Hot girls in that special stage between just finishing their shower and getting dressed. Now that they're clean, it's time to get a little dirty.
First, ABSOLUTELY no pictures of minors. Even if it's suspect, it's not allowed. EVER.
Blatant advertising for personal/sale subs, paywalls or premium content is prohibited. Violation will result in 1 warning before being banned.
No before or during shower content, only post-shower or bath, and it needs to be noticeable.
Stick to the generally accepted hosting sites: imgur, gfycat, minus, reddituploads, eroshare. Spam sites, pay sites, redirects, or sites with questionably excessive ads will result in posts being removed and you being banned.
Self pics are welcomed, and highly encouraged.
No creepy or blatantly rude comments. OP may not the girl in the picture, but if they are then rude or troll comments are unacceptable. May result in immediate ban.
If you report something, please include a reason.
We highly encourage cross-posting and linking relevant subs in posts.
If you get caught in the spam filter do not message the mods. We already know.
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CSS by /u/_lilpoundcake