Photograph via snooOG

A gathering place for friends of the University of California, Santa Cruz.

A gathering place for friends of the University of California, Santa Cruz.

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    40,343 Subscribers


    Suspicious man?

    I was over at my friends apartment on campus and a dude wearing a baseball cap took a picture of us through the window with his flash on. I walked out to try and confront him but he basically ran to his car (a white van) and drove off extremely fast. Not really sure what to do and all of us are kinda freaked out. Basically just making this post for peace of mind and to see if other have had a similar experience.

    06:25 UTC


    Changing Major for a different Major

    Hello! I am planning on attending UC Santa Cruz if I get accepted for 2025. I am wondering if it is easy to change the main major I choose to the alternative major I put on my UC application (I put Computer Science: Computer Game Design, B.S. as my first Major, and my alternate Major as Art and Design: Games and Playable Media, B.A.)

    I have not received an email to make a student ID from the university, but I am just a bit scared that I won't be able to change my major for my freshman year (I don't know much about college so I do apologize). Any information would be very appreciated!

    05:41 UTC


    Winter Break/moveout parking

    So how do I park my car to move out? fuckin TAPS tickets the whole week so where am I supposed to put my car to get my luggage in? I'm in Crown, am I able to park it temporsrily at the loop

    03:24 UTC


    Math 3 Closed with WL

    So math 3 is closed with waitlist but I clicked on the wait list if class is full. When there are more spots, does that just mean I will automatically be enrolled into the class?

    I'm stressed because my enrollment day is tomorrow but my last class I need is Math 3.

    1 Comment
    03:24 UTC


    How well does Nath curve?

    I'm taking Cse12 with him right now and I'm scared for my grade. Does anyone who's taken him have any insights on how big his curves are for say the final or the class itself? Thanks!

    02:47 UTC


    how to get a 94+ on the Math23B final

    kinda got cooked on my midterm, need a 94+ to keep an A. i've finished my homework for the quarter already, so i have the next 2 weeks to grind for this final. anybody who's taken the class have any tips? i currently plan on just working through the practice exams posted and revisiting any topic from the practice exams i dont fully understand in a thorough manner, don't know if that'll be enough tho. thank you!

    02:43 UTC


    How crucial are Fridays in Tantalo's CSE101's clas?

    Hey everyone! I'm planning a trip next quarter that'll make me miss a Friday in Professor Tantalo's class. Does anyone who's taken their class know if Fridays are typically quiz days or important homework due dates? Just trying to plan ahead and see if I need to rearrange my travel plans.

    00:25 UTC


    Looking for a male to fill a spot in a double starting winter quarter!

    Rent would be 1200/month, please message for more details!

    21:53 UTC


    3.4 GPA Admissions


    I wanna know my chances here at UCSC, so here are my stats;

    • ⁠Full-ride merit scholarship award • ⁠International Student • ⁠3.4 GPA (Which is minimum for int students) • ⁠Good extra curriculars • ⁠From Kuwait

    • Major in business admin/accounting/economics

    If you have any info on admissions please lmk what my chances are, thanks.

    17:20 UTC


    prereq p/np

    I’m a cs major and planning to take cse140 next year and currently taking cse40. I was wondering if I could change cse40 to pass/ no pass since it’s not a major requirement for me (entered 2022), but having it as still count towards a prerequisite?

    11:51 UTC


    🔥paying tuition right now 🔥

    05:35 UTC


    An updated UCSC Iceberg

    23:15 UTC


    Dining hall discount

    Have the end of quarter dining hall discount started yet?

    00:37 UTC


    ECE 9 w Alexey Munishkin

    like the title suggests i’m taking ece9 w/ him next quarter n just want to know ppl’s experience w/ the class & overall if he’s a good professor for the course.is it any similar to the time n commitment of 5A ? i didn’t take physics in hs so i had to really study for tht class when i took it soph yr w/ ritz. any tips or feedback on what the class content is for the class or any curving/difficulty of exams r appreciated!!

    1 Comment
    22:35 UTC


    physics 6a discord/gc

    Is there an existing discord or snapchat group chat for Physics 6a with Eliina?

    20:09 UTC


    Lost Persol sunglasses :(

    I lost a pair of sunglasses at the beginning of the quarter and I was too disheartened to even try to find them but thought I'd give it a shot here before the quarter is up. They're a dark brown tortoiseshell pattern, brand is Persol, they feel pretty heavy and they're super straight on top. They were my dads and have a lot of sentimental value to me. If anyone has them/has seen them in a ditch etc etc let me know, but I understand if u have been wearing them for a while now and feel attached to them.

    20:31 UTC


    Campus is...quiet

    I came back today cause yknow why not and yeah I know everyone is gone for thanksgiving but, campus is just so quiet, I've seen like 2 people, it's nice and creepy at the same time

    20:21 UTC


    Advice for raising science/math gpa

    My gpa is currently a 3.1 and Im a freshman who wants to go on to PA school I want to raise my science GPA does anyone have any advice for classes I can take?

    Currently Im a Bio MCD major

    My gpa currently being a 3.1 is not because Im not diligent and dont work hard I study more than anyone I know personally. However Im not great at math currently taking 11a aswell as that my chem1A teacher is getting fired next quarter if ykyk. Im really just looking for advice so that I can help raise my science GPA

    Thank you guys :)

    05:15 UTC


    generally curious about ucsc and agpm

    hey!! i’m a junior in high school currently, and i’m really interested in ucsc, specifically the AGPM and (maybe) CGPM program(s). i was wondering if there’s anything i should know about the programs that i won’t really find online (classes, professors, etc), and also just the school in general. i’ve heard a ton of good things about the school, but also some not so great things, and id like to hear about the school from students who go there now.


    04:31 UTC


    counselors keep messing up

    hi so I’m a senior and I’ve had my fair share of incompetent counselors especially in cc, but I have 2 quarters left (and 2 quarters fin aid will cover for) and while registering for winter classes discovered my counselors (major and college) messed up. during summer I met up with them each multiple times to go over mt grad plan, talked with fin aid etc to make sure everything is set. I literally wrote out the classes for the next year and both counselors signed off on it, this way I can register and be on my merry way (I’m a DRC student so I get priority enrollment due to my accommodations)

    turns out I am missing a prereq I didn’t know about, that’s making me unable to take a class I was supposed to take this quarter. Another class isn’t even offered in spring and I only discovered this by accident, so I was forced to drop out of a class I was registered in to be able to waitlist for that one bc the times clash. now I’m a whole class off which means I’ll need to take max credits spring to make up for it bc I also can’t find any other electives to fit my schedule. I’m so beyond frustrated I want to cry.

    To top that off I only get financial aid if I’m registered in classes waitlist doesn’t count so because I’m only registered in one class I technically don’t even qualify for fin aid.

    I feel like there should be something I can do to help this process, would it be possible if I send an email to the professors whose classes I’m waitlisted for? Also the prereq is a lab for a higher class so would I be able to appeal and take both the lab and lecture in the same quarter? at least then I’d have all my classes on time. Idk what do you guys think (pls be nice im sad as is)

    TLDR: counselors signed off on a year-long class schedule but missed a prerequisite and one of the classes is only offered in one quarter, this affects my grad date and fin aid, I’m not sure what to do help pls!

    04:15 UTC


    Applied Physics

    Hey senior applying to college here, wondering if applied physics is impacted and would lower my admission chances. Thanks!

    03:45 UTC


    Need friends!

    I’m an international student at Cabrillo at the moment and really don’t have any friends to hang out with. I smoke occasionally and like to go to the beach. I would say I like to spend my free time with some people around me. Please suggest something. It’s almost end of the semester so don’t know how I’m gonna spend the vacation alone :/

    01:20 UTC


    Good GE to pair with my other classes?

    I’m taking CSE 30 and Math 19b for winter and was just wondering what some good GE recommendations are that pair well with those.

    08:03 UTC



    I'm crashing out. It's over for you guys.

    (Not a genuine threat, just failing classes)

    19:39 UTC


    Does anyone know how to get a locker on campus at the East Field gym? And do I have to pay?

    Think it might be helpful for showering on campus.

    10:02 UTC


    How are porter triple dorms/ porter residence halls!

    Just found out today that I’ll be in a porter triple! Is there a community kitchen in each hall? How are the restroom/ showering spaces?

    05:13 UTC


    Studying for CSE-16 Finals in Prof. Kolla's Class

    Has anyone else here taken Prof. Kolla for CSE-16 before? If so, what is the finals for her class like? How many questions (how many MC, how many FR)? What do you recommend that I study the most for in that final specifically? What is the hardest part of her finals? Just want to know since I'm currently studying for the finals right now.

    23:52 UTC


    Tuition Due Date/ Financial Aid Due Date

    Hey everybody, I’m not sure if this has happened before or not, but the due date for tuition and fees is on 12/18 and financial aid doesn’t disburse until 12/30. I feel like this must be a mistake? Or they’re literally just trying to rip us off by making us pay late fees? If anyone knows anything about this or has talked with the student business center please let me know. Will it impact our enrollment if payment is late? Thank you!!

    01:02 UTC


    Looking for Fellow Slugs to Interview for a Class Research Paper!

    Hey UCSC friends! I’m working on a research paper for one of my classes, and I need to interview a few fellow students. The topic is about our unique ten-college system, so if you’re interested in sharing your experiences and thoughts, I’d love to hear from you!

    Here’s the plan: • We’ll meet up in person or online. • I’ll ask you a few questions and jot down your responses (super casual, nothing formal!). • Afterward, we can hang out and do something fun if you’re down!

    As a thank-you, I’ll even use my SlugPoints to get you some food or snacks!

    If you’re interested, comment below or DM me, and we’ll set something up. Thanks, and go Slugs! 🐌

    01:09 UTC

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