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It's so annoying when people constantly interrupt casual conversations just to correct others

I just hate it when people do that. I think it's so rude, and it's not even the interrupting part that annoys me the most, it's the tone that those people usually use. Like, we get it, you're smart, but we're not writing a paper or doing research, we're just having a casual conversation. There's nothing that makes me hate talking to a person more than this.

1 Comment
14:27 UTC


People are having fewer children not because of money, but simply because it clashes with modern lifestyles

A common talking point is that people are having few children these days simply because life has gotten more expensive than it used to be. I disagree with this idea.

People don’t want kids because people want to be free and unencumbered and cannot be when they have children, it’s that simple. Money is just the socially acceptable excuse.

For reference I’m 27 and my greater cohort from high school and college is hyper educated. I went to one of the top high schools and colleges in the country and everyone has gone on to be lawyers, doctors, engineers, etc. These are people who by all metrics have money.

And almost none of them are married, let alone having kids. I can count on one hand the number of people I know who have kids. These people want to be able to see their friends till 3am, travel spontaneously, move cities for new jobs, all things you shouldn’t do with children. That’s why birth rates are declining nearly universally.

14:19 UTC


The bride shouldn't impose a particular dress choice on the bridesmaid

Typically, bridesmaids are very good friends of the bride. Why act all princess-y and force your friends to wear something they would hate, feel uncomfortable and unattractive in and suffer throughout the whole evening? It's utterly selfish and makes some bridesmaids dislike the whole experience. What's the point? Suck it up, brides, and let your bridesmaids be happy on your happy day as well!

14:07 UTC


Getting Upset Over Misspelled Names is Pointless

I've never understood why some people get so bent out of shape when someone misspells their name. Sure, your name is important to you, but is it really worth getting angry over a simple mistake? People make typos all the time, especially in today's fast-paced digital world.

Getting upset about a misspelled name seems like a waste of energy. It's not like the person intentionally butchered your name to offend you. Most of the time, it's just an innocent oversight.

Instead of getting mad, why not politely correct them and move on? Or better yet, use it as an opportunity to bond over a shared chuckle at the mistake. Life's too short to let something so trivial ruin your mood.

13:36 UTC


Asking someone to prom should just be a simple question.

Why do people keep the trend going of making these extravagant signs or holding crazy events just to ask someone a question that takes a couple seconds?

I saw one where a guy had people playing trumpets, it doesn't make sense.

Just ask the question, get a yes or no, and move forward.

13:23 UTC


Social media commentary channels (?) are lazy rage baiters

Commentary channels whose sole purpose is to find weird shit on Tiktok or Instagram, post it to their own channel and ridicule the content and creator. While the whole time telling you these apps are toxic and full of degenerates. I would respect them more if they were exceptionally witty, but more often than not, it's just "Look at this person doing something dumb for social media, what a clown, what a lunatic, where are the parents, this person's insane and adds nothing to society" And then on to the next.

13:04 UTC


I enjoyed Morbius

I took my gf to see it in theaters, we didn’t know anything about it and yea we were making fun of it while watching it but we both walked out with the opinion that it wasn’t that bad.

12:48 UTC


Vulnerability is a weapon not a weakness

People often say its a weakness, but its not, its a strength. People often say they hold back who they wre because they dont want it used against them, especially in relationships. Issue with that is, if you hold back, the person also holds back as well. But when you are vulnerable with a person, you are essentially seeing how they will react to the true you. Now that dont mean you tell everything but bits and pieces of yourself. If they handle it well you can continue if they dont move on. The Problem is is when people hold back, they claim the person switched after revealing the information. Usually its because that person never truly would of liked or been compatible with who you was, you just took too long to find out. Personally, being vulnerable always made it easier for me to see who will bettay me or not, because people would jump at a chance to take advantage thinking you was dumb

12:38 UTC


Marriage should be a rolling contract.

40-50% of marriages end in divorce and last 7-8 years.

Relationship satisfaction is lowest in a persons 40’s.

Relationship satisfaction dips at 10 years and only recovers after 20 years.

I think marriages should be on a rolling contract, which makes marriages easier to leave, but also requires the consistent effort on both partners behalf, to ensure the contract continues.

12:36 UTC


Episode I is the best Star Wars film outside of the original trilogy.

It still feels like Star Wars, which a lot of the later movies do not. It utilizes a lot of real sets, it has some very cool, interesting sequences (pod race, final lightsaber battle), a memorable villain (Maul) and actually feels like it’s laying the groundwork for a grand story to play out (even if that story ended up a disappointment). Overall it’s not terrible.

12:35 UTC


More people than not seem to be careless monsters

Whenever I watch police shooting videos, the comments are always filled with individuals that celebrate the criminal’s death or injury and make jokes about it, regardless of what an individual has done I find it sick. We are all going to die at some point and life has no true meaning. But that was still somebody’s child and you are celebrating their death.

I understand that many have disdain towards criminals and the lowly. But does that mean that their entire existence never mattered to anyone? I’m sure at least many of them were once a good person before they turned to crime due to whatever led them down that path. I’m all for people facing the consequences of their actions. But this blatant lack of empathy is getting scary.

12:29 UTC


All the advices from "experts" on how to solve conflict caused by soneone with an ego are utterly useless and out of touch

Like, making them go to therapy, good luck with that lol, why would they need help when YOU are the problem?

And talking and resolving the issues peacefully, like hell it would work when YOU are at fault and YOU should be kneeling down and apologize.

I swear all those so called expert doesn't have experience with those that have gigantic and fragile ego in their life before spurring out all those "solutions" that are literally useless and ignored the root issues of ego-driven people never listening or accepting things other than total surrender and obedience.

12:18 UTC


We should keep offensive books and movies around despite them not passing today’s standards.

There are books and movies that sometimes have contacts so today we will find offensive. I think as a part of history it’s important to preserve these kinds of things even though it wouldn’t be acceptable in today’s time. I just got done watching a TicTok where a librarian got rid of the book Tikki Tikki Tombo because of its inaccurate portrayal of Chinese culture. I thought to myself that maybe we could designate a side to the library of books that no longer pass to today’s standards and maybe explain the contacts of these kinds of materials instead. It’s still apart of history and literature even if it is offensive. I think this goes for any type of thing throughout history. We cannot delete history and then expect not to repeat itself and I think it’s important that people have access to all materials movies and books regardless of the context that it holds.

12:09 UTC


If your wedding dress is revealing and tight, it does NOT belong in a house of worship.

If your wedding dress is strapless, and plunging, and revealing, and form-fitting, it is just NOT appropriate or suitable for a wedding ceremony at a house of worship- such as a church, synagogue, or temple.

It is perfectly fine if you are holding your wedding ceremony at a country club, hotel ballroom, event hall, mansion, or the sort- as long as it is not a safety hazard, that is.

But it is disrespectful in a house of worship. Not just rude- as in unintentionally wearing a color that is too loud or an outfit that is too formal or casual for the occasion. Deliberately disrespectful.

There is a time and place for everything.

If you want to have a wedding at a house of worship, you should wear more modest attire. Does not mean it has to cover every single inch of your body or completely conceal your curves. There are tasteful and modern and attractive and flattering outfits that are modest and appropriate. A house of worship wedding is not the time and place for a dress more suited for singing at a cabaret.

Usually I am pretty easygoing when it comes to people’s attires (as long as there are no safety hazards- which are instant Aufs in Project Runway for a reason). But it just gets on my nerves seeing brides at churches wearing dresses that are just too revealing and sexy in more than one way.

Guess this is one thing I will be judgmental about.

And yes, my wedding dress had sleeves and a modesty panel- it was at a historic chapel. And I am very grateful that my SIL wore a modesty piece for the ceremony- it was at a church of the largest denomination of the largest religion. So no, I am not a hypocrite nor do I have a double standard.

It is hard to get on my nerves. But for some reason, this does.

12:05 UTC


An Irish goodbye is NOT leaving quickly without telling anyone, it's a long drawn out affair with multiple announcements you're leaving

There's this opinion that an "Irish" goodbye is just upping and leaving without telling anyone in a discrete way but it is completely and utterly wrong. I'd hazard a guess that anyone who believes this has never attended or been in any social situation with multiple Irish people.

A true Irish goodbye is when you say you have to leave or are leaving but continue to sit and interact for a while. You then get up and stand in the doorway continuing the protracted process of leaving. Normally you then are slowly drawn back in, maybe even sitting back down. This may then repeat another couple of times but can easily take between 20 and 30 minutes, many times its longer.

All these people saying they're gonna do an Irish goodbye and just bailing are using it as a cover for their own ignorance or pretending to be cool and have never in their life interacted with actual Irish people.

11:26 UTC


Social meetings should not be on the weekends

Traditionally people plan social meetings in the weekend because thats when moody people have free time but thats the exact problem.

When you work full week with no time to breath your only free time for yourself is the weekend. Hobbies, resting or just feeling free of tasks.

The problem is that everyone plan their social meetings in the weekend leaving you again with no free time and only more exhausted. For Introverts is even worse it's a never ending burn out just waiting to have some time alone and free.

I think we should respect more people private time. No social gatherings in the weekend. Let people LIVE some, to have some really free time.

Social meetings should be during the weekdays and not on the weekends

11:09 UTC


Anyone building large retail/commercial buildings should have to put up money in advance to repurpose their large building once they inevitably move/leave

There was an empty ex-Kmart that was just bought by a local grocery store. It took over 10years.

Who else has an empty Strip mall or retail space that was/is just an eyesore on a community?

11:04 UTC


If the past don't matter, then so does the present and the future

If our past doesn't matter anymore, shouldn't it make our present and future not matter too?

Like, I could be a bully, that I even perpetuated bad behaviors and gave psychological warfare onto others then ruin their innocence and adolescence, then all that wouldn't matter anymore because I've decided say I'm a changed even when I didn't even take responsibility and accountability for my actions.

I mean, what's the point of being a good person anymore if we should just let go of everything because it's all in the "past" when there was no accountability taken? Shouldn't it also make our present and future selves actions and behaviors not matter too? Since our present and future will all just be in the past, anyway?

But, hey, don't get me wrong, I don't grudge, I forgive people A LOT of times even for the most stupidest mistakes than even a 1st grader would know not to do. I just don't think that the "past" shouldn't be used as scapegoat for the responsibilities and accountabilities we should have.

Btw, I do not believe that time doesn't matter, I was referring to people who uses time as scapegoat. 😁

10:51 UTC


All the hype around summertime is undeserved

I know it's a time everyone looks forward to because they get to go to the beach, tan, and be outside. However, the reality is that most of the time, you're just going to be hot and sweaty. Having fun in the sun only lasts a little while before you get uncomfortable and sticky. Additionally, the ever-increasing temperatures worldwide make the heat so unbearable it's crazy! Especially for people who live in areas with high humidity.

10:46 UTC


It should be socially acceptable for adults to trick or treat

I’ve personally never enjoyed trick or treating myself but I think it should be socially acceptable for adults to trick or treat. It's a fun tradition that shouldn't be limited by age.

10:44 UTC


Pizza is kinda trash

And the other thing EVERYONE say it’s their favorite food, WHY there are so many better things but they just HAVE to choose the most overrated worse version of cheese bread to exist (burgers in general also suck)

10:10 UTC


It should be a severly punishable offense for politicians and their flunkeys to lie or not properly answer questions posed in interviews and press conferences.

They are our employees. Our collective will are their bosses. And if they ever answer anything similar to "not getting into hypotheticals" they should instantly be sacked.

09:42 UTC


Travel is overvalued, and people who overvalue it need to find a more meaningful mission in life.

I think travel is great. And it’s super valuable for our growth. Healthy amount of travel is totally fine. Once or twice a year.

But the people who are traveling all the time. How some people put it above absolutely everything else… I feel like they could benefit from being more interested in some kind of mission that’s bigger than themselves. If that mission isn’t coming from their core work, then maybe there’s something else they can start or get involved with.

Add to all of this social media.. then comes the question, are they traveling for growth and recharging? Or for their own feelings of FOMO?

I don't imagine MLK's followers were obsessed with their travel plans. They were nation-building. I wish people today spent more time planning how they were going to push reform or help others. And not so overly obsessed over all the exotic places they can escape to.

09:06 UTC


Stranger Sex Without Condoms Can Be a Good Idea

Whenever I have sex with a woman I don't know, I ask her if she's recently been tested for STDs, and if she has an IUD or is on birth control. If the answer to both questions is yes, I'll suggest that we don't use a condom.

Sometimes she actually says that she doesn't want to use a condom, and if I think that she's not going to give me an infection or get pregnant, then I'm all for raw dogging it. Condoms are awful and somewhat ruin sex. If I have to use a condom, I normally won't bother having full penatraive sex at all—I'll just find another way for us to fool around. When I wear a condom I'm just not having a very good experience.

It's not 100% safe, but if I wanted to avoid all possible danger, I just wouldn't have sex at all. Condoms don't always work anyway.

09:00 UTC


If a company sponsors a YouTuber, it's probably not good.

If a company has a good product, it will probably get popular, but if a company needs to piggyback on a YouTuber's popularity, the product probably isn't good enough to get popular on its own.

08:39 UTC


PS5 is the best PlayStation console ever, not just in hardware.

The public tend to say this generation is the worst ever, but I think what have changed is them ( and their minds, time and priorities) the ssd, graphics, dualsense, retro with Ps4, and some brand new games with all the catalogue from the past clearly make it the most amazing videogame console ever, and when a game is good such as Gran Turismo 7 is way better than previous editions. I cannot imagine having to play again with previous consoles I would miss the right stick camera, not having loading times, 4k hdr, spatial audio effects, etc.

Of course a more powerful CPU, GPU and more RAM is better, but what I mean is that in terms of videogames we have at outsanding dreams-made machine and many tiemes the nostalgic memories of childhood / teens era of having more free time and less responsabilites doesn't let room to enjoy the present. You can actually play old games on this machine as well, digitally.

08:37 UTC


The draft order for sports teams (NFL, NBA, etc) should be completely random and not influenced by how the team performed the previous season.

No more rewarding bad teams. No more tanking. No more sending promising players to lousy teams in lousy markets where their talents will be wasted and they will leave as soon as they become free agents. Sure some players are so great that they help build a great team, but usually not. Random number generator. Use the bingo balls if you want, but keep it completely random. Everyone has the same chance, from the big teams to the little teams.

08:36 UTC


I don't play "stop-sign chicken". If you're stopped at a stop sign waiting, and I am clearly slowing down to a stop, then I stop, I will give you about 1 second before I go. I'm not going to look at you, it's your turn, you should know it's your turn. Go or I will take your turn.

So annoying how people think they need to wait for me to make a total and complete stop before they can go. They wait for you to stop so they can look at you lol I aint looking, you were stopped forst, go or I will go for you. Just not playing it

08:15 UTC


Stellar Blade sucks

Lifelong gamer here. Waited a few years for Project Eve to rear it’s head. Looked pretty cool. Got concerned around the time they revealed story concepts and characters, seemed like a generic Star Ocean type setup. Bought it anyway, full price.

Slow combat animations. Boring set design and environments. Generic boring story about an apocalyptic world. Every NPC is a sexy female in a skintight body suit to appeal to addicts. Stupid character names. Combat has no depth. Swinging and traversal have no momentum. Boring puzzles and an overuse of passcodes and braindead timewasters. Obviously copied Neir Automata and tried to grab the same demographic. Graphics are sub par for PS5.

Honestly this game could be anything from Gears to Remnant 2 and I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. I miss when we had unique games with colourful environments and interesting plots.

I’m pretty disappointed tbh. I thought this could be the next big IP to get into, but meh, whatever.

Oh yeah and also all you disingenuous youtubers praising this game as one of the best that’s ever been made, literally, and planning on sucking this game dry until it bleeds by constantly talking about it can go to hell.

And they claimed they wouldn’t censor it, and then they did.

07:37 UTC


Cheese Fix Munchies

I just gotta get this off of my chest, for Cheese Fix Munchies and probably all Munchies flavors… the Rold Golds are the 2nd best part of the bag and the Cheetos are easily the worst of the bunch. Both because there’s way too many and also because Puffed Cheetos are better 🤷‍♂️

06:56 UTC

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