Recreational mediævalism. An unofficial subreddit for folks associated with the Society for Creative Anachronism, but not an official organ of the SCA, Inc.
Recreational mediævalism
In the middle of building my first kit, using wax hardened leather. Any reccomendations for attaching padding to it? I'm working on legs and knees right now, and don't think the knees are going to sit right with knee pads under them
Apologies, but I've been discussing this with the good people over in r/OldEnglish.
So let's say my name is Alfred and I'm from the Kingdom of Mercia in the early middle ages (600s) pre-Viking England near the Scottish border.
What I came up with is the locative Alfred aef Miercna. Someone pointed out that aef would trigger the dative form, Miercnum.
Then another person pointed out that there were no surnames and that the last name here would be similar to Jeff from Accounting as more of a convenient way to distinguish between multiple people named Alfred.
I guess the most authentic name would be not to have a surname at all.
So my question then becomes which route to take on the name application.
1-Alfred aef Miercnum
2-Alfred Miercna
3-Alfred Miercnum
Any and all help is most appreciated.
As the title says, i'm currently on the hunt for a Montante style Crossguard and pommel, I'm looking to make a replica out of rattan but the good ole google-fu hasn't been doing me justice. Does anyone have any armorers or artists that could give me some recommendations on products or DIY projects for a good crossguard.
Thanks for all the help, yours in service,
Vedr Hafsson
Greetings! I’m a kinda-sorta new scribe, been at it for 2 years now here and there, and have found myself out of an easy way to transport my materials to events and local scribal nights.
I have a little pencil bag that I got from JNB, but have rapidly ran out of room holding my brushes, pencils, pens, inks, paints, all of my goodies essentially, not even mentioned the couple reference books and paper I try and tote along with it.
Does anyone have any suggestions or recommendations for a (preferably period-looking) way to bring these sorta things along?
Hi all, I'm interested in re-creating this footwear from Russia. Does someone have a more clear pattern with instructions on how to put it together? Thanks!
Having learned about wool tunics and such, my cool weather garb is coming right along.
But summer is a different story. Do we just wear linen? Is there such a thing as a summer cloak?
I'm trying to do more of a Saxon than a Viking thing, but it seems the only evidence is that hats were probably made of straw or felt. Would you agree? I'm thinking sun protection.
And then all the straw hats are cowboy style. I'm exploring Amish options where I might remove the cloth band. But I'm not 100% satisfied with those options either.
Is it more realistic to wrap a cloth around my head?
Your input is most welcome.
Hello, I'm interested if anyone has any Spanish late period sources for me to take a look at for clothing styles. I'm not quite looking for the extremely late stuff with the baggy leggings over silk. That's easy enough to find. I'm interested right around the conquest of Grenada period, 1480s-1500 approximately. Thanks in advance.
Edit: typically I like to find a good painting and work from that. If no Spanish is readily available, I also have interest in the influence of Spanish dress in that time period. Cultural exchange is close enough for me.
Hey y'all. I'm a knight marshal in Ansteorra and I have had a huge influx of newcomers coming through our barony which has been awesome but with Ironmonger closed I am having trouble finding resources for those who are ready to buy their first starter helm but can't afford something in the $400-700+ range. Aside from scrolling Facebook marketplace/sca armor trading groups does anyone have any reliable armorers still in business I can recommend to them?
Help me pick between the two? I'm relatively new to the SCA and have not been to either events.
I camp with a very small group and our main areas of interest are making friends, dancing, feasting, A&S, and general revelries and shenanigans. We prefer sites that have showers & flushing toilets to ones w/o. Both events are equidistant, and we don't have any children tagging along.
A lot of people in my group seem to prioritize effectiveness instead of authenticity for their combat.
What’s more important to you all?
I have a friend who has been struggling over the past few years with an issue and we haven't been able to figure out the cause of anything. I'm curious if anyone here has dealt with similar or has any advice.
The issue is that hard shots, for some reason, tend to trigger a reflex to collapse. They have been fencing for about 6 years total albeit sporadically at times due to real life commitments. At first we thought it was just a reaction to a hard shot to the head that had us performing a full concussion assessment (I was marshalling the bout, it was an excessive shot by far but thankfully no concussion). By the same person, there has been a hard shot to the liver that made them collapse as well which we chalked up to the pain causing that reaction. However, there have been situations since then of hard shots making them collapse, at least one came from me into their sternum (did not knock the wind out of them though it did bruise) and even shots to the face that while excessive, were not to the level of worries about concussion and would not have had the sharp pain of a hard shot to the body. They fence in a plastic chest protector now and I believe this has potentially helped some but it's unclear.
They have had this happen in one on one bouts as well as melees from shots to the head/mask, torso, gorget that have caused this reaction but we can't figure out why. They are not doing it intentionally at all and this is not something for sympathy or some ploy or anything. We're wondering if this could be a psychological reaction or potentially a medical one.
Has anyone had or seen similar occur or have any advice? "Toughen up" or "accept that it happens and deal with it" are not helpful, we are in a kingdom whose calibration standard is lightest touch. Any advice or questions are welcome. I will answer what I can and also am in touch with them and will provide any answers they are comfortable with. Thank you!
Edit to add: I agree that they should see a doctor and am checking with them if they have. If not, I know they are planning on it. We mainly wanted to check here to see if anyone had other thoughts. I think it is likely a trauma response because it doesn't seem to happen when hit in the arms or legs (that I know of). Thank you all for your thoughts
ADDITIONAL INFO: they have seen a physician and also had a CT scan done, everything came back normal, no issues
Along with a few other new members, we are seriously wondering: is it merely a representative role, a kind of one-man show on a throne, or does it actually come with a real mission to fulfill?
I’m going to keep this vague. In my kingdom someone was removed from play temporarily. They’re a dangerous person and their actions should have had them R&D’d. Should those of us who don’t feel safe with them reach out to the BOD? Their dangerous actions were reported leading up to their removal from play. It was at a kingdom level and not corpora