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A showcase for stunning scientific images, diagrams, graphs, videos, animations in any field.
New images posted daily
A showcase for stunning scientific images in any field.
Images must be properly sourced.
Images must be properly sourced. People worked hard to produce these images. Please respect that by crediting the authors or team that produced them.
Graphs and diagrams are welcome. Preferably with commentary or explanation in the comments.
Animations and videos are welcome as well.
Psuedoscience, nonscience, and posts of poor quality will be removed.
Be friendly.
How do I properly source an image?
Option 1: Direct image link. Post a comment linking to the article or webpage where it appears.
Option 2: Link to article or webpage where the image appears.
Option 3: For original content, comment on the circumstances and techniques for how the image was produced.
If the article or webpage is not hosted by the original author, the webpage must contain the original author's information.
Extra points for quoting the author's information in the comments.
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Cheers to the last sunrise of the Western Pacific this 2024. The image is a great illustration of the axial tilt of Earth, just after the recent Winter Solstice!
📡Himawari-9 via JMA
Cheers to the last sunrise of the Western Pacific this 2024. The image is a great illustration of the axial tilt of Earth, just after the recent Winter Solstice!
📡Himawari-9 via JMA