A place for all things getting wasted. Want someone to make it for you? Check out /r/WastedGifRequests
GTA gifs and other video game / cartoon gifs are not allowed. Only submit live-action gifs that are converted to wasted gifs.
Submit converted gifs only... for requests, check out /r/WastedGifRequests.
Please try to avoid reposts. Reposts of recently submitted gifs or consistently reposted gifs will be removed.
Only gifs containing people (or animals) actually being "wasted" are permitted. "Wasted" means that they fall over and (at least through editing) must stay on the ground, or out of sight through the remainder of the gif. Gifs containing a person/animal who remains on their feet will be removed by the moderators.
Wasted gifs that are made by using wasted gif maker sites will be removed.
NSFW content should be tagged as such. Please, no overly-graphic content like porn, gore or death. Moderators will remove inappropriate submissions at their discretion.
There's a spoiler tag available under the 'flair' option, use it. If your post contains anything from a show or movie that could potentially spoil it for others, use this tag.
The mod team may remove posts/comments at their own discretion to maintain sub wellbeing.
Get the wasted font here. Credit goes to our man /u/bigjayrulez for telling us about the font site.
Attention! There are a variety of templates and tutorials available for use for making Wasted Gifs:
Photoshop - /u/BaconGristle uploaded a zip file containing of a PSD template and a notepad file with complete instructions here. In order to get the template for GTA V mini map, you need to go here.
GIMP - A way of creating gifs for here using GIMP. This tutorial simply goes through the process of making a GIF itself.
Premiere Pro - /u/er1c1996 has a text tutorial here. /u/Ad-dy has made a video showing this tutorial here. This method can also apply to most other video editors, and is useful when the source is a video.
Video Tutorial - /u/modestmouse89 uploaded a How to make wasted gifs tutorial. It's quick, easy and fun. Try it out.
Anything easier you know of? Let the Mods know!