Memes for people who have tried garlic bread.
Memes for people who have tried garlic bread.
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Some of my friends are quite the promiscuous bunch, and I swear, hearing them talk about what they get up to when theyāre out and about makes me feel like Iām a completely different species. Iām still in shock about the things they told me.š
I LITERALLY FUCKIN CANāT RN!! Sorry abt the caps, but I srsly canāt!! I live in a dorm, and this year and LAST YEAR I HAD HORNY ASS NEIGHBORS THAT DID NOTHING BUT THE DEVILāS TANGOOOOO!! I did everything in my power last year, but honestly, this year I do have more patience and shit, but Iām only human. Why, just WHY does the ACE have to deal w this shit!? Is this what I have to look forward to when I get into a real apartment!? Is this a ānormal thingā to do in partnerships, is to just fuck all the time!? No honestly, I know that might come off as funny, but itās a genuine question also. Iāve never been in a romantic relationship, so I have no clue what the normal definition is when it comes to physical relations, if ur pickin up what Iām layin down. Wines I just needed to scream that shit into some void real quick! Not really into ranting online, but I just COULDNāT take it anymore!!!šš®āšØš©š©š
I feel like I am officially part of the club now š
(Although, I still think I like cake better)
I should really start an Asexual bar where the main priority will be fire safety and the menu will consist mostly of garlic bread. (If you want asexual cake you can go to my asexual baking down the street)
Funny ace pride sticker
I hope all of you enjoy this song I had one problem while i was writing the song I writed shirt instead of shit but that's what makes my music unique
Now, I know some people are going to whack me with the "Music has always been sexual" type of comments, but I can't be the only one who's noticing that today's mainstream music has been getting increasingly raunchier over the decades.
As someone who happens to be a black stripe asexual, I never really understood why countless people who dominate today's music find sexual stuff so satisfying that they feel that it's so necessary to sing about it. A growing frequency of them singing about genitals and/or direct references to sexual intercourse, too.
Is anyone else feeling frustrated about this?