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America is not the greatest country that's ever existed on the face of the earth, despite what people like to say

Quite far from it actually. Many countries are so much better and offer a better quality of life. Why are Americans always told that their country is so great? I don't get it

1 Comment
06:35 UTC


Vivid mode on a TV is more enjoyable than color-accurate modes

I've spent many years designing hardware that's in most popular smartphones/TVs for color correcting a display panel to be reference-accurate as well as the factory process for generating the calibration data. I can do a pretty good job with my naked eye of spotting accuracy issues because it's part of my job to make sure that when all the popular media outlets benchmark our products they score great ratings.

But with that said: When I go home and watch TV I almost always put it in the Vivid/Dynamic mode. The ultra-vivid colors really show off a setup the way that playing a clip from an action movie shows off a sound system. Yes I professionally understand it's ultra-saturated, but for me that's way more visually pleasing and stimulating compared to seeing the same content in the reference color-accurate mode on the same display.

1 Comment
06:35 UTC


So my post on LonerBox got removed for being low-effort and/or satirical, but it was neither.

It's not easy to talk about difficult things, and I guess this opinion is too unpopular even for the admins of this subreddit. I call them subs and they should behave accordingly. LonerBox is an antisemitic stereotype of a Jew, in all seriousness, and much like what I would expect from South Park, if they were to craft such a stereotype for their show, kind of like if Stan's dad converted for the conquest. BadEmpanada was spot on. #unpopularopinion #higheffort #nosatire #adminsaresubs

06:27 UTC


Raising Cane’s doesn’t deserve the hype and popularity it has

Had it for the first time tonight and that was so disappointing. I had heard that it wasn’t very seasoned but I had to try it and it was seasoned with hopes and dreams. Not even the fries were seasoned. The sauce is just another dipping sauce. The toast was the best thing there. I don’t understand how this place is so popular.

Give me Zaxby’s over Cane’s every single time

06:03 UTC


Eating butter by itself is good

And i dont mean taking BITES out of a stick of butter but rather having it bit by bit. I prefer salted over unsalted, i genuinely love butter so much. Everytime i say this to another person they look at me like i have three eyes.

05:54 UTC


Seaweed salad tastes exactly how wet dogs smell.

That unique metal-armpit-in-a-swamp smell. Like an old gym sock a robot went hiking in. If you retracted your arms and head into a musty raincoat bled to death sweaty & not wearing deodorant, that is the smell of seaweed salad. Canoeing through a patch of reeds in the misty dawn, flat on your belly among canoe spiders living and dead, your schnozz overhanging enough to catch little snorts of water, cutting the path just ahead of the bow in waters teeming with leeches. If a person just yanked a whole bunch of reeds + leeches out of this environment and julienned them, v'oila! Seaweeed Salad!

1 Comment
05:34 UTC


Essays shouldn’t have minimum word requirements

As Anton Chekhov once said, “Brevity is the sister of talent.” If you can successfully articulate your ideas in less than a page, then why should you be required to write more?

04:51 UTC


Being paparazzi is a bullshit job

I don’t job shame any other job but paparazzi is such a bullshit job… being paid to stalk and follow people with a camera is weird.

Any job is totally fine! But that one, isn’t.

04:43 UTC


You don't need any intelligence beyond prudence to be a good leader as long as the person is humble and self aware

I mean the reason why I say this is that usually a person that's humble and has enough metacognition to be aware of their weaknesses can easily compensate with the people around them if they hire people to compensate for the areas they're weak in. The reason why I stated prudence is the only thing that's needed is because as long as you know what not to do and have enough judgement to avoid reckless actions, then you can just rely on the people around you. A leader doesn't have to be the smartest person in the room, so if they can't come up with innovative ideas (or can't plan or can't do other things beyond being prudent) that's fine (as long as they have enough prudence to avoid reckless actions).

But of course being prudent and other forms of intelligence is not mutually exclusive. I'm just saying it's better to be prudent and not out of the box then creative but reckless. At least one would avoid rash actions and could eventually come up with the right thing (with the help of the people around them). But the other one may cause more trouble since even if they are good at thinking outside the box, if they can't really judge the quality of the ideas and the consequences then they would probably act. It's not practical to assume that the more prudent people around the person would always be around to stop them in time before they just acted. Sometimes self awareness and humility may not be enough to stop if their's no prudence.

However self awareness and humility, combined with prudence could easily make a decent leader (that is if they surround themselves with people that can compensate for any weaknesses they may have in other areas outside of prudence). You don't have to be a genius with the people around you, as long as you're prudent and self aware.

Also please don't talk about any real people.

04:42 UTC


Loving/accepting yourself has nothing to do with finding love.

Is all about social smoothness. Usually growing up in a home with a messy but not broken family gives you this edge.

People don't fucking care about you loving yourself, is about how acceptable you are in social situations, what you bring, what wierdness you can own, how you make others feel. If grew up developing these skills, you'll be fine, you'll never be alone, specially if you are a women.

But if You don't have these skills, if you are a loner not by choice, and crave this connections, you are done. People despise needy/not socially skilled people.

You can love/accept your boring ass self alone in your home, but if you can't develop some kind of social smoothness and can't bring anything new to the table, why would anyone would like to be with you?

Writting this as a 35M who is just tired, sad, from a broken home, alone in a fancy apartment. Just so fucking alone, all this time. Every weekend just alone with nothing to do but to long for my exes. I just want some fucking connection. Just some company.

04:30 UTC


Cure for cancer probably won't be discovered or will be expensive

To put it simply, big time corporations (like the government) like money, and a cure for cancer would be far cheaper then treatment, meaning less profit for said corporations. Having a one time cure for something would not generate as much revenue as treating patients for multiple years. Henceforth, I believe if somebody creates a cure, either the creator or the cure will be dealt with.

04:20 UTC


A non celebrity dance should have been hired for the cast of Broadway’s “& Juliet”, not Charli D Amelio

Yes I know she was a dancer since she was a kid, but she is only famous because of Tik Tok. I think it would have been better to give a non famous dancer a chance and the spot on the cast instead of a tiktoker like Charli D Amelio. There are likely plenty of people that would have deserved it more than her and work hard too.

04:03 UTC


The NFL draft should be reversed - with the best performing teams picking first.

Incompetent teams like the Jets, Giants, Titans, Raiders, Jaguars, Patriots should not be allowed to waste the careers of college stars.

Being a great college player should afford you the chance to play for a winning organization.

00:55 UTC


The offensive line is a more important factor in having a winning NFL team than the QB.

QBs are without a doubt important, but I cringe at comments like, “he’s only good because of his line and WRs.” That’s a brain dead take in my opinion because the reality is a QB can showcase how good he is because he has a line and receivers. It all starts with the offensive line. An average QB with a good line will outperform a great QB with a terrible line.

00:53 UTC


Old Navy is hands down the best clothing store

They're cheap, reliable, and they always have the basics. In fact, you could argue they excel at the basics, while still occasionally offering something flashy. The lighting there is perfectly inoffensive and shows the clothing perfectly, the quality is decent, and they frequently have sales on already cheaper than average prices.

You can also find them nearly every where and they have every kind of essential clothing you could be looking for no matter the season. Their website is functional and follows the same pattern. The only thing I could even think negative is maybe the clothing is too safe or that they don't have crazy sizes like 4x and above...but I don't think that's most people.

The only places cheaper might be something like Walmart or Big Lot, maybe Burlington. But they won't have everything like Old Navy will.

00:44 UTC


Martin Garrixs Animals song sounds quite broken

Title says it all. It sounds like someone didnt listen to it when they made it, There is constant audio cutting out, The beat is all wonky and weirdly doubled in multiple places. And once you hear it, it doesnt go out of your mind. I do have high quality headphones, amplifiers and speakers.

I tried searching for HQ versions, fixed audio versions (in hopes someone else noticed it) etc. but all of them have it like its a feature or something. And i hate it.

00:36 UTC


Chipotle is An Overhyped Fast-Casual Experience That Falls Short

Many people love Chipotle, but I find it completely awful. The meat, especially the chicken, steak, and barbacoa, are tough, chewy, and lack flavor. The toppings aren’t impressive either—the pico de gallo and corn salsa don’t taste fresh at all. On top of that, the guacamole is always brown, despite the extra $2.75 charge. A meal there can easily cost over $20 if you choose a premium protein, add guac, chips, and a drink. A traditional Mexican restaurant is vastly superior to Chipotle and often isn’t much more expensive. Plus, real Mexican restaurants usually offer unlimited chips that are far better than Chipotle’s, and they don’t charge extra for them. CAVA is way better than Chipotle too.

00:12 UTC


Phone cases that double as wallets are stupid.

If someone steals your phone, they now also have a few (or many) of your credit/debit cards. I never understand why people put more of these valuable eggs (the cards) into the same basket as their phone.

23:21 UTC


Popular music is defined by its production not it's vocals

You can't make an argument that "Taylor is the best" or "Beyonce is the best" or even "weekend is the best" because there is no objective best singer. Each popular artist only stands out over others due to production. It's the same with popular hip hop and popular rock. Production decides your popularity and worth, not your voice. It's why, while I'd never argue that Beyonce is better than Taylor, i will say I enjoy her production more than Taylor's, therefore I like her music better. (edit: I strictly mean music nowadays)

22:15 UTC


Breaking Bad season 5 is really bad

Spoilers for Breaking bad.

When I watched the last episode of Season 4 I felt it was perfect. Walt's killing of Gus and manipulation of Jesse worked perfectly. In Gus in particular there was a great foil to Walt, a reflection back of everything he thought he represented but never was. It tied off the series neatly.

So when I saw there was a fifth season I was excited but apprehensive about the situation Walt and Jesse would be find themselves in. Particularly what antagonists they would be faced by. How would the writers follow up a character who worked so well with the Themes of Walt's journey?

The new villians? Jack and his gang were nazis...Wow, what a nuanced and original idea for a bad guy.

Never mind I'm sure it will factor into the story somehow, perhaps Walter will have to face up to his unearned feeling of superiority? That's straight off the top of my head, I just need some significance to this piece of characterisation but no, it never factors into the events or themes of the show in anyway. The fact they are nazis is just there to make them evil, it actually has zero impact on their character. Anyway what do the nazis have to do with anything in the show preciously at all? They just come out of no where!

Well at least we have the character of Todd, and guess what's, he's a sociopath, he's completely indifferent to human experience and suffering!

Er wow what an original character idea for American crime drama. This exact personality hasn't been in dozens of well known films and tv shows previously over the past 50 or so years..

Finally we get to what is supposedly the climax of the show, where Walt decides to break Jesse out of his captivity by...Shooting the nazis with a mechanised gun. Okay then!? That's neither exciting, clever, nor significant to him as a character in any way.

I literally don't care about Lydia so I'm not gonna talk about her. Overall it would just be a better show if season 5 didn't exist, it adds nothing.

21:53 UTC


Using "fucking" and "literally" as adjectives for emphasis is stale and outdated

I started noticing it a year ago: In online arguments, the accounts that used "fucking" and "literally" as adjectives were often a decade old.

I realize the intent is to have an impact. And, 12 years ago, that worked. But here is my opinion: Today, firing off "fucking" and "literally" for righteous emphasis makes you sound like the late-30s Millennial that you probably are. It's as passé as "stunning and brave."

I remember when "fucking" and "literally" were the perfect, all-weather adjectives to show how raw and honest your opinions were. They were the defining adjectives of the Jon Stewart years.

But now, I'm starting to associate it with people who are mom age but live in a state of arrested development, which is a show they quote a lot.

It's unpersuasive. If you're trying to persuasde Gen Zers, writing like a parent who thinks they're still living in senior spring is not compelling. Gen Z expresses itself more dispassionately online than Millennials, partly as a reaction to the prior generation.

In conclusion, I encourage you to write "fucking" and "literally" in the comments to stick it to me. But not to use them as adjectives if you're trying to communicate with younger adults.

20:39 UTC


T shirts should always be tucked in

Everyone born post 1990 knows tucking in your T shirt makes you look like a square. But I think T shirts should be treated like they were originally intended — underwear. They should go under your pants. It makes way more sense for my jeans to get dirty sitting on a log than my white T shirt. Plus tucking in your shirt lets you show off your belt if it’s cool.

20:30 UTC


It's sad when couples don't do anything at all for Valentine's day

Sure it's commercialized. Flowers are more expensive, restaurants are busy, and hotels are both. But why do people think if they're not getting 2 dozen roses and diamond earrings, or going on a trip that they might as well not do ANYTHING?

I don't care if you've been together for decades or if you're pinching pennies or if you do romantic things consistently all the time. You should put in a tiny effort to appreciate your partner on the one day a year that is dedicated to doing that.

A 3 sentence love note on a scrap of paper. A 15 minute foot rub. Their favorite snack from the gas station. A doodle. A pack of socks.

Literally anything that shows you think about them, appreciate them, or anticipate their needs and desires can be used as a gesture to celebrate your love.

19:55 UTC


Most people overthink their wardrobe choices

It's a waste of energy and creativity when you could be focusing on more important things. I've noticed that most people spend way too much time deciding what to wear every day. They agonize over outfits for work meetings or date nights, but the reality is that clothes are just meant to cover up our bodies and keep us warm. Sure, style can be fun, but spending hours in front of a mirror trying on different combinations seems like a waste of time. There's so much more important stuff we could be focusing on, like learning new skills or helping others

19:25 UTC


Laziness as it's usually used isn't a real thing.

I often see people call someone or themselves 'lazy', they use it as if it's a moral failing, "I'm so lazy I haven't washed the dishes today", "My son is so lazy he refuses to study" etc, and I think it's very harmful to phrase it like this, no one chooses to be 'lazy', no one decides not to do something purely because of 'laziness', theres always an underlying reason, you could be lacking in energy, you could be sick, you could be depressed, you could simply have other priorities, humans don't just decide to not do something positive for no reason, and using the word 'laziness' is incredibly reductive and harmful.

18:54 UTC


A boring life is the ultimate luxury

I grew up poor AF in generational poverty. It sucked ass.

As a bonus it was also a toxic environment. At age 14 I planned my exodus, I got summer jobs and crappy jobs during the school year and saved all the money that I could. Yeah, my teenage years sucked ass too.

On my 18th birthday I left my parents' house and never went back.

In my 20s I drifted from a dead-end blue collar job to another, working crazy hours sometime I got paid for OT often time I didn't.

Then I spent my 30's putting myself though college at night while working 1 crappy full time job and 1 crappy weekend job. I had no life for 12 years.

At the end I was making 6-figures as an executive but I was working 60-80 hours/week.

I am now older and more established in my career, happily married and I recently moved to NYC fulfilling a life-long dream.

My job is boring, but pays me well. I work "only" 9-5 M-F, with some extra hours at home here and there. I make a lot of money, I save a lot of money, wife and I are still frugal so we cook at home and we take advantage of the many free events in the city, mostly museums and art galleries.

We don't smoke, we don't do drugs, we don't party, we don't drink excess alcohol, we don't buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like.

We live a boring life so to speak, and it's grand compared to the first 40 years of my life where I had no time to relax and I was poor.

18:16 UTC


Luck plays a massive role in success and successful people need to stop acting like just about hard work

I am a firm believer in "The harder you work, the luckier you get". However it has always bothered me how offended successful people get when you suggest that luck had at least a small part to play in their success. There are millions of talented people in the world who have worked hard but will never get a sniff of major success simply because the cards didn't fall in the right place at the right time.

18:10 UTC


Cheap jar pesto tastes better than fresh pesto

You can murder as many basil plants, grind pine nuts and use the best olive oil all you like but fresh pesto is never going to be as good as a jar of cheap pesto dumped on some cooked dried pasta.

17:58 UTC


If you are having a destination wedding, you should cover the cost of accommodation for your guests

If you are asking people to use annual leave and fly somewhere, it's polite to cover the expense of the accommodation. Yes, I know people can choose not to come, but sometimes when it's close family there is an obligation to attend

17:24 UTC


‘Love will find you.You don’t have to look for it’ Bullsh**

Im done with this whole’You have to relax,love will find you’.This sh** is making me even more stressed than before

Love is something completely random,so if you are someone,like me,who spends a lot of time at home,Love will NOT find you.

I don’t know who invented this whole thing,but the more time I spent out socializing and meeting new people,I obviously had more chances

And another thing

‘If you chase it,it will go away’

No?If there is something that you want,you go out there and take it

That’s my opinion

16:51 UTC

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