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There is no better drink that goes with Italian food than coca cola

Wine? Get back in line

San pellegrino? Not a chance

Negroni? Don't make me laugh

Espresso/cappuccino? Dessert only

Limonata? Maybe if you lived on a deserted island without coca cola

I would 100% of the time rather have an ice cold coca cola with any savory italian food. Lasagna, spaghetti, pizza, carbonara, fettuccine, you name it.

I am a wine lover. I love cocktails, I love different carbonated drinks, I am a self proclaimed foodie. But I'm sorry, nothing beats coke and Italian food ❤️

22:32 UTC


Price for price townhomes are always way nicer

So I’ve just been browsing around and the real estate market, and I’ve probably come to the very unpopular opinion that townhomes are way nicer than single-family homes if you’re just going on a price per price basis. Like in my area if I had 500 through 600 K to spend on a house, I’d rather get a townhome. Some of them are extremely nice and upscale. Well for the same price your single family home will just be standard. Not to mention the location of them are way better most the time also.

21:53 UTC


No bluetooth headphone should EVER have a voice

Headphones that have voices that say 'connected' are so incredibly annoying. It serves no purpose that a dedicated chime cannot achieve. ' Power on' from my Sennheisers achieve the same goal as my JBL's startup chime, except it's way more annoying.

20:21 UTC


Sometimes it’s better not to speak out about things with your spouse/partner and let things be.

I’m all for not “bottling” emotions, feelings and opinions about things but in some instances it’s better to not tell your partner how you feel all the time. Yes, they won’t “know until you tell them” but it can also spiral into they know you don’t like it so they avoid involving you completely.

Either leave it for if and when they ask you about something or just let things play out organically.

Unless you’re hiding something bad, intentionally of course.

20:20 UTC


Tesla software is what make them different from everybody else.

Im just surprised on how people just talk about battery capacity, panel gaps, looks, etc etc. But mostly never talk about software features like apps, updates, fun features, quickness and so on software-wise. I see it like iPhone vs Blackberry 2.0.

19:04 UTC


Most of the time, it's not someone's fault if they turn out a loser

DISCLAIMER: Yes, I do know there are people out there who had the tools to succeed but ruined their life with dumb mistakes, but those people are the minority IMO

It seems to be a common theme that all of us are fully responsible for every outcome in our lives, and if you didn't live up to your "potential" then you're a "loser"

What exactly makes someone a "loser"? It's a very vague insult, is it because they're broke or homeless? Is it just because they can't find a partner? There's a lot of different variables here.

There's a huge debate about if free will exists or not, my take on it is it does to an EXTENT, very small though. I think we're a lot less in control of our lives than we think. My argument against free will is this: Did you choose to be born the way you are? Did you choose the family you were born into? I'm sure nearly all of you would agree with me on that.

I do think a lot of people who have it good in life take their favorable circumstances and natural abilities for granted, such as being born into a wealthy/stable family, having a high IQ, being attractive/tall, supportive parents, having ample opportunities , not having any physical or mental disabilities.

Before writing off losers, let's take a step back to see how much of their bleak situation that they ended up in is their fault or not. Were they born into poverty? Were they born with physical/mental abnormalities? Were they bullied harshly growing up which stunted their social development and makes it almost impossible to form meaningful relationships? Besides being born into poverty (which is possible to overcome) if said person has the other two characteristics, then we should cut them some slack.

To wrap all this up, I think we should have a little more sympathy for people who end up homeless, NEET, or end up living with their parents when they're in their 40's or 50's, there most likely were many circumstances that occurred that were out of their control that prevented them from becoming functional healthy adults.

16:52 UTC


Accusing people you disagree with of being "too self-righteous" is a lazy way to not take into consideration their viewpoints

It happens mostly with vegans (who are an obnoxious bunch, yes, but they're right about many things), but it happened to me in other occasions. Sometimes, when I say that we should do the right thing (or at least what I think it's the right thing), the discussion ends up being not whether it's really the right thing or not, but that I'm too "self-righteous". Excuse me, what the f*ck? Isn't human nature to try and be as correct as possible? I agree, absolute correction is impossible, but you can at least try. But no, being an aware piece of cr*p seems like it's trendy.

For example: I had a discussion with some acquiantances about whether is okay to separate the art from the artist. I think it's not, because if an artist is a piece of crap, when you consume their art, you're giving them money and recognition. Most of the time the argument was about talking the nuances of that situation, many of them I ended up agreeing with. But one guy just went "oh, I'm sorry you perfect angel, I'm sorry I can't be as saintly as you". It just felt like victimization. "I'm such a poor little victim, I can't take accountability for nothing, how dare you tell me to be a decent person, shame on you!".

By the way, I don't think myself as a saintly person. I feel like a normal person, if a bit of a jerk sometimes. But I feel things like "you always want to be right" (I've been hit with this one too many times. Again, isn't everyone who discusses something thinks they're right?) and "you're too self-righteous" as thought-terminating clichés you can use when you run out of arguments and, ironically, want to be right. And most people roll with it.

15:49 UTC


The new McFlurry cups and spoons are objectively better

They save plastic, but I don't care about that. The old McFlurry cups used to leak ice cream and get everything all sticky. The new ones also have a larger opening in the top so it is easier to get m&ms out. The new spoons are less bulky and just feel better.

14:53 UTC


The most boring sport to watch isn't golf, it's ski jumping.

My grandfather loves it. I literally fall asleep everytime it comes on. It's kinda like watching cars pass by. It's ok for a minute, but then you just kinda move on with your day. Golf isn't that much better, but at least there's some variety to it.

14:04 UTC


Math is fun

I'm going to be honest, I used to be a math hater like most. Starting high school with unmedicated ADHD made things rough. I dreaded math class every time I had it, I just couldn't focus or understand any of the material. It made no sense!!! I failed multiple math tests and exams

However, after finding the right medication for me....something inside of me just flipped. Suddenly I was able to understand math!!!

And that's the key that makes math so fun, understanding!!! Once you know what you're doing, it's so amazing!!!

Now, math feels like problem solving games!!! Especially when it comes to algebra, i love algebra!!! I look forward to math tests and exams!!! It feels like one big game to me. Only critique is that sometimes it gets repetitive, it gets pretty long and questions can be difficult at times.

But overall, math is such an amusing subject and I belive it gets far too much hate!!!

13:05 UTC


Airlines should compartmentalise overhead bins into sizes the same as their limits

This would at least stop people bringing what is in effect a near full sized suitcase and taking up a whole bin. Everyone should then have space for their bags without issue, and nobody can complain that they’re being too strict as they would have access to their entitlement and no more. One bin each, job done.

12:30 UTC


Evil is stronger than good

It only take a handful evil people to make millions suffer. throughout history we see war after war after war started by evil men and drag on for years at a time with bits of peace in between as the next evil guy is gearing up to destroy what was built. i wont say that most people are evil but there is enough of them. while good people being brain-washed that good will always triumph. it rarely does, and it never lasts long.

Also its sadly easy to make good people become evil, or at least do evil stuff, just look at WWII

09:05 UTC


Mater Dei has ruined High School Football

If you don’t follow high school football, over the past near decade, Mater Dei, located in Santa Ana California, has been untouchable. They haven’t lost more than one game in a season since 2015, and the only team they’ve ever lost to in that time span has been St. John Bosco out of Bellflower who hasn’t nearly been as overwhelmingly dominant as MD, though they are still usually in the running for the top team in the nation.

Mater Dei’s team performance wouldn’t be an issue if they just won solely based on their coaching staff, developmental programs, team culture, etc. These are things every team at an every level has to manage in order to win, but becomes much less of a factor when you go out of your way to find and pay the absolute best players from across the nation to play for you.

Having a high school team that averages around 300lbs and over 6’3” for their offensive linemen, and regularly hands out monetary incentives to some of the top talent in every position to from wherever to join their team, is something no other school has the capability to even dream of let alone compete with.

What makes high school football so interesting and exciting is the idea of fostering homegrown talent over the years and having a coach who develops systems around players they’ve known for years and having a single or a couple generational players on the same team and finally being able to make a playoff run. But, when your best hometown talent has the chance of getting poached at any moment by a school across the country, all of the natural balance and fun of the sport is entirely thrown away for single team can play yet another undefeated season.

Ever since Mater Dei, and other major private and public schools (with these public schools being an entirely different epidemic in the sport), began recruiting players, high school football has turned into a lifeless machine in which loyalty and fairness are thrown out of the window in favor of profits.

I don’t have a problem with good players transferring to better schools so they can receive exposure they wouldn’t be able to have otherwise, but not to this degree.

High School Football should be about playing for and representing a community you grew up in and have spent your life getting to know, not blowing out as many teams as possible every year just to have your future player development ruined because you don’t know what it’s like to face team adversity ahem Bryce Young ahem

07:18 UTC


I think Greek Mythology-inspired media is getting old and uninspiring.

I want to clarify that this comes from a place of love for Greek Mythology. I have loved and breathed it since I was 7-years-old, but recently I think that the genre(?) is getting tiring. I feel like every other month or year there's some new Greek Mythos-inspired piece of media and it's always the same thing.

It's some modern adaptation of a popular myth that stays dubiously faithful to its source material.

To be fair to any counterarguments, I don't think there is ever one concrete version of any myth that is "the one true, 100% accurate version of the story" or something. Hell, modern-interpretations are just that, interpretations. They don't have to stay faithful to any source material if they so please.

But I will say there is a limit to how far you can alter certain stories, and there's only so many times you can repeat the same stories over and over until it becomes either completely bastardized or stale.

We all know the myth of Demeter, Persephone, and Hades; Orpheus and Euridice; Perseus and Medusa; Achilles and Patroclus; Odysseus and the Odyssey; The Minotaur, Theseus, Daedalus, and Icarus; etc.

I don't see how else we can keep... making things about them?

I wouldn't mind as much if we got more modern retellings of more obscure myths (such as Zagreus and Melinoe from Hades and Hades II), or removed the "characters" from their myths entirely and created an entirely new plot in a modern setting (like Percy Jackson; although I only read the first two books.) But it always feels like it's the same exact myths over and over and it gets boring.

I feel as though we can draw inspiration from so many other sources and cultures. It just feels as if whenever someone wants to create something inspired by "ancient gods" or "ancient cultures" they default to the Greco-Roman cultures rather than anything else.

I just want to see more mythologies man :(

Aside (because I'm paranoid about getting flamed on the internet lmao): I'm not saying to stop making these types of works. I love that these myths are still alive, I wish they had more variety.

(Some of the points may be motivated by the fact there's my whole other opinion of how modern-day retellings can muddy the waters around the original myth. Especially in trying to make the myth softer and more palatable, and completely change wide-spread ideas of the myth (such as Disney's Hercules / Heracles) which just sort of sucks, but that's another whole thing and more appropriate for a vent/rant post than an unpopular opinion post.)

Thank you :D

03:57 UTC


crumbl cookies are overpriced, undercooked piles of sugar.

like why is ONE COOKIE that many calories?? i’ve never had consistency there either, like if i’ve gone a couple times in a week the cookies always taste different even if they are the same type. they’re always over cooked on the corners and mush in the middle. i don’t get how anyone enjoys them

05:49 UTC


Spyro the Dragon is better than Crash the Bandicoot

Spyro the Dragon is better than Crash the Bandicoot. They are NOT equal. I'm tired of some people thinking Spyro is some kind of sidekick to Crash. The first 3 Spyro games are better than the first 3 Crash games. Spyro should have been PlayStation's lead mascot instead of Crash. Spyro and his supporting cast of characters are more interesting than the characters in the Crash games. Also Spyro talks whereas Crash does not. Fire breathing dragons are cool. Gems are cooler than some knock off peaches. We should have gotten a Spyro 4 instead of Crash 4 It's about Time. Yes I know they made other Spyro games past the first three. Those games SUCK and don't exist in my eyes.

05:30 UTC


Wagyu is a marketing gimmick

You're paying a fortune for fat speckled with meat. Several years ago my husband and I went to the best steakhouse in the DMV and ordered their critic-endorsed Japanese wagyu steak prepared per the chef's recommendation.

I was so unimpressed. It was a slab of fat with some meat specks in it. It tasted like it too. My husband said it was good but not anything he'd order again because of the high fat content.

Total marketing gimmick and in no way worth the price they charged.

03:50 UTC


Strawberry are better in salad than tomatoes

Strawberries are so much better on salads and preferred over tomatoes for several reasons:

  1. Sweetness and Flavor Contrast: Strawberries add a sweet, slightly tart flavor that contrasts well with savory salad ingredients like greens, nuts, and cheeses. This creates a balance of flavors, especially in salads that include tangy or bitter greens.

  2. Texture: Strawberries have a juicy yet firm texture, which adds a satisfying bite without being overly watery. Tomatoes, especially when very ripe, can be softer and more prone to making salads soggy.

  3. Nutritional Variety: Strawberries are rich in vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants, making them a nutritious option that adds variety to the nutrients in a salad. While tomatoes also offer vitamins, the unique antioxidant profile of strawberries provides additional benefits.

  4. Aesthetic Appeal: The bright red color and unique shape of strawberries can make salads visually appealing. This adds to the presentation, especially for colorful, fresh salads.

  5. Pairing with Dressings: Strawberries pair exceptionally well with dressings that are sweet, tangy, or even creamy, such as balsamic vinaigrette or poppy seed dressing. Tomatoes, on the other hand, are generally better suited to more savory dressings.

In the end, it’s a matter of taste preference and the type of salad you’re aiming to create. Strawberries work well in fresh, summery salads, often with ingredients like spinach, goat cheese, and nuts, while tomatoes are better suited to savory salads, like those with cucumbers and basil.

03:24 UTC


Getting the last word in an argument isn't the win people think it is.

It seems that people put a lot of logical judgment on being the last one to speak in a debate or argument. Honestly it seems more like the person getting the last word in is usually such a baffling idiot or is being so petulant that there's simply no response to it. Like, if someone is just spouting bullshit, gish galloping, and being rude the whole time it's more likely the other party just stops continuing out of practicality. How are you going to talk to someone who's actively rude and petulant or whose ideas are so bafflingly hyper-specific that there's no talking to them?

Can't really get into examples but surely you've been in situations where you had a disagreement with someone and they're just so set in their ways and hostile to you that you just decided to leave it alone. That person will walk away thinking "I'm so smart I shut that person up!". It should really be seen as a massive red flag when people just decide to stop talking to you in the middle of a conversation because your points are too inane and fallacious to even talk about.

01:55 UTC


Dry meat is so much better than Juicy Meat

I honestly and truly have never understood the hype around it. Dry meat has the better texture, taste, and consistency.

Dry meat is usually devoid of slimy gristle. It just feels better to eat. It causes less mess depending on how you eat it. It just feels good in my mouth. It doesn't feel/taste like leather, it just feels right.

If my meat leaks when I eat it, I gag. I hate wet foods in general but wet meat specifically ruins a meal for me.

Well done steak, hell yeah....Dry Turkey for thanksgiving....sign me up!

It's fine you like it, it just makes it hard to order meat at restaurants because people assume you want it tender and juicy 🤢

      Edit for clarification: I don't mean burnt or dust with a side of meat remnant. Just that if I press down on the meat or bite into it and it has any sort of liquid come out, I don't like it. Lol

      Another Edit because I'm seeing it a lot, I also dislike sauces and do not eat them if I can help it. And yes I probably have some sort of sensory autism thing lol.
01:24 UTC


Sports commentators should only speak about exactly whats currently happening

I hate watching sports games + the commentators speaking about the past or different information about the players during the game (i understand before or after), i wish the commentators would be completely present and just say exactly whats going on or dont speak at all. it takes away from the game when im trying to be immersed and they are speaking about other stuff during the game

00:12 UTC


People shouldn't feel pressured to be in a relationship just because they’re getting older

There’s a huge societal pressure for people to find a partner, especially as they get older. I think it’s perfectly fine to prioritize other things—career, friendships, hobbies—without feeling the need to be in a relationship. Being single has its own advantages, and rushing into a relationship just for the sake of not being single isn’t a good reason. It’s better to wait for the right person than to feel like your time is “running out.”

23:48 UTC


Google/yelp reviews should expire after a certain amount of time

Reviews for restaurants or any location really are only relevant if they're relatively current. Staff will change, menus will change, prices will change, etc. Also a one star review from 7 years ago shouldn't affect someone's decisions today. I think there should be a set number if years that a review stays active and then gets deleted. In the same vein this can also occur every x amount of reviews for higher traffic areas. Like only the most recent 1,000 reviews will be visible

23:02 UTC


Emoticons and kaomoji. are better than emojis.

Emoticons just flow into the text better. They're a little more chill and low-key. They feel more natural in the text :). They're also easier to type with a keyboard and are less likely to turn into ▯. I also like kaomoji. They're really creative and kinda punchy but still look more like they belong with the text. I have the Japanese keyboard on my phone just so I can type them and it makes me feel like a wizard.

(∩`-´)⊃━☆゚.*・。゚ :D

23:19 UTC


I think planning every aspect of your life kills spontaneity and joy

There’s a trend toward hyper-scheduling every detail of life to maximize productivity, but I feel it takes away a lot of the joy of spontaneous moments. Constantly planning everything—from daily routines to long-term goals—makes life feel rigid, like we’re living on a to-do list rather than actually experiencing it. I get that planning has benefits, but sometimes I think the best things come from unplanned moments.

23:05 UTC


“Extreme Traveler” content is cringe af

Let’s talk about these YouTubers that go to impoverished areas and make these videos thinking they are doing something so groundbreaking and different.

First off would like to say I live in Rio de Janeiro and I come across these people every now and then.

First they all of click bait titles. “ I went to the craziest neighborhood in insert city here and what I saw was insane” saw one of those where a gringo went to a favela in Copacabana. Not even close to the most dangerous one. The most dangerous one you most likely wouldn’t get allowed to go into and video the happenings of the neighborhood.

Secondly, they insist on saying this is the real, Jamaica, the real Brazil, the real Napoli, the real Lagos. It’s not. Even if it’s a majority of the people it’s just real life. Going to a poor neighborhood in a country doesn’t represent the entire country. Here in Rio the people who live in the nicest neighborhoods are even a part of the real Rio as well. It’s the same for anywhere. There is not a city on Earth that doesn’t have those who have and those who don’t. It’s how it’s always been and always will be. However I can see how a lot of culture comes out of poorer areas which can give an impression that they may represent a lot of what an outsider sees.

Then there’s the interviews they do w the people. “Do you like living in Tivoli Gardens? (Jamaica) Buddy what do you want them to say? Most of them don’t have a choice unfortunately. A majority of those people have lived there their entire lives and are engrained in that community. The have a lot of friends and family in the area so they like it of course but if their situation were better they would most likely leave. “What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever seen happen in this neighborhood?” Seriously come on. everyone already knows the answer to this question. Let’s make them re-tell the tale Of how someone they knew got senselessly killed by someone else in the neighborhood or the police. How often do you not get out to not know what happens in places like that? And if your from the states and want to say “well we don’t have things like that here.” You do. Your poverty isn’t at the same level and the gangs aren’t as in control and police aren’t as corrupt but you have these situations there too.

The other thing is what do these videos really provide? A lot of time there isn’t anything but sensationalism in the videos and the camera person just trying to show people hey look at me I can go to Port au Prince and show the dire situations and then pass off as some expert. I saw one where a gringo went to a favela and to be fair he did go to a proper zona norte favela and saw a shootout and it’s like great. You got what you wanted. Now you’re gonna post this and everyone in North America and Europe is just going to have their prejudices confirmed that Brazil is a warzone.

For the record there is a Russian guy named Anton who makes absolutely amazing videos and in the videos he does go to some sketchy places as well. But they are so deep and detailed that you actually learn something and he doesn’t make it all about him or isn’t lowkey exploiting people for his own gain.

The most dangerous areas in the world are usually only dangerous 10% of the time. In that ten percent it is hell certainly. But it’s regular people going about their day to day with much less than the average person who is watching these videos. Curiosity is certainly normal and acceptable but some of it is ridiculous.

20:06 UTC


The only thing more childish than being offended by words is intentionally being offensive with words

The most mature stance is realizing words are only as powerful as you make them and it's more important to be responsible and thoughtful with your words. Choosing to not use a word is as unbalanced as using it incorrectly. One extreme is being too sensitive and the other extreme is being too insensitive.

Edit: The point I'm trying to make is the only thing that matters is intent. If you intentionally use a word to offend someone, that is obviously wrong. But getting offended when the intent/context is genuinely harmless/innocent is childish

18:58 UTC


Popular Topics Mega-Hub

Greetings, you opinionated, unpopular lot! This is your one-stop shop for all of the ridiculously reposted topics on this sub. This hub and the linked threads below will be replaced every 7 days to keep things fresh.

  1. Meta
  2. LGBTQ+
  3. Race related issues
  4. Religion
  5. Politics
  6. Parenting/Family issues
1 Comment
18:45 UTC


Politics Mega Thread

Please post all topics about politics here

18:45 UTC


Race related issues Mega Thread

Please post all topics about race related issues here

18:45 UTC

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