An unofficial sub for content related to the Vocaloid Yuzuki Yukari produced by AH-Software and Vocalomarkets.
This is an unofficial subreddit about the Vocaloid Yuzuki Yukari produced by AH-Software and Vocalomarkets.
Here you can post art, songs, merchandise, and event info related to Yukari.
For a broader sub about all Vocaloids, see r/Vocaloid.
Follow basic reddit rules, and mind your manners. No discrimination or hate-speech.
Posts must in some way relate to Yuzuki Yukari. They do not have to be exclusively about Yukari, but must involve her somehow. Content not relating in any way to Yukari will be removed.
No advertising/plugging. If you want to advertise a discord server or other non-reddit thing then PM a mod first and ask for permission. Posts that ignore this rule will be removed.
EDIT April 13th 2023: You can NOT advertise your own merchandise or anything else without asking a mod first. Starting now, new violations of this rule will result in a ban.
Any NSFW posts must be marked as such. If you fail to flag a post as NSFW, a moderator will probably fix it when they notice.
Give credit to the owner(s) of content you post. Songs should have the producer's name in the post title or in a comment inside the post. Same goes for art. This rule won't be enforced as heavily for art as sometimes it is difficult to source art, but will be enforced for music. If you forget once or twice...that's fine. Just don't intentionally steal. Those caught blatantly attempting to claim another's works as their own will be immediately banned.
5b. Art-specific rule: If you don't know the source of the fan art, just say so in the comments or title.
Sort of an extension of rule 4, but please flair your posts after you make them. If you forget to do this, a moderator will probably fix it if they notice.
Rules will be expanded as needed.
Header image made by kakan(amka).
https://x.com/tecomalupepepe/status/1804336361220247634?s=19 (behind the scenes)
I wonder what it could be? 🤔
I love paramore. I managed to get Yukaris v4 banks. And I put them to use. Hope yall like it