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As the title suggests, I believe that ancient history significantly glamorized any numbers mentioned in stories.
History was always a class growing up I was fond of. It was literally stories you could learn about; but I always found myself completely disregarding any number that was mentioned. For example, a story could be about how the ancient Romans defeated X army which had Y number of deaths. It always seemed to me as historians always tried to one up themselves or the previous victory and quickly became unfathomable quantities.
I also found myself wondering how that many people could be alive back then and how such a large loss of population wouldn't devastate a civilization. Lastly, who was counting?! I do not care if it was deaths, general population, soldiers, ships, livestock, gold, so on and so on; numbers should never be taken seriously in historical context.
To clarify- things like WW1 and WW2 are different, more recent history, I take more seriously.
I really think the trick or treat tradition should be bring back because each year there is less and less people giving out candies.
Even does giving out candies don't decorate anymore. I even know some people with kids who don't wanna decorate and give out candies, but go out trick or treating with there kids in other neighborhoods. I think it's extremely selfish and this behavior should be punished by the kids in the neighborhood.
Everyone wants that BS job where you badge into your air conditioned office, send a few emails, teams meetings, and go home.
The thing is people coasted by for years on some BS middle management job that was not really necessary. Companies are seeing that and just streamlining.
My company just laid off 30 people and it was all random fluff positions that nobody could put a real value on.
You cant skate by anymore. If you don't have some real benefit to the job market then companies won't need you.
I’ve been traveling for work for a few years now and people tell me how lucky I am to be doing so. However, work trips aren’t vacations. I work all day the. Go back to my room and sleep. There’s usually never time to visit the city I am in or I have no interest in visiting that said city yet, every time people tell me how cool it is.
It’s lonely, I miss my family.
Everywhere (on social media and oitside) we constantly make fun of people asking dumb questions/being ridiculed/being generally low IQ and majority of people seems to think "they deserved X for being dumb". Which is absolutely nonsensical and in some situations almost evil standpoint.
Imagine a great morning and you wake up, craving for a cup of coffee. Everything of making a cup of coffee goes as normal as it can be but with one exception; you don't have to wait the water to boil in a kettle which kills the very vibe of making a cup of coffee.
Sure, it eases the job, but ain't it just better to use kettle to obtain hot water? It doesn't make any sense to me as to why anyone would pay a whole dispenser when you can just, wait for the kettle to boil up water.
For cold water though, you could just put some lukewarm water in a fridge, and wait. It might seem like a lot of work, but the result makes it rewarding. Apart from just dispensing it, why not make it?
Pretty sure the only reason this is unpopular is because of how few people have actually listened to Sabaton but what sounds better to you? The true story of soldiers in WW1 setting their weapons aside and coming together in the spirit of Christmas or what’s essentially a hallmark in song form? Besides Joakim Brodén doesn’t make annoying high pitched noises.
Uncharted is at it's core a show about food in different parts of the world. Gordon aligns with a local culinary superstar, explores the food of the land, hunts for ingredients and then shows what he's learned.
Bourdain talks about food in his program very tangentally and the show is mainly about the country, its politics and relationship to the US. Food and cooking is mainly a backdrop that loosely ties everything together.
Therefore, as a show about food, Uncharted is miles ahead of Parts Unknown (and to me has more entertainment value, but that's a pwrsonal preference).
Everyone is always so focused on belonging to society, following trends, wearing the right clothes, doing the right things. Cultural norms. No matter where you are.
But for partners... something has to "click", without any effort. And you just have to be "right" somehow.
If you're willing to change for strangers, you should be just as willing to change for somebody you love.
More details:
Considering common dealbreakers
Sexual wants/preferences, Your food choices
Attractiveness/Lust on first sight (attractiveness comes through gradual interest)
Changing habits when living together (no... most people won't)
Learning to love them again when interest fades (no... most people don't)
Picking up new hobbies for each other (you know what I'm going to say...)
Wearing clothes your partner likes instead of following trends (not lingerie)
And - not everybody changes their last name
If it was normal...
dating would not be an issue, which it is
divorces would not be an issue, which they are
and imagine how your own life would be different!!
How adapting to society is normal...
adapting to parents is normal and in many cultures they can choose your partner
always following rules, laws, trends. even job choices are simply based on what pays
if you travel somewhere, you adapt their cultural habits - for people you don't know
Someone mentioned it sounds like "molding" their partner...
your country "molds" your parents which then become your family. your family "molds" you when you're born. putting you into kindergarten or elementary school. which then "molds" you into a student sitting behind a desk. later they're "molding" you into a worker. so that your workplace can "mold" you into their employee.
And it's not like you're constantly around your partner.
Often you spend more time at work than around them.
40 hour work week?? but no 40 hour partner time week
(unless on vacation, but there's also overtime at work)
I think if you’re really attracted to someone who isn’t conventionally attractive then you won’t be able to tell that the person isn’t conventionally attractive. You will either not notice any qualities about the person that aren’t conventionally attractive, or perceive them in ways that make them seem conventionally attractive.
My entire feed is people complaining about Halloween. How few kids are out trick or treating this year, or lengthy posts asking to normalize giving candy to older teens and young adults, or rants about how nobody dresses up anymore. I saw a post with a ton of likes and support that basically said adults that dress up for Halloween are “making the world a better place” and “it doesn’t go unnoticed”. I choked laughing at that and when I couldn’t find a single negative comment, I knew I had an unpopular opinion.
People are expecting way too much and being so demanding! At best, this is a pointless holiday celebrating monster stuff. Worst, a celebration of greed and ego.
let me say first of all that I'm not a boxer at all, I started learning how to box at home because there wasn't any gym nearby at all, I shadowboxed , practiced with a heavy bag and increase my speed with weights , I was confident I could atleast hold up myself against someone in sparring, I went to a different city for 1 week and during that week I found a gym and went for a trial class, I had good technique on punching because I was rotating my hips and all that but when a 15yr asked me to spar at the time (I was 17) , I happily accepted and told him to take it easy , suddenly all the training I did went out the window , I kept putting my hands up only because it was so hard to see where he was punching ,I couldn't even land some decent punches except some jabs and went home with a 2 week headache , that's why shadowboxing is absolutely useless , you need to practice with someone who gives you pressure because in a real fight confusion is your worst enemy
I said what I said. Snickers is ok but lapped by almost every other candy bar. And everyone gives it out probably for some Midwestern reason. It's not bad, it's just not exciting. Like, if I'm craving sugar and it's the only option, I'll be thrilled, but if there's good stuff, Snickers is gonna be hanging out with the palmer's chocolate and the peanut butter taffy stuff.
Edit: this must either be a popular opinion or I've triggered people into downvoting a truly unpopular opinion.
And to clarify, I am an adult who does not pass out Snickers, not a trick or treater
Joker 2 Wasn’t That Bad—But the Musical Element Was a Mistake!
I just watched “Joker 2,” and it wasn’t as terrible as people claim. Joaquin Phoenix nailed the role, but making it a musical was a huge miscalculation. It felt forced and took away from the original film’s dark vibe. I think they should have made the musical portion more manical in order to keep the vibe from the first movie. The movie wasn’t bad but it wasn’t as good as the first one which was absolutely amazing. What do you all think? Did the musical aspect ruin it for you, or did it add something new?
Exchanging gifts is dumb and a waste of money, putting up decorations feels like a chore, and Christmas songs are repetitive as hell. Thanksgiving is just a better version of Christmas because it's all the positives of Christmas (spending time with family and eating amazing food) and none of the bullshit. Also it's nice that Thanksgiving only lasts one day while Christmas feels like it lasts the entire month of December. Thanksgiving is the best holiday and Christmas is just the same thing with extra unfun steps.
Had to work a stressful workday, just to barely pay my bills. I didn’t celebrate Halloween. I didn’t hand out candy. I just felt numb this year. Halloween is just another money grab holiday for corporations. Why are we all faking smiles when we all literally are divided?
If Steph Curry played bowling instead of basketball he would bowl a 300 nearly every time. Shooting a three pointer looks way harder than getting a strike yet he’ll make 10 in a row all the time. He made 4 3-pointers in a row under pressure with the whole world watching this summer. He could bowl a 300 from the front lobby.
If any MLB pitcher practiced bowling the way they do pitching for 6 months, they’d win any competition. Throwing a curveball is hard and they do it perfectly all the time, under enormous pressure.
Everyone is quiet when you bowl. The shot is the same. There are no defenders. I couldn’t hit a 60 mph pitch to save my life, but I’ve bowled a Turkey while drunk several times.
When I watch, it just doesn’t seem that impressive. I don’t know what to even look for.
Honestly, the only holiday worth a damn in NA are: New Year, July 1st for Canada and July 4th for the US, Labor day, Nov 11, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. All the rest are pretty much pointless and are just excuses for people to get off work. There were only 4 holidays in the US in the beginning anyway.
Like "trick or treat" is basically a kid's version of "hand me your money or I will shoot."
Every year, each citizen should get 1000 provided they show good behavior and don't break any rules:
Don't steal or scam anyone else
Don't physically injure or murder another human being on purpose
Don't participate in animal cruelty or neglect
Maintain a clean criminal record
If any human being is caught breaking these rules, then they should be permanently taken off the benefit.
There's so much people hurting others, getting into fights, doing immoral and evil things. I'm sick of it. Society needs to give positive benefits to good people. However, because people are only given consequences if they get caught, it's contributing to so much evil, suffering and sickness in our world.
They’re almost always some slightly-plagiarised version of a popular meme or tweet. Rarely anything original, and when it is, it’s like “parenthood lol”
It’s like Cathy comics for millennials.
I get second-hand embarrassment for the artist anytime I see one.
I live right off a major interstate. I have to use it for work, to get to the other side if town, and to go to most other towns and lots of people do too.
I dread it because morons who can't drive will crash and ruin hundreds possibly even thousands of peoples day. People might lose jobs, people might miss out on important moments, people might due from delayed medical care. All of these things have happened because stupid people can't drive.
Driving is a privilege, not a right. You have to prove you can safely drive to get a license and you can lose your license if you prove you cannot safely drive a vehicle. Causing a wreck on the interstate proves you are not skilled enough to drive safely. It's a straight line for hundreds of miles, all you have to do is safely switch lanes, and not rear end people.
The people who cause these wrecks often do it again, they often don't use signals, text while driving, and speed as fast as they can because they just don't care. We should investigate and suspended licenses of people who cause these wrecks are force them to earn their licenses back before they get back on the interstate. If we do this I guarantee we'll see a dramatic drop in interstate wrecks.
This is prob not that unpopular but the phrase really only works for women,. If someone like me decided to just stop looking for love then it will never happen. In order to find love we have to go find it ourselves lest we be doomed to be alone forever. I wonder though if unexpected love is better than actively pursuing it?
I feel like when most people fly, they spend most of their time complaining about legroom, delays, lost luggage, security lines, etc.
But whenever I fly, I am astounded. The logistical precision and human collaboration put on by even a small regional airport is beyond anything I've encountered in any other human organization, short of NASA or SpaceX.
But unlike NASA or SpaceX, which might do a few launches a month at most, there are over 100,000 commercial flights every day, from thousands of airports across the world.
100,000. Every day.
Are there delays due to weather or computer glitches? Occasionally. Are there crashes? So rarely that each and every one is covered on international news and thoroughly investigated.
But the flights continue. Every day. The system bends, but it does not break. And most days everything goes to plan, and so we complain about legroom or mediocre food in the sky.
People now travel in hours distances that once took months to cross -- for nothing more than a few hundred dollars and a few hours in a cramped seat -- where they can eat, read, watch movies, sleep, and use the bathroom.
You are safer on that plane than you are anywhere on the ground, except perhaps your own bed. You may not be comfortable. You may be annoyed. But compared to humans a century ago, you are essentially being teleported across time and space.
And that teleportation happens because of countless pilots, crew, maintenance, flight controllers, schedulers, security, and ticketers -- all fulfilling their particular role in an incredible, world-spanning machine. Cogs upon cogs that just keep turning, clicking, whirring.
So next time you fly, just watch out the window. Watch the planes, the ground crew, the food and fuel trucks, the luggage handlers. Listen to some audio or watch videos of tower and pilot communication.
See the wonder of the greatest convenience humanity has achieved, rather than focusing on the few remaining inconveniences of it.
The thick stem, after being peeled is by far better than the ends of the broccoli that are usually served. Most of the time people are throwing this part away. It's such a better experience to each a cube of broccoli than to try to wrestle a bush into your mouth. Better consistency, doesn't get stuck in your teach as often, you can cut them to a variety of sizes/shapes. and overcooking or reheating this part does not completely destroy the texture.
Just weird that this is the part we throw out.
We've made a world for our self that is relatively safe, so long as you're paying attention. But relax too much, make one mistake, and you're done. If you cross the road wrong, you get flattened by one of millions of death machines moving at speeds our cavemen ancestors would find unbelievable. Our homes are filled with devices that can easily electrocute you, cleaning products that can poison you, drugs that will heal you or harm you if you take just too much or combine with one of the others, or you might simply stumble on the stairs or in the shower and gravity finish you off. Cooking utensils, DIY tools. You forget to switch off the oven or you fail to empty the dryer lint for a few months, and sudden the house is in flames. You ate the wrong diet and now your entire body is riddled with micro plastics that you had no way of knowing where in your food.
The same is true for so much of the modern world. Relatively innocuous looking things can mete out life-changing effects. And there are thousands of these things that you have to mentally track, even if in a small way, or else. It requires part of the brain to always be switched on to threats in our environment. Anxiety seems to be a perfectly rational adaptation to this.
While the ancient world was more deadly, at least the threats back then would have been immediate and obvious.
He is AT MOST top 15. Without Doggystlye in his catalogue, he isn't even to 50. Kendrick Lamar, Eminem, MF DOOM, Andre 3000, Rakim, Ice Cube, Kanye West, Jay-Z, Nas, Lil Wayne, LL Cool J, Tupac, The Notorious B.I.G, Black Thought, and J. Cole are all better at rapping and have better discographies. Talk to anybody who was a teenager in the 90s and they will mention Snoop Dogg in the GOAT conversation. People like him because of his TV personality and his iconic voice but that doesn't make him a good rapper. He is a one-album wonder at best.
I disliked the gacha style gameplay and immediately dropped it when I tried it years ago, but this game’s music needs to be acknowledged. Its soundtracks are significantly more intricate, varied, and polished than even some of best recognized video game soundtracks, better than Halo (my favorite franchise), Persona, Bloodbourne, The Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, Destiny—all of them. Every one of its OSTs blows my mind every time I listen to them. The game has a deservedly bad reputation among the gaming space but its music truly should be appreciated more.
In places where trick or treating occurs (my experience in the United States), it is often frowned upon for older, high school kids to trick or treat. I think it’s a good chance for kids to be social, spend time with friends, and enjoy candy. Dressing up can be fun, and many don’t get many chances to put on costumes. As long as they aren’t causing problems, if they dress up, I have no problem with older kids hanging on to the kiddie side of their youth.
For example Tennis is a "rich persons sport" but is a cheap and easy to get into as Basketball on the entry level (and Cheaoer than Football or baseball)
Playing the Violin is a rich person thing but a fiddle is literally the same thing and is associated with the poor appalachians.
The Symphony is for rich people but it's often cheaper than all live sports except Baseball.
Skiing is considered a rich person thing but it's probably cheaper than four wheeling which is "working class" entertainment. (Assuming you live in New England or the Mountain states where skiing does not require a whole vacation)
You could go on and on but most rich people hobbies are gatekept by culture not means.
Most people would say cheese is the most important ingredient in a cheese burger, aside from the patty itself. I would argue that pickles matter more.
I like cheeseburgers sometimes, but I would argue pickles are a more important ingredient to burgers and that cheese can be overpowering and takes away from a well cooked, quality burger patty. Pickles have such a nice tang that cuts through fatty burger patties and I feel like burgers are one note without them. Most burgers at restaurants have a strong cheese that can completely take over the flavor profile and sometimes I would rather taste the meat instead of just having only cheese taste and texture in my mouth.