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RUMOR: George Lucas coming back to Star wars

Interview with the Guy who made the Lightsabers for the Prequels and worked with George and is friend of him. Beginning at 0:44. Thoughts?

07:45 UTC


Was Kenobi Overhated?

I know why people hated it but as we all know hate is a strong emotion. The highs are so high and the lows are not as low as most think. Most criticism I've heard are the Third Sister and Leia being kidnapped. Surely that does not mean everyone should hate it? Leia is a bit goofy in chase scens vut her actress was phenomenal. It establishes her knowing 'Ben Kenobi' as seen in A New Hope. It makes Ben call Anakin 'Darth' make sense! Sure, Third Sister stabs the Grand Inquisitor but she injures Owen which is why he walks with a limp. Sure, the stab is goofy but love it or hate it, Star Wars has made a stab survivable more recently. I always watch this series before rewatching the original trilogy. Originally I was very skeptical when they said Anakin and Ben would have a rematch but it is some of the most beautiful cinema I've ever seen. Maybe I'm biased as I work in the industry but I feel so much more is worthy of hatred compared to this series. Only thing I hate is the AI Vader voice. Idk, I've always been a Kenobi believer and loved it from start to end and thought others would too. The lighting in this series makes me wish I worked on more creative projects, it's so clear to me that the crew had an amazing time filming this. Not sure, I'm just ranting but I think this show is severely underrated.

Thanks for reading.

07:32 UTC


What would you like to see in a mature series, similar to Andor, that follows a group of Jedi on the run immediately after Order 66?

We've seen the perspectives of many Jedi and Padawans of order 66 on screen, but it usually jumps ahead in time, like Kanen Jarrus and Cal Kestis. I'd like to see a dramatic and tense story that doesn't jump ahead, following the confusion and fear for the Jedi as they are forced on the run. Here's a few things I'd like to see.

The first episode follows several Jedi and their padawans as the clone wars are nearing their end. Most of the episode shows the Jedi at the height of their power, leading the clones into battle. Then, within the last few minutes, order 66 is declared and there is a massacre.

Some Jedi can retreat back to their home planets but discover that their families believed Palpatine's claim that they are traitors who tried to take over the republic and alert the authorities, forcing them back on the run.

The beginnings of the Path can be explored.

Several Jedi are shown losing hope and turning to the dark side, with some of them becoming inquisitors.

This one may be a stretch, but the group could possibly help Yoda find Dagobah.

Darth Vader can show up once or twice a season and someone dies, or everything goes to hell whenever he does. He basically becomes the bringer of death. To the point where, by the third time he appears, the audience would say "Oh shit."

And finally, to show how deadly it has become to be a Jedi, the main Jedi we've been following through the show sacrifices himself to allow his friends to escape on the Path during a raid by Vader and his inquisitors.

06:36 UTC


Piggybacking off another post, what's your favorite star destroyer (including all classes)

Mine has been the gladiator for as long as I can remember. I think it's a really cool ship and a much more practical design than a lot of other imperial destroyers

05:46 UTC


Has anybody else noticed how the shadow of Vader looks like a woman? Anakin had only a mother which he lost early in life. Psychologically, this makes sense.

He was so afraid of losing the feminine figure of love in his life that he ended up becoming it (or a shadow of it) which he cannot lose. In doing so, he was emasculated and became dominated and subservient to the emperor. It was only through the love he had for his son that he was able to regain his masculinity, overthrow the emperor and redeem himself.

05:40 UTC


List as many -tooine names as you can. Canon or just whatever sounds good if they need to come up with more. I’ll start.

Tatooine Dantooine

Will accept -ooine also.

05:01 UTC


I love how the Phantom Menace title is alluded in this poster. Darth Vader was there all along.

04:12 UTC


What is this Tribute to Boba Fett?

Watching Book of Boba Fett, Chapter 1 Stranger in a Strange Land. The other crime lords pay tribute to Boba Fett as the new Daimyo.

I’m not sure what this is, does Dokk Strasi bring a Wookie hide as his tribute?

04:09 UTC


My newest tattoo… Jar Jar Binks

03:45 UTC


Do you agree with Kreia? Do you think she has a point?

03:43 UTC


Constantly seeing links for KOTOR game, is it a thing?

Just saw another video about upcoming status update for new kotor game. Is there news?


03:28 UTC


How many species do we see where the only one(s) shown are Jedi?

Yoda, Yaddle, and Grogu are the obvious ones here, and I don't recall another Kel Dor besides Plo Koon. There are obviously many that I don't know about, so...who do you have?

03:24 UTC


Will the new generation love the sequels just like the prequels

So I grew up with the prequels so I absolutely loved them from nostalgia and as a part of my childhood. I remember during those days a lot of the older fans voicing their dislike for the prequels.

In fact I remember the hate for the prequels being so great that George Lucas in an interview expressed his frustration at this and why he couldn’t do what he wanted Cus of the hate.

Nowadays everyone loves the prequels. And the sequels are treated the way the prequels were. Will the next generation then begin to the love sequels since they grew up with it and then dislike whatever Triology comes after that? Provided the next triology has its flaws the prequels and sequels

02:43 UTC


[Spoilers] Bad Batch SN 3 finale. Do you think these people will show up?

Vader and the Emperor.

I think the Emperor is going to kill Hemlock and Emerie first up. Hemlock will be trying to explain himself for his failures and the Emperor will stab them both with a syringe needle and inject them with the M count, overloading their systems

Vader will clean house at the very end and take out most of the Batch. There will be an Echo vs Vader moment where Echo realizes that Vader is Anakin.

02:11 UTC


On this day 10 years ago Expanded Universe was decanonized, but more importantly most of it's projects being cancelled, thus dooming many stories to be unfinished

01:26 UTC


Just finished my Gar Saxon cosplay thoughts?? 🫡

01:21 UTC


One of the things that I noticed about the sequel trilogy was the absence of a lot of Star Wars' alien species. Here's a Venn Diagram I made that breaks it all down.

01:11 UTC


The REAL worst Star Wars character...

(This is The Skywalker Saga, not the games or anything) Everybody says Jar-Jar Binks is the worst character but totally forgetting about C-3PO. Like I'm not saying Binks wasn't unbelievably annoying, but he was kinda funny and helped fight for Naboo in Episode 1. 3PO is annoying, not very funny, and kinda useless overall.

And I get he was around for everything but especially in the abomination that the final trilogy was, he's pretty useless. I'd say the only times he was useful was the original trilogy.

Sorry for the long reasoning.

00:34 UTC


How can they follow up on the Mythosaur reveal in The Mandalorian? What would you like to see happen?

00:30 UTC


Why do the Jedi masters seem so easily defeated compared to their apprentices in the movies?

Especially how Qui Gon died, he's supposed to be this great respected Jedi master but in the movies it's like he's so easily defeated. Same goes for Obi Wan. Other than Yoda or the Skywalkers the other Jedi Masters didn't seem to show much tactical skills.

00:22 UTC


What is Ahsoka’s skin color?

Wookieepedia states “Orange (with white markings and blue stripes)”

I had a discussion with my gf, she thinks her color is not orange, is more similar to the skin of actual human beings. She went as far as to say Rosario is pretty close to the color of the character and barely notices a difference when she gets painted for the part.

I don’t disagree plenty of latinos have a brownish/reddish skin tone. We are from Brazil, we know the color of our people. However I do think Tano has an unnatural orange that is noticeably different from any human being.

So, whats your verdict? Are the tones similar? They dialed down on the orange from the cartoon when filming the live action actress, but to me they are all unnaturally orange.

00:18 UTC


I wish we have more series or movies about the High Republic era

I fee like having a show where we get to see thoudands of siths vs thousands of Jedi battle it out would be so interesting. Would love to see more of the world before The Phantom Menace. I know we have the comics but I prefer live action or animation as you get to see the action more

00:15 UTC


Star Wars Themed Dorm

Not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but does anyone have any ideas/inspiration that I could use to make a Star Wars themed dorm for a female? Any help is appreciated!

23:52 UTC


What is something whose size is often overlooked/forgotten in the Star Wars universe?

23:26 UTC


Feats of the Original Trilogy

I was stumbling through Substack today when I came across a feed that is analyzing characters and calculating a point value for their actions. They just went over the original trilogy and I was shocked to see that Han scored higher than Luke! I always thought that Luke would be the one to score higher since I viewed him as the main character. Maybe because Han had his own movie he was able to get a couple extra feats. Anyway it was an interesting article, quick read. https://featsnfaults.substack.com/p/feats-n-faults-star-wars-original?r=14ob59



1 Comment
22:58 UTC


Scout trooper helmet

I got a notification that a scout trooper helmet is available for pre-order from Hasbro Pulse. https://hasbropulse.com/products/star-wars-the-black-series-scout-trooper-premium-helmet

What I can't tell is if it is the same helmet that was released 6 months or so ago? I spent far too much time painting one of those up to look like Ezra Bridger's from Rebels, so would like to know the difference(s)?

1 Comment
22:58 UTC

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