This subreddit keeps track of submissions that moderators remove from the top 100 in r/all.
[position in /r/all | score | number of comments]
This subreddit keeps track of submissions that moderators remove from the top 100 in /r/all.
[position in /r/all | score | number of comments]
Check out /r/longtail for the top 1000.
Not monitoring subreddits with sexual content.
If anything happens to be your own content that you want deleted from reddit, please message the moderators.
Do not brigade or abuse your fellow redditors.
About the current bot
I wrote a vapor app 4 years ago and it's been running solidly on heroku this whole time. This month heroku updated their free tier dbs to require SCRAM [1] and I'm getting "PostgreSQLError.protocol: Unkonwn authentication request type: 10.'
It's public here, it powers the r/undelete subs on reddit https://github.com/texuf/FrontpageWatch2020
It uses an early version of vapor.
SCRAM auth was implemented in PostgresNIO about 4 years ago in version https://github.com/vapor/postgres-nio/releases/tag/1.4.2
Here's an upgrade guide but it's a little out of date https://docs.vapor.codes/upgrading/
If anyone wants to put up a PR or just run your own bot let me know. Otherwise maybe I can get something running again later this week or next.