For all pornographic things Megaten-related: doujins, single images, cosplay, etc.
Welcome to /r/ShinMegamiHentai. All manner of sexual content related to the Megami Tensei series may be posted here, including:
Single-image sets (single images found on Pixiv, Deviantart, Tumblr)
3DPD (Goro's porn parodies, erotic cosplay)
Full porn comics (doujins from sad panda, Yuri-isms)
Erotic fanfiction, apparently.
Images must be pornographic or sexually suggestive.
Images must be related to the Megami Tensei series. Characters not exclusive to the Megami Tensei series must be as they appear in Megami Tensei games. For example, pornography depicting Jack Frost may not depict Jack Frost as he appears in The Santa Claus family film series.
Cosplay posts may only contain adults of 18 years or older. Child pornography WILL NOT be tolerated.
Links to sources must be provided in comments. If not, make a text post with the content in question.
Comments are for discussion. No shitposting.
The following MUST be tagged. Failing to do so will earn a temporary ban, and continued failure to do so will earn a perma-ban: Futanari, Lolicon/Shotacon, Scat, Vore, Furry, Guro, Western, and most importantly NTR.
User flairs are for your waifu/husbando!
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