
Photograph via snooOG

Here's where you can discuss anything you want about /r/SubredditOfTheDay.

Subreddit of the Day Meta

... is your place for discussing Subreddit of the Day.

Nominating a subreddit

1. Minimum of a few hundred subscribers.

2. Older than 30 days.

3. Active userbase.

4. Constant posts.

5. Mods can nominate their own subreddits.

6. Spamming our modmail is frowned upon.

7. We do not feature subs that are at risk of being banned or quarantined.

These are guidelines, not rules.

Behavior Guidelines

  1. Adhere to reddiquette and all reddit guidelines.
  2. Keep the conversation on the topic of the feature.
  3. Do not make off-topic comments about Subreddit of the Day in a feature post. To discuss Subreddit of the Day go to /r/SubredditOfTheDayMeta.

Other Excellent Resources


198 Subscribers


Is this allowed?

I recently took over a long-dead sub ( r/RealWikiInAction ). It used to be full of people complaining about how mean Wikipedia is for deleting the spam page they wrote to give their garage band free advertising, but it had gone two years without a post or a moderator when I took it over. Now it is about interesting and unusual Wikipedia articles.

I think it might be a good cantidate for Subreddit Of The Day, but of course I am biased. Would it be considered spamming if I requested to have the sub I moderate be featured?

1 Comment
19:55 UTC


SROTD Post Breakdown for April 2024

####April 2024

April had an average of 27 upvotes per post (median 23.5).

The most upvoted feature had 70 upvotes, and the least upvoted had 6 upvotes (a range of 64).

Number of features: 30/30

Number of features by SROTD mods: 24 (ConalFisher 2, jettasarebadmkay 6, verifypassword__ 16)

Number of features by SROTD interns: 0

Number of features by GUEST writers: 6


/r/AlzheimersGroup (Garfield Comic), /r/trees


/r/ShittyPokestops, /r/RetailNostalgia, /r/tires, /r/crowbro, /r/GhostsCBS, /r/GS300


/r/GameCollecting, /r/ImaginaryBehemoths, /r/LiveFromNewYork, /r/cookingforbeginners, /r/crazystairs, /r/BirdsArentReal, /r/UnexpectedFactorial, /r/MassQuantities, /r/gamemaker, /r/A24, /r/Conan, /r/OppenheimerMovie, /r/SwiftlyNeutral, /r/moviescirclejerk, /r/impressionism, /r/birthday

#Guest Features:

April 9: /r/Rococo by /u/cesarth15
April 16: /r/UKmonarchs by /u/Curtmantle_
April 19: /r/PropReplicas by /u/APHAS1AN
April 21: /r/createthisworld by /u/Sgtwolf01
April 28: /r/PvPHighlights by /u/Spiteful-ricochet789
April 29: /r/AnimaticBattle by /u/Quiz_Master_Boy

#Top 5 highest upvoted:

  1. April 18th, 2024 - /r/Conan: Team Coco!

Written by /u/verifypassword__
@ around 70 upvotes, 95% upvoted

  1. April 23rd, 2024 - /r/SwiftlyNeutral: Neutral Discussion About Miss Americana

Written by /u/verifypassword__
@ around 55 upvotes, 89% upvoted

  1. April 24th, 2024 - /r/moviescirclejerk: Tell that to Zod's snapped neck.

Written by /u/verifypassword__
@ around 53 upvotes, 88% upvoted

  1. April 11th, 2024 - /r/crowbro: a sub for crow friends!

Written by /u/jettasarebadmkay
@ around 46 upvotes, 94% upvoted

  1. April 6th, 2024 - /r/LiveFromNewYork: It's Saturday Night!

Written by /u/verifypassword__
@ around 43 upvotes, 94% upvoted

#Most controversial:

April 1st, 2024 - Hi all, I was looking for today's post when I received this comic in an e-mail from my grandson. It's the funniest thing I have seen all week šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚! Dave was on the computer this morning to use the bank he put my documents somewhere and I cannot find the feature lots of love xoxo
Written by /u/ConalFisher
@ around 30 upvotes, 77% upvoted


12:50 UTC


SROTD Post Breakdown for March 2024

####March 2024

March had an average of 34 upvotes per post (median 28).

The most upvoted feature had 101 upvotes, and the least upvoted had 6 upvotes (a range of 95).

Number of features: 31/31

Number of features by SROTD mods: 27 (jettasarebadmkay 5, ConalFisher 7, verifypassword__ 10, RichterRicochet 3, KiIroywasHere 2)

Number of features by SROTD interns: 2 (Alan-Foster 2)

Number of features by GUEST writers: 2


/r/InternationalBaseball, /r/projecthondas, /r/FormerPizzaHuts, /r/Frasier, /r/AtmosphericDnB


/r/Thatsabooklight, /r/PhantomBorders, /r/cromch, /r/ImaginaryCityscapes, /r/neapolitanpizza, /r/edmproduction, /r/Chiptunes


/r/myleftfoot, /r/Oscars, /r/Amish, /r/Nerf, /r/UtterlyUniquePhotos, /r/MapsWithoutNZ, /r/blurrypicturesofcats, /r/BreadStapledToTrees, /r/SkyPorn, /r/thebeachboys


/r/WowThanksImCured, /r/Protomen, /r/Karaoke


/r/TheBear, /r/Woodkid


/r/IndieGames, /r/Mindfulness

#Guest Features:

March 14: /r/SketchComedy by /u/CulturalWindow
March 15: /r/iTunesSales by /u/Groen28

#Top 5 highest upvoted:

  1. March 27th, 2024 - /r/thebeachboys: God only knows what I'd be without you!

Written by /u/verifypassword__
@ around 101 upvotes, 98% upvoted

  1. March 19th, 2024 - /r/Frasier: the sane choice

Written by /u/jettasarebadmkay
@ around 81 upvotes, 88% upvoted

  1. March 2nd, 2024 - /r/Thatsabooklight: For all those fancy space-age looking movie props that aren't quite as fancy space-age as they may first seem!

Written by /u/ConalFisher
@ around 70 upvotes, 96% upvoted

  1. March 30th, 2024 - /r/Protomen: We are the dead.

Written by /u/RichterRicochet
@ around 52 upvotes, 96% upvoted

  1. March 9th, 2024 - /r/FormerPizzaHuts: that doctorā€™s officeā€™s roof isnā€™t fooling anyone

Written by /u/jettasarebadmkay
@ around 48 upvotes, 89% upvoted

#Most controversial:

March 10th, 2024 - /r/Oscars: And the Oscar goes to...
Written by /u/verifypassword__
@ around 6 upvotes, 65% upvoted


  • Music Week happened between March 25th-31st!
15:34 UTC


SROTD Post Breakdown for February 2024

####February 2024

February had an average of 39 upvotes per post (median 30).

The most upvoted feature had 125 upvotes, and the least upvoted had 7 upvotes (a range of 118).

Number of features: 29/29

Number of features by SROTD mods: 22 (verifypassword__ 10, ConalFisher 3, RichterRicochet 4, KiIroywasHere 2, jettasarebadmkay 4)

Number of features by SROTD interns: 2 (jettasarebadmkay 2)

Number of features by GUEST writers: 4


/r/forblackdogs, /r/vintagejapaneseautos, /r/NightCourt, /r/unexpectedmitch, /r/pokeplush, /r/PokemonZA


/r/HalfAGiraffe, /r/VXJunkies, /r/Moviesinthemaking, /r/OscarRace, /r/RegularShow, /r/ChatGPT, /r/Radiohead, /r/OnlyFans, /r/ShittyVeganFoodPorn, /r/IsItFebruary29th


/r/FreezingFuckingCold, /r/watchplantsgrow, /r/hewillbebaked


/r/TheRealJoke, /r/MusicRecommendations, /r/Yiff [NSFW], /r/CaughtOnCCTV [NSFW]


/r/Ultrakill, /r/Signalis

#Guest Features:

Feb 2: /r/memesforparents by /u/meme_collector_42069
Feb 5: /r/Craftsman by /u/Duke_Newcombe
Feb 11: /r/Upstate_New_York by /u/Realtrain
Feb 19: /r/LearnToDrawTogether by /u/K_serious

#Top 5 highest upvoted:

  1. February 13th, 2024 - /r/Ultrakill: Mankind is dead. Blood is fuel. Hell is full.

Written by /u/KiIroywasHere
@ around 125 upvotes, 95% upvoted

  1. February 25th, 2024 - /r/OnlyFans: Exactly what it sounds like. Only fans.

Written by /u/verifypassword__
@ around 70 upvotes, 91% upvoted

  1. February 27th, 2024 - /r/ShittyVeganFoodPorn: A pint of Ben & Jerry's... and a scoop of nooch.

Written by /u/verifypassword__
@ around 68 upvotes, 97% upvoted

  1. February 24th, 2024 - /r/unexpectedmitch: Sorry for the convenience

Written by /u/jettasarebadmkay
@ around 65 upvotes, 94% upvoted

  1. February 14th, 2024 - /r/Signalis: Remember Our Promise

Written by /u/KiIroywasHere
@ around 60 upvotes, 95% upvoted

#Most controversial:

February 16th, 2024 - /r/Yiff: Three times? This furry sex sub got featured THREE TIMES? [NSFW]
Written by /u/RichterRicochet
@ around 18 upvotes, 59% upvoted


  • /u/jettasarebadmkay contributed 6 features this month: 2 as an intern, passing the internship, then 4 as a mod/writer! Everyone say congrats in the comments to the newest member of the SROTD crew!

  • /r/Yiff [NSFW] received its third feature, somehow!

  • I've classed the /r/ChatGPT feature as mod-written due to the overlong human-written introduction, but the post itself credits 'ChatGPT AI' as a guest-writer.

  • The /r/Ultrakill feature by /u/KiIroywasHere is now the most upvoted feature of the year so far, and the first to crack 100+ upvotes.

  • The /r/ChatGPT feature by me is now the least upvoted feature of the year so far, and the first to not hit 10 upvotes. Yay ā¤ļø

08:21 UTC


SROTD Post Breakdown for January 2024

####January 2024

January had an average of 40 upvotes per post (median 32).

The most upvoted feature had 95 upvotes, and the least upvoted had 11 upvotes (a range of 84).

Number of features: 31/31

Number of features by SROTD mods: 30 (ConalFisher 11, RichterRicochet 7, verifypassword__ 12)

Number of features by SROTD interns: 1 (Fraud_D_Hawk)

Number of features by GUEST writers: 0


/r/SubredditoftheDay, /r/OooBigStretch, /r/dogs_getting_dogs, /r/2sentence2horror, /r/ItemShop, /r/HuskyTantrums, /r/CatsStandingUp, /r/Ghibli, /r/ididnthaveeggs, /r/FoundPaper, /r/GoneWanton


/r/FoxholeGame, /r/GlobalOffensive, /r/TWRP, /r/CrimeScene, /r/Insurance, /r/VRChat, /r/PlaySquad


/r/Greyhounds, /r/MitchellAndWebb, /r/MegalithPorn, /r/NotFoolingAnybody, /r/notthethickofit, /r/Letterboxd, /r/AVoid5, /r/AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, /r/whatstheword, /r/UnusualArt, /r/Caterpillars, /r/TF2WeaponIdeas



#Top 5 highest upvoted:

  1. January 3rd, 2024 - /r/FoxholeGame: The Collies get the best gear! Nuh uh, the Wardens do!

Written by /u/RichterRicochet
@ around 95 upvotes, 94% upvoted

  1. January 5th, 2024 - /r/GlobalOffensive: It's Counter-Strike too.

Written by /u/RichterRicochet
@ around 93 upvotes, 92% upvoted

  1. January 10th, 2024 - /r/TWRP: An Elite Squad of rockstars from the 80's, but also the future!

Written by /u/RichterRicochet
@ around 80 upvotes, 95% upvoted

  1. January 4th, 2024 - /r/Greyhounds: The 40mph Couch Potatoes!

Written by /u/verifypassword__
@ around 75 upvotes, 96% upvoted

  1. January 1st, 2024 - /r/SubredditoftheDay: It's been a while, hasn't it? We're back. Let's talk!

Written by /u/ConalFisher
@ around 70 upvotes, 93% upvoted

#Most controversial:

January 26th, 2024 - /r/Palworld: Community hub for the record-breaking game Palworld
Written by /u/Fraud_D_Hawk
@ around 24 upvotes, 72% upvoted


  • This is the month SROTD returned!

  • The top 2 posts (/r/FoxholeGame and /r/GlobalOffensive) are pretty much tied for first.

  • The congrats post ('Congratulations /r/SubredditoftheDay! you are Subreddit of the Day!') was the highest upvoted post on the subreddit this month, with 150 upvotes.

  • While I have credited the /r/2sentence2horror feature to /u/ConalFisher, itā€™s actually credited in the post to ā€œthe creatureā€. Creature identity revealed asā€¦ conal guy šŸŖ±

  • Thanks to all the writers, interns, and subreddits who helped make this our first month since January 2021 to have a post every day. ā¤ļø

15:30 UTC


why was r/subredditoftheday set as private?

13:44 UTC


Is Subreddit Of The Day dead?

14:33 UTC



18:35 UTC



Can we share this sub on r/subredditoftheday as I think it needs more members. Billy Connolly is a legend and we need to make this sub bigger to spread the comedy legend of the big yin

22:08 UTC


How can I nominate my subreddit?

I just started a subreddit and I was wondering how I could nominate it because I want it to grow. I was thinking maybe r/tinysubredditoftheday but I dont know how to nominate it. If anyone knows please tell me

07:27 UTC


How far in advance can a sub be nominated

If someone wants to make a nomination for tiny reddit of the day for the day my sub hits the age limit for r/tinysubredditoftheday is it acceptable to submit it as a nomination the previous week or does it need to be closer? Is the age limit in fact for nominating and not being accepted? From memory the sub needs to be thirty days old when featured but I may have misread the rule so I thought I'd better get clarification.

21:02 UTC


I feel that all nominees for the tiny sub-reddit of the day should be featured somewhere on the r/tinysubredditoftheday for a day till the result is declared.

I feel that all nominees for the tiny sub-reddit of the day should be featured somewhere on the r/tinysubredditoftheday for a day till the result is declared.

14:16 UTC


[SRotD Town Hall] In light of a certain major candidate's subreddit having been quarantined this week, are you still planning on featuring it?

1 Comment
19:43 UTC


Congratulations, /r/SubredditOfTheDayMeta! You are Tiny Subreddit of the Day!

1 Comment
12:12 UTC


SROTD post breakdown for March 2019

####March 2019

Number of features: 31/31

Number of features by GUEST writers: 9 (8 edited by OwnTheKnight, 1 edited by _tomGER)

Number of features by SROTD mods: 22 (OwnTheKnight 21, verifypassword__ 1)

Number of features by SROTD interns: 0


/r/Znyder, /r/kingkong, /r/alitabattleangel, /r/Gunnm, /r/coding, /r/trashy, /r/steak, /r/whatisthisthing, /r/GuillermoDelToro, /r/apple, /r/blackmirror, /r/MuseumOfReddit, /r/BatmanArkham, /r/StarWarsEU, /r/EDM, /r/Naruto, /r/firefly, /r/dbz, /r/badwomensanatomy, /r/MuscleConfusion, /r/surrealmemes,



#Top 5 highest upvoted:

  1. March 3rd, 2019 - /r/AwardSpeechEdits: My post was gilded and got thousands of upvotes? Time to ruin it!

@ around 430 upvotes, 97% upvoted

  1. March 23rd, 2019 - /r/Naruto: The Manga and Anime Series... And an ingredient in ramen.

@ around 370 upvotes, 94% upvoted

  1. March 28th, 2019 - /r/BadWomensAnatomy: Sure I know!

@ around 330 upvotes, 93% upvoted

  1. March 27th, 2019 - /r/dbz: Dragon World

@ around 290 upvotes, 95% upvoted

  1. March 18th, 2019 - /r/blackmirror: Black Mirror is an anthology series created by Charlie Brooker

@ around 240 upvotes, 92% upvoted

#Most controversial:

March 17th, 2019 - /r/apple: Welcome to the unofficial community for Apple news, rumors, and discussions.

@ around 150 upvotes, 80% upvoted

^(something something /r/HailCorporate)


  • Thanks for the gold, silver and platinum on the /r/AwardSpeechEdits feature, kind strangers!
19:43 UTC


SROTD post breakdown for February 2019

####February 2019

Number of features: 28/28

Number of features by GUEST writers: 5 (4 edited by OwnTheKnight, 1 uncredited)

Number of features by SROTD mods: 22 (OwnTheKnight 19, verifypassword__ 2, Umbresp 1)

Number of features by SROTD interns: 1 (RPG_Ivan 1)


/r/Needadvice, /r/catpictures, /r/Trivium, /r/Filmmakers, /r/witcher, /r/Disney, /r/adultswim, /r/raimimemes, /r/SequelMemes, /r/AmItheAsshole, /r/NoStupidQuestions, /r/learnprogramming, /r/MotionDesign, /r/Cinema4D, /r/3Dmodeling, /r/Animation, /r/blender, /r/BackgroundArt, /r/penpals


/r/ComedyHeaven, /r/Memeulous





#Top 5 highest upvoted:

  1. February 3rd, 2019 - /r/ComedyHeaven: For comedy so accidentally terrible, it's accidentally hilarious.

@ around 470 upvotes, 94% upvoted

  1. February 6th, 2019 - /r/witcher: All things related to The Witcher - books, games, TV... you name it.

@ around 375 upvotes, 96% upvoted

  1. February 22nd, 2019 - /r/blender: The amazing open-source software program for 3D modeling, animation, rendering and more!

@ around 290 upvotes, 98% upvoted

  1. February 27th, 2019 - /r/TownofSalemgame: I'm sheriff and 7 is sus.

@ around 270 upvotes, 95% upvoted

  1. February 13th, 2019 - /r/raimimemes: Its always Pizza Time!

@ around 265 upvotes, 95% upvoted

#Most controversial:

February 11th, 2019 - /r/SandersForPresident: Bernie Sanders for President 2020

@ around 225 upvotes, 70% upvoted


  • Despite featuring a political sub (which are known to be controversial), this is SubredditOfTheDay's least controversial month since these post breakdowns began in October 2018!
11:16 UTC


SROTD post breakdown for January 2019

####January 2019

Number of features: 31/31

Number of features by GUEST writers: 5 (4 edited by OwnTheKnight, 1 edited by verifypassword__)

Number of features by SROTD mods: 24 (OwnTheKnight 12, verifypassword__ 11, ConalFisher 1)

Number of features by SROTD interns: 2 (RPG_Ivan 2)


/r/GODZILLA, /r/CabinPorn, /r/BetterEveryLoop, /r/flexibility, /r/bending, /r/UnsentLetters, /r/eyes, /r/RollerDerby, /r/MaleLivingSpace, /r/avengedsevenfold, /r/Pixar, /r/lanadelrey


/r/vegan, /r/PolicePorn, /r/ExposurePorn, /r/SkyPorn, /r/BeachPorn, /r/MegalithPorn, /r/CupsOnEdges, /r/loopbrother, /r/NoCopyrightSounds, /r/noisypictures, /r/copypasta




/r/NintendoSwitchDeals, /r/Straya

#Top 5 highest upvoted:

  1. January 8th, 2019 - /r/vegan: How do you know if a vegan subreddit exists? Don't worry, we'll tell you!

@ around 510 upvotes, 85% upvoted

  1. January 5th, 2019 - /r/GODZILLA: This is the place for anything related to Godzilla and his many foes

@ around 270 upvotes, 95% upvoted

  1. January 28th, 2019 - /r/copypasta: What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?

@ around 240 upvotes, 92% upvoted

  1. January 31st, 2019 - /r/cowboybebop: See you in the sub, space cowboy!

@ around 215 upvotes, 95% upvoted

  1. January 24th, 2019 - /r/NoCopyrightSounds: Quality music which can be used without the annoyance of copyright!

@ around 180 upvotes, 96% upvoted

#Most controversial:

January 14th, 2019 - /r/PolicePorn: High quality SFW pictures of police.

@ around 25 upvotes, 53% upvoted


18:46 UTC


SROTD post breakdown for December 2018

####December 2018

Number of features: 31/31

Number of features by GUEST writers: 7 (3 edited by OwnTheKnight, 3 edited by verifypassword__, 1 uncredited)

Number of features by SROTD mods: 24 (OwnTheKnight 9, ConalFisher 8, verifypassword__ 3, _tomGER 1, RichterRicochet 1, Umbresp 1, ZadocPaet 1)

Number of features by SROTD interns: 0


/r/ImaginaryJedi, /r/lotrmemes, /r/ImaginaryLeviathans, /r/Joker, /r/LookAtMyTree, /r/ChristmasDecorating, /r/ImaginarySliceOfLife, /r/ChristmasLights, /r/Saints


/r/Dogs, /r/PuppersHeckingDying, /r/DogsWithJobs, /r/Puppy101, /r/Dogs_Getting_Dogs, /r/BorderCollie, /r/RarePuppers, /r/Christmas


/r/im14andthisisfunny, /r/Deals, /r/CasualChildAbuse









#Top 5 highest upvoted:

  1. December 2nd, 2018 - /r/antiMLM: AntiMLM is smashing pyramids and saving relationships.

@ around 2985 upvotes, 95% upvoted

  1. December 7th, 2018 - /r/SmashBros: Everyone Is Here

@ around 790 upvotes, 96% upvoted

  1. December 27th, 2018 - /r/CasualChildAbuse: People who post about being horrible parents proudly.

@ around 410 upvotes, 92% upvoted

  1. December 1st, 2018 - /r/CrohnsDisease: Crohns and Colitis Awareness Week!

@ around 238 upvotes, 94% upvoted

  1. December 6th, 2018 - /r/lotrmemes: Lord Of The Rings Memes

@ around 235 upvotes, 94% upvoted

#Most controversial:

December 14th, 2018 - /r/PuppersHeckingDying: Oh hEcK tHis iS sUPeR NsFL!!!!!!11!!!1!

@ around 50 upvotes, 66% upvoted


  • This month had Dog Week, which lasted from December 13th to December 19th!

  • /u/ConalFisher admitted in his /r/DogsWithJobs feature that he's actually just a dog that can write features.

  • The bot broke, but that's okay because it came back stronger than ever.

12:41 UTC


SROTD post breakdown for November 2018

####November 2018

Number of features: 30/30

Number of features by GUEST writers: 8 (6 edited by OwnTheKnight, 1 edited by verifypassword__, 1 uncredited)

Number of features by SROTD mods: 22 (OwnTheKnight 17, verifypassword__ 3, ConalFisher 1, HelloToHorse, 1)

Number of features by SROTD interns: 0


/r/Blink182, /r/KarmaCourt, /r/DCFU, /r/riverdale, /r/BlackLightning, /r/SuperGirlTV, /r/Arrow, /r/LegendsOfTomorrow, /r/ColorizedHistory, /r/thanksgiving, /r/BlackFriday, /r/TitansTV, /r/PostMalone, /r/huehuehuehuehuehuehue, /r/iamverybadass, /r/Raining, /r/halsey


/r/PewdiepieSubmissions, /r/AVoid5, /r/DoctorWho





#Top 5 highest upvoted:

  1. November 17th, 2018 - /r/PewdiepieSubmissions: 2nd Most Subscribed to Channel on YouTube!

@ around 350 upvotes, 85% upvoted

  1. November 29th, 2018 - /r/Raining: Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet.

@ around 320 upvotes, 97% upvoted

  1. Nov 18th, 2018 - /r/AVoid5: Avoiding that symbol which sits amid "D" and "F" in our ABCs!

@ around 290 upvotes, 93% upvoted

  1. November 23rd, 2018 - /r/DoctorWho: 55 years of timey-wimey stuff!

@ around 210 upvotes, 94% upvoted

  1. November 10th, 2018 - /r/BestOfNoPolitics: For all the good Reddit posts that aren't politically driven!

@ around 205 upvotes, 88% upvoted

#Most controversial:

November 14th, 2018 - /r/supergirlTV: subreddit about the comicbook series on The CW. Discuss anything and everything about the show here!

@ around 30 upvotes, 66% upvoted

10:22 UTC


SROTD post breakdown for October 2018

(carrying on from this post from last year)

Number of features: 31/31

Number of features by GUEST writers: 9 (5 edited by OwnTheKnight, 1 edited by HelloToHorse, 3 uncredited)

Number of features by SROTD mods: 20 (OwnTheKnight 17, ConalFisher 1, WithYouInSpirit99 1, umbresp 1)

Number of features by SROTD interns: 2 (verifypassword__ 1, Metaltemujin 1)


/r/obscuresubreddits, /r/ImaginaryDC, /r/Celebs, /r/bodybuilding, /r/DCEUboners, /r/GeekBoners, /r/LadiesOfTheMCU, /r/LadyBoners, /r/Justfuckmyshitup, /r/AMADisasters, /r/LadyLadyBoners, /r/ComicBookMovies, /r/Comics, /r/ComicBooks, /r/h3h3productions, /r/Halloweenseries, /r/Halloween



("It was [answered by the mod] at least 4 months ago, I wrote the feature fully, didn't put it up for whatever reason, then found it a few weeks back, fully finished, in the dev sub.") (link)





#Highest upvoted:

October 1st, 2018 - /r/exmormon: A forum for ex-mormons and others who have been affected by mormonism to share news, commentary, and comedy about the Mormon church.

@ around 850 upvotes, 91% upvoted

#Most controversial:

October 6th, 2018 - /r/Celebs: for pics/gifs of beautiful female celebrities.

@ around 0 upvotes, 50% upvoted

1 Comment
01:04 UTC


Zadoc's guide to successfully launching a subreddit

1 Comment
00:19 UTC


Oh, and we made /r/drama too.

1 Comment
20:24 UTC


We're in SRD again!

20:20 UTC


02:18 UTC


January 1st, 2018 - /r/SubredditOfTheDay: 2017 in review

15:28 UTC


November 2017 in review

November is over! Actually, it was over a week ago, but I am just getting to this report because it's the end of my semester.

Out of the 30 subreddits we featured last month, 21 of them were written by the community, and only nine by SROTD mods and staff. Here's the breakdown:

  • Guest writers: 21
  • Zadoc: 3
  • HoldMyAWP: 2
  • Yanky_Doodle_Dickwad: 1
  • ShaneH7646: 1
  • ConalFisher: 1
  • _tomGER: 1

Top features of the month are:

  1. (430) November 29th, 2017 - /r/ATBGE: When fine craftmanship and a lack of taste collide.
  2. (430) November 27th, 2017 - /r/de: Reddit in German
  3. (421) November 16th, 2017 - The official subreddit of EA! (Joke post, really directly links to /r/CrappyGames)
  4. (319) November 10th, 2017 - /r/KnightsOfPineapple: Fighting For Pineapples on Pizza
  5. (298) November 7th, 2017 - /r/WarThunder: You Have a Hole in you Left Wing!

Notably, the lowest feature of the month, and I am pretty sure the entire year, was /r/DebateAltRight, which came in at 0 upvotes.

We added two new mods who passed our intern program. They are /u/_tomGER and /u/withyouinspirit99. We expect great things from them.

On November 21st we made an announcement supporting net neutrality. It got over 19k upvotes, which really screwed the subs featured on the 21st and 22nd. They were /r/Shitstatistssay and /r/TranscribersOfReddit, which only got 51 and 32 upvotes, respectively. This is because they were unable to rise against and compete with a front page post of that magnitude. This is why we don't like doing announcements.

As of right now, the December calendar is full up until the 20th! So, this is your last chance to get your Christmasy sub nominations in!

15:39 UTC


/r/SubredditOfTheDay's 2017 Best Guest Feature of the Year Nominations Thread

#Welcome to the 2017 /r/SubredditOfTheDay BEST OF awards

We are asking you you to nominate a post in /r/SubredditOfTheDay

To nominate, just make a comment below. To vote for an existing post, upvote existing comments.

Best practices: Include the username, a link to the post, and a brief description.

The thread is in "contest mode" so votes won't be visible. But whichever nomination has the most upvotes will win.

The winner will receive 10 months of reddit gold courtesy of the admins. The runner up will get 5 months!

Note: Please do not nominate mods or staff writers.

10:59 UTC


TIL how Subreddit of the Day got started.

15:18 UTC

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