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Yep you read that right this is a nuclear artillery used to destroy cities and deorbiting space stations and satellites.
The missiles can turn 180° in midair with side boosters (don't ask me how) two 180 mm rail guns that are supposed to be on a ship. Crew can't even move and inch because of the loading mechanism. Three auto 20mm cannons one on the turret and two on the sides. Forget that the suspension even exists. Amror is reactive.
The sequel to T-90 in a trash can:D (also made using imgflip)
Made using imgflip (for fun :))
This is the, so called, T-34-62, a T-34 chassis with a T-62 turret. It was made in Bulgaria during the cold war and used for static defense along the Turkish border. I got no clue what stuff the military high command was smoking when making these, but apparently these, and I can't stress this enough, POSSIBLY could drive, but it was literally just a T-62 made as a bunker against infantry, so I doubt they'd be able to