Can deep space be owned? Of course!
Let a thousand nations bloom.
Can deep space be owned? Of course.
"Shortage of resources is not a fact; it is an illusion born of ignorance" - Lewis in his book "Mining the Sky." He claims that colonies built with the natural resources of the asteroid belt alone, including limitless space-based solar power, could eventually support a vast civilization of "several tens of quadrillions (1016) of people".
He closes the book with an assertion that this vast population could be a very good thing. "Intelligent life, once liberated by the resources of space, is the greatest resource in the solar system... the highest fulfillment of life is unbounded intelligence and compassion"
*NEW* Key to space exploration lies in miniaturization
VIDEO: "The Frontier Is Everywhere" - Carl Sagan
"The High Frontier" by O'Neill - PhD scientists explains that we've had the technology to colonize space since the 1980's, we only lack the will.
"Mining the Sky" by Lewis - The problem that O'Neill puts forth, lack of incentive for going into space, is solved by Lewis. We will go into space for economic reasons, because of vast mineral wealth!
Exciting news if it proves true! Please visit /r/EMdrive and follow along!
Space Engine - a free space simulation program that lets you explore the universe in three dimensions, from planet Earth to the most distant galaxies.
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