It’s so wholesome in here :)
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Today, while in a cab, I stopped at a red light and witnessed something truly heartwarming in just under five minutes.
An elderly woman, likely a street vendor, stood by the roadside when a well-dressed man approached her and touched her feet as a way of paying respect in our Indian culture. That’s what caught my attention. He asked where she had been, mentioning that he had been looking for her elsewhere. Then, with genuine concern, he inquired about her well-being and whether she had everything she needed.
I then noticed that both her feet were in bandages and covered with shoes, indicating that a dressing had been done. The man gestured toward her feet and asked if she was okay, to which she reassured him that she was fine and thanked him. Before leaving, he touched her feet once again, asking for her blessings. She placed both her hands on his head and wholeheartedly blessed him.
In a world where so much is done for likes and content, this moment felt incredibly pure. No cameras, no audience—just a simple, powerful exchange of kindness and respect. It left my eyes wet for a moment because I could truly feel the warmth in it.
I don’t have any video proof, just this moment that I witnessed—and that was enough.
Mooch is illegally cute
Essence: Eleven years ago, I had a chance encounter with girl at Metro Station. We talked for hours, a connection that felt effortless, but when the night ended, we parted without sharing names or numbers. Despite the brief encounter, she lingered in my thoughts, a bittersweet memory that I couldn’t shake. I never expected to see her again.
Eleven Years Later: Then, today, I saw her. In a café in my hometown [Chandigarh]. Fate, coincidence, or something more? I wasn’t sure, but there she was—looking as familiar as ever, yet changed, just as I had. I wasn’t the same person I was back then, and neither was she. Still, in that instant, I recognized her, and my heart raced.
She didn’t notice me at first, lost in her thoughts. But when her eyes finally met mine, confusion crossed her face, followed by recognition.
“Oh my God,” she whispered, her voice filled with disbelief.
I smiled, amused. “Took you long enough.”
We exchanged names for the first time, something we hadn’t done all those years ago. Saying them aloud felt like reclaiming something we didn’t even realize we’d lost. It was strange, yet comforting.
I offered her a brownie with chocolate ice cream, just like we shared eleven years ago. She laughed, soft and warm, like nothing had changed. “You remember?”
“How could I forget? It's the only thing we shared last time.” I replied, watching her eyes light up the same way they had that night.
We spoke for hours, the conversation flowing like we’d never been apart. She was a psychologist now, working at PGI Hospital, and I had buried myself in corporate life. But one thing hadn’t changed: the book I had always dreamed of writing, that I’d never finished. She raised an eyebrow.
“You never finished it?”
I met her gaze, feeling the weight of all that time. “Maybe I couldn’t finish it because I didn’t have my muse.”
She flushed slightly, biting her lip. She knew exactly what I meant.
She blushed, knowing exactly what I meant. We both confessed our regret from that night years ago, how we had wanted to exchange numbers but had been too shy.
Not this time. We finally exchanged numbers, decided to connect over call and make a plan to meet soon next week.
As night began to fall, there was an unspoken understanding between us. When she stood to leave, there was a hesitation, something unspoken hanging in the air.
We walked to her car, and as the moonlight spilled over her, I realized she was even more beautiful than I remembered.
"I guess this is me." She said unlocking the car. She turned to me, her expression unreadable. Then, quietly, she stepped closer.
She smiled. “Isn't this your birthday month.” Before I could say anything, she leaned in and—soft as a whisper—kissed my cheek.
My breath caught. She pulled away slowly, her eyes searching mine. And then, barely above a whisper— “Happy birthday.”
I swallowed. Hard. “Thanks,” I said, my voice rougher than I intended.
I stood there, stunned, as she drove away. Astro tugged at his leash, breaking the spell. “You won’t believe how it all started,” I murmured, chuckling as we walked back home.
This time, there was no goodbye. May be a beginning.
TL;DR: Met her after Eleven years in a different city. A Reconnection in the Unexpected. Serendipity
Hope you have a great day!
Big Momma & Mr. Jenkins look more like twins than mom and son.
My love mentioned in passing that she has always wanted to learn the piano. So I did some research, and found the best digital piano (within my budget) and surprised her! She has been practicing ever since, and getting better everyday!
’m a Scottish woman in Scotland sat at my kitchen table, eating Indian food, watching on an American designed phone assembled in China, a Dutch woman on a Japanese motorbike (built by a German man), riding around Iraq. Isn’t it funny how small and connected our world really is!
So I’ve never been good at art, and for my art class free project I decided to try my hardest and produce the best piece of art I’ve ever made. She loves Kirby and I decided to make it with air dry clay, gonna give it to her on Monday 🫣🫣
I(18f) gave my friend(18f) a boquet of flowers. I had no reason to do so. I was just walking by a flower shop and thought ‘eh, Imma get her flowers’. I’ve only ever bought her flowers one time before. I then was talking to her girlfriend(16 gender fluid), who I am also very close friends with and I knew she wouldn’t care about me giving my other friend flowers, but I thought I would just double check right? So when I said “hey just checking, but you’re okay with me giving Avery(fake name) flowers, right?” Then she said “Yes, Avery deserves all the flowers in the world.” Which is absolute relationship goals tbh.
TL;DR: I (18f) randomly bought my friend (18f) flowers and wanted to check with her girlfriend (16, gender fluid) if it was okay. She said Avery deserves all the flowers in the world, which was relationship goals.
Mum has been in the hospital for quite a while , and she has been feeling very down - the hospital let dad bring her pupper actually in to her room for a visit! She was so happy (both mum and doggo!)
Mum’s dog isn’t a registered service dog or anything, so she doesn’t normally get to go places - but this was the ‘pick-me-up’ that mum needed , and made her heart happy ❤️
Now dad’s allowed to bring her to visit mum pretty much daily 🤗🥰
I just thought this was wholesome and thought I’d share.
I mentioned like a week ago that I wanted some pancakes. I also let her know that I was out of poptarts like a lot of weeks ago. I’m not saying this as a “she took forever to get it, ugh”, I’m saying it because I barely even thought about it myself and she went ahead and got both things… 🥹
I had a package delivered today and when I went to go grab it, saw that my delivery driver wrote this on the package! Checked my blink cam to watch the clip and he looked so happy. His compliment and joy made my day so much brighter! 😭 💖