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So sleepy

1 Comment
08:53 UTC


They stripped my identity away from me

Mum, I wanted to go away on my own for a while.


I just needed some alone time, away from here.

Okay, just make sure to stay safe.

I am scared to be alone tho.

It's okay, I will get you a pair of bright blue Nike. Once you get there, they will know who you are with. They will take care of you, don't worry.

"Got on blue Nike", went to new place.

Yo, that boy got money man. Let's take it away from him.

Sure where he hide his money in.

In the shoes man, in those bright blue nike man.

Yo. Take those nike off.


You getting robbed man.

Shoes taken away.

Mum's friend showed up.

Who are you? Get the fuck away from me twat. I don't fucking know you. Get lost.

Is me, I got the blue nike.

Where is it? I don't see it.

I just got robbed, it's taken away from me. But it's me.

Get the fuck away from me man, I don't fucking know who you are.

The end.

'The boy in blue Nike got money, but the money can only be seen by the boy"

The identity, was the money.

1 Comment
17:23 UTC


How far would you go

The beefs between villages. Kidnapping and that.

A group of kids didn't want to hide their identity, they know people would recognize them as such, so they came up with a plan.

If others are pretending to be, so we don't have to.

They kidnapped a bunch of people, and released them as such. All the sudden, it is normal to have one around. Now all that are one, we don't have to pretend. Does it make sense to you?

There was once a bunch of 1s, 2 took some 1s and 1 took some 2s.

1 now has 2s and 2 now has 1s.

1s is the one that started it because they didn't want to pretend to be 2s.

So they took a bunch of 2s so the 1s don't have to be 2s.

1 Comment
16:41 UTC


Does the feds have the right to enter a property without the owner's knowledges

I am not saying when the police show up to your door with search warrant and entering your property.

I am saying when you are out the house and the feds pick your locks and enter your property.

If it is legal, then I will assume it is not some newborn police that are breaking to scare a mf. Maybe feds with a reason major enough to concern the country so they get a warrant without actually getting warrant. That means if they get caught, they will get a free pass.

1 Comment
13:46 UTC


This guy

This hacker kid at the time, wanted to get someone else involved in some shits. He obviously has is own established background and people to do his work for him.

Fortunately this guy he was targeting has immunity from the law, which means if this guy doesn't break any law. He can't set him up.

At the time, this kid belived he need to be in complete control of someone else. To ensure his own confidence, he wanted to get this guy arrested.

Maybe 10-20 years in jail, in the meanwhile he can be elsewhere making money. His plan is when the guy get out of jail, he will have money and power to gain complete control of him.

But his plan couldn't workout, he can't set the guy up if the guy doesn't purposely break the laws. So his plan of getting the feds involve doesn't workout for him.

His second option would be to get other gangs involved, but he was afraid to do so. Because, if he ever get found out by his own gang. That would be considered as betrayals to his own people

He couldn't do it himself, or get his people to do it because the guy had "immunity" at the time.

So he came up with a plan, a plan that would work for him no matter what happens. He studies the guy's lifestyle. The things he does, his hobbies, shops he goes to, what he buys etc... He knew once the plan goes down, he won't be near by. Just incase it backfires and get himself involved.

At this point he got 2 goals in mind, to slow down the process of this person's life. And also to find a way to communicate with the feds without being notice.

He will need a way to send out his message without being notified, and simple way of encrypting message will be too simple. Anyone with a backdoor access to it will see it. Remind you that this is the feds we talking about, so the potential people that will be involved will most likely be other feds. And they will most likely have the tech to decrypt the message.

So, to make his calls out in real life. He got his location set up with calls out. But this is made through the game Counter Strike Global offensive.

He is doing this because the guy plays the game, and he need to somehow makes the feds belive the guy is doing something related to breaking the law. To trick the feds into taking care of things for him.

He first does it by doing his call out in a very obvious way, so the feds will get trick into noticing it. Therefore they will also notice it if "the guy" ever does it.

This is things that are normal to do in-game, but instead the feds will think otherwise.

But the hacker guy messed up, he lost his only connections with his feds somehow. And he no longer able to make real calls out. So his only option would be to do it in the original way.

This is because he no longer has connections with his feds, his only option would be to do it in a way that they still understand.

This is where this hacker kid messed up, while "the guy" is the only option available for this hacker kid to get in communication with his feds. "The guy" is also playing the game, they do their communication in throwing smokes in different locations, ways of throwing smokes, different angles means different things etc.

While the hacker kid is trying to make his call out, the guy is also doing the same thing. This is confusing his feds, so the hackerkid are TKing in game to make sure the feds don't get the wrong callouts.

They will Teamkill to make sure his feds get the only message from him.

1 Comment
13:37 UTC


The underground of this perfect world.

Story time, yall hear about corrupted cops and mafia and all that great stuff.

Well, this story isn't all about corruption, but it is about what people do with their powers.

If the Queen said you can get away with murder, it doesn't make you double-o seven.

A while back a place was full of corruption and the feds realized that they couldn't control everything. So they decided to let a local mafia gang take care of things, basically the feds be letting them do their business and they would turn a blind eye, in return the people will have to make sure things don't get out of hands so the police doesn't have to get involved.

Long story short, a mafia gang were making sure things are smooths in the area. They did this for generations and so on.

The other gangs knew they couldn't take over by physical force. They will lose the fight, so they came up with a plan. The plan is very simple, they will raise pretty ladys and tries and attract mens from this other mafia gang.

They wanted to weak out their youngings, they think the mens are strong because their parents have strong genes.

Once they have children, their childrens will have weaker and weaker gense. So they can take over in the future.

A kid from this gang grew up, he didn't know about the plans from the other mafia gang. But he realized he couldn't compete if he ever get into a real fight. His family is well known for making hits, carrying out their hits by force.

He realized all his opposition is physically stronger than him, so he decided to advance his strength elsewhere. He became a hacker.

He got caught in a serious incident, feds found out his online projects in the neighborhood. But he got a get out of jail free card because his family were in on the business.

Now that he got the taste of getting away, he just goes with his gut. He knows he isn't going to get into real trouble even if he is caught. So he just continues his family legacy in his own ways.

1 Comment
12:50 UTC


I think someone is trying to scam me right now.

As you get older you are more and more likely to be scammed. I just got a mysterious wrong number text and .... It's starting to get suspicious.


1 Comment
07:25 UTC


Be aware of all the different ways you could be defrauded.

Watch every episode of American Greed

1 Comment
05:45 UTC


A kid at school acts very immature. I'm very worried about his future.

For more context, I'm in 6th grade, male 12. Meet this kid, let's call him L. Anyways, L is an absolute crybaby. When an adult tells him to stop doing something or put something away, he'll cry. L does whatever he feels like, and if he doesn't like a rule, he won't follow it. One time, I had to switch seats with him on a field trip bus because my charging area wasn't working, and the guidance counselor told him he had to move. When I was sitting next to him, he wasn't wearing his seatbelt. I told him that he should wear his seatbelt for safety. L flips out at me. He still acts the way he does. I'm worried that he won't succeed in life. Note that L has some mental disorders, but that doesn't give him an excuse to not follow the rules.

21:31 UTC


(Trigger Warning) I'm probably paranoid but something's happening where I live

Burner account cause fuck putting this on my main account, I don't know where to put this so I thought I'd put it here, it'd probably get removed but oh well, I just wanna get this off my chest.

Ages ago I was walking home and I was walking past what at the time I thought was a library (turns out it's actually a solicitors) and I looked into one of the second floor windows and it looked like a kid got shoved against the window, she looked scared, and I mean really fucking scared, as in scared for her life scared. Then she got pulled away and this man looked directly at me, and he looked pissed, I pretended not to notice but he definitely saw me (mind you this kid was young, probably no older than 10, I'm bad with telling ages).

Then a couple of days ago something else happened, probably unrelated but still

For context, I live next to a carehome and I'm a night owl so it's not strange for me to stay up past midnight.

I was up way past midnight and the window was wide open because I like the cold, and I heard a child screaming, it from the carehome, which is weird right? Why would there be a kid screaming at midnight at a carehome? It didn't sit right with me.

Nothing else came of it for a while until a couple of nights later I heard a child screaming again, this time I could hear what she was saying and she kept telling someone to stop and that it hurts, like, a kid could have just tripped and grazed their knee or something but this is midnight. Whatever it is I don't trust it.

Am I paranoid or is something going on?

Update: I saw the comments and I contacted the police, I can only really hope they look more into it. I contacted then anonymously so the only way I can get updates is if it ends up on the news or something.​

13:17 UTC



Yall hear about people wonderful experience getting K-holed, they say the lived an entire different life in a whole different universe and everything is great blah blah blah...

Yall don't wanna be in the K-hole bruh.

I had this shitty trips from a party and it got me lying on the bed literally teleporting to different place.

My first thought was, this is pretty cool. Never have I felt like this before. Then the sudden shifting came in, I was in different place all at once.

It felt like eternity while I was at it, that's when I started panicking. I questioned my well being while I was fully tripping, felt like I would be in that mindstate forever.

The show family guy was on, and knowing the show has some pretty messed up stuff on there.

It is what triggered me, I was so distracted by the show that I thought I was literally in the show. I felt calm at first, the mood was following the show. Until "Brain" chopped his own ear off tripping on mushrooms.

Everything was amplified, the visual, the sounds effect etc. I was so into the show I thought I would have to trip sit brain.

Then I snapped out of it for a split second and came back to reality. To only find out I was lying on the bed.

The worst thing then happened to me, and this is probably the peak of my trip. The K-hole.

I was suddenly bought back to some of my worst nightmare. Dreams that I didn't know I remembered until that point. Literally went 10years+ forgetting about those nightmares. And all the sudden it was like a perfectly edited "top 10" nightmares on repeat.

It was literally all these nightmare combined perfectly one after another. Snapping into different location. It was the worst.

I still remember being stuck in a imaginary elevator and each time the lifts door open it is another nightmare...

Can't remember how I snapped out of it, but I remember I was glad I didn't stuck in that states of mind forever.

12:44 UTC


I love the censoring happening across so many subreddits.

I have been on reddit for nearly 8 years, in the last 6 months I have never seen so much censorship across so many subreddits for just simple comments. These aren't even Alt-Left or Alt-Right subreddits. Just normal subreddits. Sigh. Reddit seems to be going down the rabbit hole.

03:53 UTC


I watched my dog just die suddenly

Idk what happened. I came home from work, she was ok, and then 15 minutes later she just collapsed. No pulse, no heart beat, no breathing, entirely limp. She was young, not even 2 years old. she didn’t seem sick in the slightest. I feel like I left something out that she got into or that I didn’t notice some sign that she wasn’t ok that I should have. She fell in a position more contorted than anything my worst nightmare could have come up with. I can’t get the image out of my head. I’ve never had a pet die from anything other than old age. I’ve never not had a chance to say goodbye, whether it was because I took them in to the vet or I could just tell it was coming the night before they passed. I can’t remember the last time I’ve felt this horrible

02:21 UTC


Pitbull hate

I dont understand why every smooth brained reddit user is convinced that pitbulls are bad dogs. They are not. Ive had a pitbull for 7 years and she has never attacked or done anything harmful to a person or animal. It’s about the owner and how they raise the dog, not the dog. Its like a child, is the kid bad, or is the parent who raised then bad. Its so unnecessary and misinformed.

01:44 UTC


My brother died

That's it. He. Is. Dead.

17:17 UTC


Opinion on feds doing their jobs

Lets say someone was born into a neighborhood. And this neighborhood was apparently a home of many terrorist.

Now that someone is constantly being followed and stalked. Due to where he was born and stayed at. He have zero relations to these members.

You probably won't be able to put things in perspective.

Lets say it was some ISIS member that was staying in the same village as you. Now that the US government found out, and you so happened to have your home address as that.


1 Comment
13:02 UTC


Am I the product or am I the cause.

A little a while ago a guy found out the mysterious way of the neighborhood. He had two home, and he was moving a lot.

He realized there are people on neighborhood watch all the time and it was affecting him.

He was abusing drugs at the time, to be specific it was cough syrups he was drinking all the time.

The medicine was deigned to treat cough, and it has a purpose. The medication is fine for it intended purpose but he was abusing it.

It was kind of corrosive. He didn't feel too well at the time and his body started developing rashes.

He found out that these rashes would be in different spot of his body whenever he switch places. It was in very specific spot on his body.

His theory is that, there are two groups of people by the two locations of his house.

And these people that are following him probably had some military tech that could effect his environment.

He was worried that these rashes that he started developing is due to his body rejecting the cough syrups.

These rashes he got started getting closer and closer to his face. He knew that there are possibly people doing this to him.

His theory is that each rashes he got is done by a set of people. He wanted to prove his theory.

He think if there is an injury on the specific spot of that rash then the rash would develop in a different spot instead.

He wanted to prove his theory. So he went and did abducted a guy. And did his street surgery on him.

Putting cuts and holes in the spot of his rashes.

The people that were doing the neighborhood watch found out. And wanted to heal this guy that got cuts on.

Now, you see.

Is that guy the product or the cause.

Because these sets of people still be walking about till this day.

1 Comment
12:43 UTC


There currently a group of Hacker and scammer working to take over people's life

The scammed method is very simple. They get famous people involved.

The scammer will usually record a clip of a famous person saying something that they wanted. Then the scammer will use this recorded clip to get the victims involved.

They are doing this because people usually let their guard down when the person in the conversation is famous. This obviously a scam that the famous person will most definitely have no idea is going on.

The victims phones will be hacked, the video will then be displayed on to the victims phone/computer.

This usually combined with the scammer talking to the victims in real life/in person face to face. To give a sense of full relation of offline and online.

The conversation continues, throughout the displayed of these videos. The scammer will also give a encrypted message in the vid as such.

People that are YouTube famous are often used, this is because they are in a active online community that could be easily manipulated. Sending out donations with messages to get the person to say something that want for example.

People like Ksi, Adin Ross, Ishowspeed, The Paul Brothers vid clips are often used.

An example would be one of the Paul Brothers telling Adin Ross to stop getting closer on his knee. This is an example of the encrypted message.

The victims sewn the video will noticed the message as such, being on the knee means he isn't doing well in life. Maybe struggling, aka not having it easy. Stop getting closer would mean don't follow me.

The entire message of don't get closer on your knee would mean stop following what I am doing if you are struggling in life.

This is only one example.

1 Comment
07:18 UTC


The subreddit /r/unitedKingdom is STILL manipulating comment sections to alter public perception of events.

see removed comments:



this is a follow up to when I noticed a similar pattern 11 months ago, here:


The pattern of topic is pretty obvious now as should be the that subreddit and the moderators intentions to present misinformation through intentional omission of peer-reviewed scientific and academic research.

1 Comment
03:09 UTC


They are targeting the people in my country

To my a post I made a while back, creating toxic chemicals out of thin air.

The people with jobs are being targeted, but this is so they could get to me.

People with jobs, they are certain they will be there. It is easy once they've figured out their locations.

It is part of the program, they could be drug user.

People that are consuming with a daily need.

This will leave a scents on them.

They've gathered enough information to know where these people hang out.

Honestly police should just start selling drugs, at least they know what they smoking. And it won't leave innocent people to become part of a living script.

1 Comment
08:17 UTC


Everything in existence somehow just related

Everything in existence just somehow feel related, it's all in the correct orders and fall in place. But maybe that is just my universe.

Or it could just been a really bad dream.

1 Comment
08:12 UTC


The beef between the stabber and the person that got stabbed(me)

Things were heated between us, they wanted to pause the tensions. They said, if they could reverse what they did, can I pretend like nothing ever happens.

I accepted, knowing full well there isn't a time machine in existence that could reverse the stabbing.

Their idea of reversing is, if I could not feel the pain then it will be like nothing ever happened.

They started doing their little tricks with amnesia, to fill the exact spot so I wouldn't feel it.

They failed to understand that a living human have circulation. And these amnesia drugs that were sitting in different spot on my body will eventually reach my brain.

This could well be just another way of saying they might or might not end me right here and call it a day.

The condition were to reverse everything. They couldn't, so they shows their way of doing. And that was it.

Or it could've just been a really bad dream.

1 Comment
08:02 UTC


It's a peg-or-be-pegged world out there!

1 Comment
07:38 UTC


I was stabbed but that wasn't the only thing that cursed me

People somehow managed to save me. The person saved me warned me, he is only a vet and never worked on human before. I then passed out.

I woke up being told, that the person did the stabbing did a real nasty job. All the cuts is right where normal blood circulation should be. This mean even after I fully heal, I would still feel pain and soreness.

He continues, he didn't manage to ask me. But he used untested classified medical chemicals to help the wounds. This, they called "AA glue". Isn't actually regular aa glue, but its ability to close up wounds is why they call it that. The substance is not known by many at the time, and it was really new.

After I fully healed, a bunch of people found out I have fully healed from the stabbing and they checked for scars. And there wasn't any on the surface.

They then threatened me, saying they can extract this substance from me.

They were trying to get a hold of this substance, and the people that got it were hiding from them. So, I was their only way of getting a hold of this unknown classified substance.

Or it could've just been a real bad dream.

1 Comment
07:35 UTC


I fucking did it!

I wasn't doing good in Earth Science and I was failing Statistics at the community college (give me a break). I spent a whole fuckin' week working sun up to sun down doing this crap. And I did it! I turned the last assignment in at 11:51 on the last day of class which closed at 12:00. I fucking won. This is rare for me. I've earned it.

04:02 UTC


Third time lucky they say

How to get away with things that potentially people will know about but still get away with it?

Just about a little less than 20 years ago, I was stabbed. Multiple times, all over my body. People in the neighborhood knew about it, but the guys still managed to get away with it. Why, and how?

A few street scientists, belived they can reverse the bloodflow of a huamn, to create a superhuman. They believed the human have existed long enough, and people that are curious enough would've eventually found the flaw within the human body and abuse it.

He believed by reversing the bloodflow in a human, it would also have a supernatural effect on the person.

A kid, mindless kid was curious enough to try and find out. These street scientists knew that the neighborhood is nosey, so they purposely bought the kid up and about the neighborhood and let everyone know what they are about to do.

The kid knew the process of reversing. He was told, there will be a few cuts made no more than the length of a finger tip.

Anyway, everything went down and the kid got cut and holes done into him.

The entire neighborhood knew about it, and they were talking about it.

But what the kid didn't know is that he was about to get done the second time, this time he wouldn't have a heads up.

These street scientists were real pissed off that the "surgery" didn't work, so they abducted the kid and just started stabbing him randomly.

First, they couldn't risk their "work" getting out of their control since the kid is now considered part of the subjects.

And they were frustrated that the surgery didn't work, so they decided to stab the kid randomly in the stomach, back of leg, behind the neck, and lower back etc...

Kid survived, he was trying to warn the rest of the neighborhood.

They all thought he was lying, since he was the one agreeing to undergo 'street surgery'.

This is how to get away with things, do first then second.

1 Comment
00:04 UTC


Yall know that kid from Brazil?

The kid got arrested but he was underage, so the police celebrate his birthday with him and arrested him on the spot the minute he turned 18.

Well, this is a bit different. A while ago a kid name Jackson got kidnapped. While he was trying to make an escape, he stabbed multiple people in the neighborhood. He finally got cornered and they disarmed him.

He was calm because he knew that they won't be able to do shit to him because he was "kidnapped".

These people realized the police will probably just release him if they show up.

So they played nice, and pretended to be nice to him.

Jackson only wanted one thing at the time, to reunite with his family, to be with his mother.

These people accepted the request. And said they will help Jackson find his mother.

Jackson let his guard down and started feeling comfortable around these people. They were feeding him and they were having dinner together on the daily. Throughout the course of a few months, they were slowly drugging Jackson, until he got weak. And all the sudden, they all turned on him.

A few months passed and all the sudden they were questioning him about his stabbing in their neighborhood. Along with a few murder that has nothing to do with Jackson.

They were going to drain his blood out alive.

In the crowd, a women stands out. And started reasoning with Jackson.

Jackson was scared, he didn't have a choice but to trust this strange women.

The women said, you can walk out of here but not without conditions. One, you can never find your mother again. Second, I am a women. I can be your mother.

Jackson was weak at the time, he accepted the conditions.

In a short period of time, Jackson and this women got closed. And he found out how he ended up in their neighborhood.

The women said, your real mother sold you to us.

It was only then, Jackson remembered.

Before he was "kidnapped", the last conversation he had with his real mother.

His real mother got into some trouble, and she went broke. She needed money, and needed it quick.

Jackson suggested, she can sell him. Since he is still a kid. Once he sold him, he will figure out how to get home. It would be the perfect scam. Or at least he thought.

And back to him with this strange women, the women said, I am now your mother and you will have to do what you did again.

She was trying to sell Jackson again.

After sometimes, Jackson managed to somehow got out.

The cops found out, and an officer had a conversation with Jackson.

The officer said, even though you managed to remember everyone involved in the incident. We won't be able to put a case against them. One, Jackson did stab a person in the process of "escaping", they could not prove whether it is self defense or not. Second, they can't prove that he got kidnapped because the officer got information on her mother "selling" Jackson.

1 Comment
21:47 UTC


My levels of stress are so high right now.

My levels of stress are so high right now, that I think it's going to have some negative health consequences. I'm going to have to not care about some things or find a way to cope with them.

It's all just too much.

1 Comment
21:27 UTC


Kid at school is the most annoying thing ever. And I can't do anything about it.

I'm sure that every school has its super annoying kid. Well, imagine a ginger kid with an annoying voice, and will continuously ask you to be their friend, sitting with you at lunch even when you yell at them to stop, you finally say you won't be their friend, and they just keep annoying you. Well, for me this kid is in 6th grade. His name will be R, for privacy purposes. Anyways, R started bothering me at the end of 5th grade. He sat near me at lunch and tried to strike up a conversation with me. R had been super annoying in class, according to my brother. I said, "I wanted to go through the whole school year without talking to you, and you ruined that." He was really angry after I said that. R has been the worst ever since the start of 6th grade. It got so bad, now we're not allowed to talk to each other, but because of all my complaints to the guidance counselor, she says it's "out of her hands." This hasn't stopped R from being the most annoying little crap to ever step foot on the planet. To make matters worse, we share Spanish and English class together. If this continues, I'll have to bring it to my parents, and I don't want to put more weight on their shoulders. If he doesn't come back to school next year, I swear, I will convert. And I'm agnostic.

Plz subscribe to CoolBird on YouTube

13:20 UTC

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