A vintage t-shirt community
This community is centered around a beautiful thing: Thrifted Vintage Tee Shirts.
Please post pics of your thrift store/yard sale/estate sale finds as well as tips, tricks and any other relevant information!
Spot a dope tee in a movie? Screen shot it and post it!
Props if you make a living selling tees. We welcome photos linking to etsy profiles. Just don't over-do it. Imgur.com is preferred.
I hope everyone is doing amazing and is blessed! I will preface this post by saying I know a lot of people gatekeep their secrets in sourcing, but most of us are not in the same location so I am hoping someone will help a newbie out with some knowledge. I am just trying to find the best places to source and also, trying to figure out how to locate hoarder houses. I see a lot of people getting good finds from hoarder houses, but don’t know how to locate those. I currently source at the bins, racks, yard sales, online, and a few other places I have found locally. Thank you so much for any help you can provide
I have the yellow one, I'm just not sure how to go about putting it up.
Hi, I found like 100 tees brand new with tags for $2 each one. This is in a Mexican rag house when they used to manufacture many shirts, those ones are real ones and I think the store has like 500+ pieces on their storage, also has some with flaws and they selling each for $1.50. Im seriously thinking about buying all the storage, do you think is a good deal? Sometimes I wonder how many stuff is out there waiting to be discovered…
Early 90's heavy metal! The thrill of the thrift.....