
Photograph via snooOG

Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. The main attraction of 40k is the miniatures, but there are also many video games, board games, books, ect. that are all connected in the 40k universe. This subreddit is for anything and everything related to Warhammer 40k.


Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. The main attraction of 40k is the miniatures, but there are also many video games, board games, books, ect. that are all connected in the 40k universe. This subreddit for anything and everything related to Warhammer 40k


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  • Be respectful. Hate speech, trolling, disrespectful behaviour and aggressive behavior will not be tolerated.

  • DO NOT post full rules quotes from the BRB or Codexs, as we do not want any attention from GW Legal.

  • No political posts.

  • No Buying, Selling or Trading. Use /r/Miniswap. Please note this includes linking to your Patreon or Kickstarter or linking to, requesting or offering to share 3D Print Files (regardless of whether they are paid or free).

  • Low effort posts will be removed at moderators discretion. This includes spilled washes and posts not related to Games Workshop or Warhammer 40k

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The Moderator symbol will be shown next to the mod's username only if it is an announcement so if you see it, you may want to check it out. otherwise, we are all just people who enjoy the game.

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814,122 Subscribers


Advice for designing my chaos warband

I have a bare-bones lore idea for a warband. They started out as a loyalist chapter, who were sent to reclaim a former human world, colonised before old night, now infested with xenos. Unfortunately the fight proved harder than expected and the chapter suffered heavy casualties. Eventually they were forced to take refuge in the ruins of a long dead human city.

While exploring the ruins and under seige from the xenos, they discovered what they believed to be an ancient weapon from the dark age of technology. They were able to activate it and use its awesome firepower to turn the tide of the fighting and eradicate many of the xenos scum.

Delighted with their find they decided to keep the weapon, making it a chapter relic (I'm imagining them as a young chapter, eager to gain acclaim and relics of their own).

Unfortunately it was in fact a daemon engine, and the deamon living inside began to corrupt them. Gradually they become increasingly dependent on the daemon engine for the desperate and hard fighting they face, and eventually they start accepting its offers of greater power of they accept chaotic mutations and daemonic possession.

That's as far as I've got so far with their lore and wanted some advice.

First off, I'm bad at naming things and was wondering if there were suggestions for the name of the chapter, as well as some of the important characters such as the chapter master, the daemon engine itself and any other suggestions.

Second if anyone has suggestions for alignment to a specific god or if undivided works well.

Finally I'm not sure about colour schemes, and model suggestions. I'm not into the classic all-black look. In my head the chapter originally had a yellow and red scheme but maybe they've modified it as a result of their fall.

All comments appreciated

00:34 UTC


Tau Empire Questions

These are more so political/worldbuilding questions not tabletop ones. What do the tau plan on doing when humans inevitably outnumber every other species in the empire 1000 to 1? Are client species limited on where they can settle beyond their homeworld or can there be large settlements of kroot outside of Pech for instance? What's stopping the empire from using more advanced or powerful ai/robots, they don't know that this would bring a tech crusade down on their heads and it would offer a gargantuan advantage over everyone else even the necrons.

23:41 UTC


Free deathwing knight instruction?

So I got a the free deathwing knight mini of the month but it didn't come with the instructions to build it. I know it's not alot of parts but I'm new the hobby and am afraid I'll mess it up without the instructions.

Does anyone have a link or something to them?

23:19 UTC


New gold recipe for jump fist C&C welcome! (Sorry for the bad pics)

23:19 UTC


Sector Imperialis Administratum Box Colors?

I can't find any posts online about the paints used in this. The bronze is much darker than balthasar gold and the metal is much darker than leadbelcher (even with heavy shading). Does anyone have any idea what metals were used? Trying to replicate the look, but I'm not even close.


22:59 UTC


Needing two balanced armies...

I got the Kill Team BUT I already had the Boyz. What units/sets do I need to make it balanced but also keep it lore friendly? Obviously I dont want my Death Corps to team up with Berserkers or the Kroot, etc...

PS, if there is a way to make it balanced WITHOUT being forced to paint faces that would be great. Faces intimidate me.

22:39 UTC


Siege of Vraks HD Map image

Playing in the siege of Vraks campaign using 4th Ed 40K rules. Seeing if anyone has a HD image of the Vraks Map so I can get it blown up on a poster. Preferably the campaign map from the 3rd book. Thank you for your help.

22:32 UTC


Keeper of Secrets for my grimdark Be'Lakor army

22:32 UTC


Hi guys, I'm looking for tips on how I can weather this guy.

My usual alpha legion scheme is quite clean, I've done some really good weathering on other models, but I'm just completely stumped on how I can weather this glossy scheme, thanks for any help

21:48 UTC


New to Warhammer, Looking for Books!

Hi :) I very recently fell down the Warhammer 40k rabbit hole (the Astaartes fan animation started it for me). Since then I have watched an unhealthy amount of lore videos on youtube. I have no interest (at the moment) in the table top game, but I love reading. I would love to get some book recommendations. The Warhammer galaxy in fascinating and horrifying, and I love it. What books would be great for a newbie like me to start with?

1 Comment
21:44 UTC


And she's 90% done 🔥

21:43 UTC

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