for doxxing.
3. No Trolling/Brigading
This includes topics such as toxic masculinity, white worshiping discussions, religious slander, 'FOBs' vs 'ABCDs' topics. Brigading from hate subs will also result in bans.
4. No Low Effort/Repetitive Posts
Posts that require little effort such as a simple meme or posts where the discussion has already been posted recently and has garnered attention will be removed.
5. Relationship or Family Related Posts On Weekly Thread
Any dating/relationship/family related questions should be on the weekly threads in order to prevent clutter. Threads that are created outside of these will be removed without a valid explanation to the mod team beforehand.
6. No Misleading Submission Titles
Submission titles of web pieces must be comprised only of the copied and pasted headline of the piece, a continuous quote taken from the piece, or both the headline and a continuous quote taken from the piece. Submission titles should provide clarity.
7. No Discussion of South Asian Politics
No discussion of South Asian politics. Topics or comments that fall into political discussions of issues current/past in South Asian countries will be removed as they are not relevant to the primary demographic of this community. Discussion of diaspora politics that are relevant to the Desi community are permitted. Topics that may be based in South Asia but deal or can be linked with the South Asian diaspora directly are allowed provided it does not break any of the other rules.
8. No Advertising Without Mod Approval
If you would like to advertise a survey, your own media creation, or anything else, please seek approval from the Mod team before posting. Submissions without prior approval will be removed. If your submission comes through the Modqueue, it will be assessed there.
9. Reddit Content Policy
Violations of Reddit's Content Policy are not allowed, and may result in a ban from both this sub and Reddit. Reddit Content Policy rules include (but are not limited to): no spamming or ban evasion; no revealing personal or confidential information; no sexual or suggestive content involving minors; and no linking or sharing of illegal content.
1. Don’t link to porn.
2. Use link flairs when possible. They help draw wanted attention to your posts.
3. Use the No Participation domain when directing to other comment threads on reddit.
**4. Only post about dating, relationship, and family issues in the weekly threads. However, moderators will make exceptions for time-sensitive situations if communicated prior.
Credit to user /u/ck2875 for the subreddit design; Sidebar images from instagram users: hatecopy, RajPattanam, cheekybillo, mari_young_park and parvati_pillai.
Hey guys!
So I just got published on the Medium in a publication called Fourth Wave :)
The story is a first hand account of me (an Indian girl) and how racism and sexism intersect in my experiences. I hope to bring more awareness to these issues.
Would love to know if any of you can relate, or what you think! Was hoping to start a discussion.
Hey guys,
My first language is Urdu and I learned how to make gh, bh, dh, jh sounds from childhood. However, a lot of ABCDs who learned Urdu later on in life are not able to make these sounds. My hussband’s first language is Punjabi and he struggles to make these sounds as I don’t think they are prevalent in Punjabi.
Here are some examples of the sounds that I am talking about
ghar bharat dharam jhooth
I don’t think there are any English words with these sounds. Do you guys struggle to pronounce these words correctly ?
Hi everyone,
I wanted to inform you of my rare book and paper business, Peek-a-Book Rare Books & Ephemera. It is, as far as I'm aware, the only South Asian American-owned rare book business and it is also, as far as I know, the only specialist in South Asian American historical documents. We operate by mail-order catalogs, direct offers, and we are hoping to make some inroads through social media. Our goal is to show that South Asian American historical documents have just as much inherent interest as documents by East Asian Americans and African Americans. To that end, we catalog all of our items extensively, and are happy to direct readers to resources where they can learn more.
If you are interested, you can access my site here: Peek-a-Book Rare Books & Ephemera. Feel free to drop me a line on reddit or at the email listed on my contact page. I am working on optimizing my site's view-ability on phones, but for now, everyone can find downloadable pdfs of my catalogs on the "Catalogs" page.
Hope this gives rise to some fruitful discussions!
Hi everyone,
My husband, our 8-month-old baby, and I are planning a trip to New Delhi from Canada to visit my husband's grandmother so she can meet her great-grandson. She’s quite elderly, and it’s important to us that they meet.
My in-laws want us to travel with them at the end of January, but the end of February might be better since the baby is still so young, and the weather and pollution are usually more manageable then.
As you can imagine, my in-laws think we should follow their plan, but I want to make the safest and most comfortable decision for my baby.
Has anyone travelled to New Delhi around January or February? How do the weather and pollution compare between late January/early February and late February/early March? I’d appreciate your advice!
I feel like the only posts here are about racism, things in India, Canadian gangsters, and migrants. Things this sub wasn't meant for.
Having visited the UK a few times, I've only had good experiences from locals generally. I always get random people coming to chat with me and somehow I have never felt like an outsider there. Was sharing with my Asian friend about this and she said she has faced racism there...and she feels I had good experiences there because I was able to blend in better. I told her to elaborate and she said, "many locals there are Indian too". Wasn't sure what to reply to her...I was treated well by people from other ethnicities too and it never dawned on me that it was because there were a lot of brown people there.
Also lived in neighborhoods where there were barely any Desis...was still treated well by both the young and old...people of all backgrounds. My friend's statement makes no sense...should people not be treated with respect regardless of whether a city has a high population of their specific ethnicity? What would you have replied my friend in my shoes?
hi, i’m new to the city and looking to go to this standup show with bangla people if anyone’s interested on bangladesh victory day. I’d love some company. Comment or PM me.
Dec 16, 7pm at Sugar Mouse
Just something I was thinking about. Do darker desis face more discrimination than lighter desis….or skin tone doesn’t make a difference?
Has anyone bought eSIM from them for use in India?
I have Verizon and too expensive to buy their travel passes.
Yay for Trump appointing so many ABCD’s
Hey everyone, I’d like your thoughts on something. I grew up in the U.S. since I was around 10, did most of my schooling and college here, and later spent some time in India before coming back. I have an accent, and while it doesn’t bother me (I think I speak clearly), I get a lot of questions about it—especially from Indian people, both recent immigrants and ABCDs.
They ask, “Why do you have an accent if you grew up here?” Americans rarely bring it up, but Indians seem to always ask. I don’t want to dive into my whole life story when they ask, and honestly, it’s frustrating. I know everyone’s unique and not everyone fits the “typical” mold, but I’m stuck on how to reply without sounding rude.
How would you handle it? Or why do you think people fixate on accents so much?
Ya ya i fucking know this subreddit doesn't like any such call to action, i saw the poor post yesterday asking us to unite and fight against racism towards south Asians, get hate for doing something admirable. But idc, it needs to be said. There are so many of popular racist posts against us like that gross racist post on r / overworked. Most Indians dont give enough of a damn or are scared to respond back on those posts. Even if you're right that it won't change a lot, it will change the narrative a bit when gullible idiots who would otherwise subscribe to racist misinfo against us, - when they see someone to fight back against it, will think twice before subscribing to the false narratives. some of those racists won't be so directly conformable sharing those opinions about us when they realize we exist in the thread either. Enough of this passive bulshit.
At 27, as an attorney with most major life milestones already checked off, I’ve reached the age where my pxrents are eager for me to settle down. I don’t currently have anyone I’m interested in enough to marry, so I’ve agreed to let them use Shaadi.com. Honestly, their standards for me are probably higher than mine anyway, so why not?
(Using shaadi dot com just so it wouldn’t link the actual website here lol)
The research paper goes into a lot of detail.
"Anti-Hindu disinformation is masked through the use of ethnic pejoratives, slurs and coded language". Increase in use of Pajeet across social media.
Key findings -
Surge in derogatory posts toward Hindus across social media platforms. Instances of anti-Hindu memes, hashtags and slogans across Twitter.
Previous analysis shows that extremist content targeting specific vulnerable communities on social media are upstream predictors of real world violence against those communities.
Evidence of Iranian trolls disseminating anti-Hindu stereotypes to inflame divisions.
Curious if anyone else who is abd has siblings who act more fob (sorry - is there a better term than this?:) than abd. My sister grew up in India until middle school but is mostly fob in her outlook ( bringing the same biases and competitiveness), interests and social circle
Of course she’s still my sister and we have a basic love and respect, but there’s still a divide. I get looked down on (holier than thou kind of attitude) from time to time and it’s nice to have a shared experience with you siblings (but often not the case). I’m perfectly happy with myself and not insecure about it, just curious if it’s common
The weekly relationship thread for all topics related to the bravest pursuit of all - love. This thread will be automatically posted every Sunday @ 5:00 A.M (UTC -5). All other dating or relationship based posts during the week will be removed and redirected to this thread.
This thread is a place to share your stories, ask for advice, or vent about issues. Or anything in between!
This movie looks amazing! Looks highly inspired by Studio Ghibli. This is the kind of news we need more.