This subreddit is devoted to Shortcuts. Shortcuts is an Apple app for automation on iOS, iPadOS, and macOS.
This subreddit is for the Shortcuts app for iOS and macOS. This app allows you to create and share Shortcuts. Shortcuts are scripts that automate tasks. These can be triggered manually or through Siri, and in some exceptional circumstances they can be triggered through external inputs. (Like NFC)
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In addition to Reddit's rules, this subreddit has some additional rules:
Rule name | Description |
Rule 1: Stay related to Shortcuts. | Content without any significant commentary relevant to the Shortcuts app and related features may be removed. |
Rule 2: Don't link to illegally hosted content. | Do not include links in your posts or shortcuts to places that violate copyright law, such as torrent sites or free streaming sites. |
Rule 3: Use Imgur/Gfycat/Reddit to host media. | You should only use Imgur, Gfycat, or Reddit to host media, such as screenshots, GIFs, and videos. See rule #5 for information on how to share links to shortcuts. |
Rule 4: Be civil. | If what you want to say is not civil, please do not post it at all. |
Rule 5: Shortcut posts must include a shortcut link. | All posts marked with the 'shortcut' flair must have a link, whether it is as the URL provided in a link post or somewhere in the body of a text post. Links can be to iCloud or RoutineHub. |
Rule 6: Shortcut posts must fully describe the shortcut. | All posts marked with the 'shortcut' flair must have an explanation of the shared shortcut. This can be in the body of a text post or in a comment on a link post. Shortcuts that maliciously conceal the purpose of high-risk actions (such as send message) violate this rule. Post titles requesting help must include a description of the help being sought. |
Rule 7: Shortcuts should be shared through a trusted site | To ensure safety and authenticity of shared shortcuts, we ask that all shared shortcuts use an iCloud link or RoutineHub link. Make sure to share the original link if it is not your own shortcut you are sharing. Regenerating a link for someone else's work makes it hard to know if it was modified in some way, and it also doesn't gain their shortcut another download (shortcut sharing site). |
Rule 8: Use post flair properly | When setting your post flair, consider the options before setting it: If you are sharing a shortcut, then choose 'Shortcut Sharing'. If you need help, use 'Help'. Please also be sure to set the post flair to 'Solved' when your request or help item has been resolved. This helps to reduce the number of posts that end up in the 'Help' and 'Request' filters. If you are sharing a tip or guide, use the 'Tip/Guide' flair. |
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Ive never used shortcuts before but now I have an iphone with the action button and I would love to set it so I could turn the light on and off but Im only able to set it to only on or only off
Is there anyway I can get the action button to record voice memos and toggle mute ringer on at same time and to further expand even toggle the ringer back on after voice recording is over. Is there anyway with automation or custom shortcuts. I would love for this to be possible without sacrificing the quick and discreet way of recording a voice memo without having to even look at it and or click something
Edit: I created a shortcut that turns on silent mode then starts a voice recording right after in that order. Only downside/sacrifice is that I have to turn on ringer manually after and can’t press action button again to turn off voice recording. Not a big issue but slight problem resolved with an automation that turns ringer back on when voice memo app closed. That only works if when you are done w the recording and click into it to turn it off rather than turning it off from the Dynamic Island. All small issues but for what I need it for this is a solution. Hope this helps others with similar needs in the future.
Side note: This solution made was also not for me as I keep my ringer off 24/7 anyway but for someone with horrible ADHD and not the greatest or fastest w technology and stubborn to not have their ringer off ever cuz they’ll forget it’s off and miss every notification 😂
So I wanted to create a shortcut to be able to start google maps and get directions to my home. I want to start this from my watch. Every time I do it it starts it on my watch and not my phone. How do I do this?
I’ve been trying to figure this out, and maybe I’m going about it the wrong way, but could anyone help?
I know I can navigate to a location, but I have to write the actual address. The problem is that since it doesn’t pull the pinned location, it doesn’t automatically share my ETA.
I guess I could probably have the shortcut share my ETA, but idk I just feel like I should be able to select a pinned location from Apple Maps.
Can I use shortcuts so a person in my family who doesn't have the concepts "tab" and "web browser" can tap an icon on their iPad home screen to open a particular web page, and not end up with multiple tabs for that web page (or failing that, without ending up with multiple tabs for that web site)?
Maybe "Show web view" or the webapp:
URL scheme would do that? - but I can't tell from posts here whether that results in multiple tabs in Safari?
I don't myself have an iPad / mac, but I don't mind complicated setup or coding as long as using the home screen icon is drop-dead simple and doesn't open multiple tabs!
Buying an app to make this work is an option if that helps.
I'd guess this person's iPad is somewhere around 5 years old, possibly more.
how do i make an automation that takes the travel time to go to an event on my calander and adds15 min(or whatever time i desire) and then give me a notification to leave when it’s that time.
so say if it takes 15 minutes to drive somewhere. it takes that time and addds 15 minutes and so 30 minutes prior to the event it tells me to leave. i want it to be dynamic so the travel time updates if there’s traffic or anything.
Hi everybody I have this problem that I can’t figure out.
Ive set my shortcut to run when I enter the car For some reasons the shortcut the dictation part of the shortcut doesn’t correctly when the phone is locked.
Any suggestions?
I have a shortcut that starts by asking for input and then it uses that input to create a Bear note. When I run the shortcut in the shortcut app it works correctly. When I run it using the shortcut widget on my phone, it asks for input as desired, but then it repeats and asks for input again and runs correctly. Has anyone experienced this before?
Hi, I've seen a couple of attempts here but they don't copy images. Anybody know the reason, since I can manually copy the content from a web page and paste into Apple Notes with images?
In fact I can always first put Safari into the reader mode and just use manual copy and paste, but for a proper web clipper, it should also copy the http address for future reference. I'm wondering whether a shortcut to do it automatically like the following is possible:
(1) Copy the content of the web page (already in reader mode);
(2) Copy the url of the web page;
(3) Combine the two blocks of texts;
(4) Create a new note and past the combined texts.
So it would involve the shortcut to scan the title of the book, find the image of the book in safari I guess and display it after no registered activity and display it. Would this be possible? Instead of the ipad just going on standby, it would be pretty cool to have it display the cover of the current book I'm reading
I got a presence sensor to control lights in the nursery, but the basic shortcut I set up to manage it didn't easily allow you to override it if you wanted something different for a while. While I noodle over how to fix that...
What are your favorite use cases for shortcuts/automations that use presense sensors?
I am trying to create an automation that runs when my phone is connected to power. But here’s the twist that I can’t figure out.
I want it to play a portion of a song in my music library after confirmation of charging. I want it to play Marcia Griffiths’ “Electric Boogie” starting from :23 seconds in through :27 seconds without it prompting me.
By fumbling through the process I have been successful in getting it to play the whole song from the beginning. However, it prompts me to press play, it doesn’t just play it automatically.
Is this even possible? Is there someone out there who can walk me through the correct steps to accomplish this?
Essentially, some auto shut off feature
After last update almost every day at a random point of the day every sc with choose from list to display a list or menu stop to work and I need to reboot to make it work again I’m alone ? Have you suggestion to solve the issue without reboot ?
So I just updated my iPhone to 18.3 but my automations that are set up on my iPhone for my watch don’t work anymore. I have the following automation set but when it’s time to run it tried but can’t execute. My iPhone and Apple Watch both are updated to latest iOS and they are always near by when the time this automation is set to trigger so I’m lost as to why it’s not working after the update.
Im new to shorcuts.I made a shorcut to create all my work wakeup alarms. It Labels them WORK and at the start deletes everything with name WORK. I tried to make an IF statement to see if the alarm existed and toggled it else created it, but was unsucessful.
I cannot for the life of me get siri to trigger it consistently. Any title with alarms siri just ask as if im trying to set a single alarm. Any tips for this?
lwts you use a command to generate LMGTFY links.
To use, when prompted, enter “lmg(search query)“
For example, lmg(whats the weather like today?) , would return this:
<https://lmgtfy2.com/?s=g&q=whats the weather like+today?>
Ive created 7 shortcuts that replace the url of the corresponding social media site link with versions that have better embeds for apps like Discord, Telegram, etc...
All of the media embeds work in iMessage except for YouTube and TikTok, however if you send the TikTok link this generates then the user doesnt have to download the app to view the video.
All of these replaced embeds work great in Discord, Telegram, and other apps so that you dont have to leave the application to view the embedded content.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Are there any ways to activate the noise control mode on a Mac device (AirPods Pro 2, MBA M2)?
Wondering if anyone had a run in with this bug. I can airplay manually from Apple Music on iOS to my Homepod mini stereo just fine, but if I set up a shortcut to do the same the result is silence and a connection break after a few seconds. This only started after pairing up the two Homepods.
WiFi is fine, did resets, same network and band - nothing helped. Any ideas? Am I just cooked?
Btw. setting up a shortcut to handoff playback works just fine, but this does not allow me to set the Homepod volume to a precise percentage.
Is there a way where I can make a condition where in the morning after I get up my remaining alarms will silence for that day?
I sometimes sleep through alarms, hence why I have multiple alarms, and it would be good to have a condition where I don’t have to keep turning off my extra alarms for when I wake up to earlier alarms.
One hang up is I can’t use the condition of “when I turn the first alarm off” for two reasons-
I may have a day where I have alarms for reasons other than waking up (unless I can customize the alarms to silence)
And the second is I am HORRIBLE about subconsciously turning my alarms off and falling back asleep. I wish it was just laziness that I could improve, but I have sleep apnea and sometimes my subconscious turns the alarm off and go right back to sleep.
Sometimes after a dog walk I’ll forget to end the workout and drive home so part or all of the drive is captured as part of the workout.
My phone switches to driving focus when I’m in the car, is it possible to create a shortcut to end the current workout when that happens?
Thanks team 🙏
As the title says, is there a way to set up a shortcut or automation as described?
For example, I want low power mode to turn on if Pokémon Go is open and using mobile data, not WiFi.
that's the shortcut to chat with gemini using api key. I want to set system prompt. so that I don't need to type what should gemini do with input from share-sheet like website link and text. can anyone enlighten me ?
Took a while to find the culprit. iPhone 13 Pro on iOS 17.0
Hey everyone,
I work as an engineer, and I need to send geotagged photos daily for my job. I've tried multiple geotagging apps, but most of them are filled with ads or require unnecessary subscriptions.
I'm looking for a shortcut or that can automatically add location, latitude, longitude, date, and time as a watermark on the captured image. Ideally, it should be easy to use—just snap a photo, and the details get overlaid instantly.
If anyone has a reliable shortcut or knows a good app without excessive ads, please share! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have a shortcut where I can share notes to shortcut. Shortcuts will then do something and creates a to-do list based upon the notes and put that into Another notes document or reminders.
Is it possible to create a link back to the original note with the help of the shortcut?