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Arthritis Foundation

(UK) National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society Helpline


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Early RA detection?

So.. I️ might be crazy but I️ wasn’t sure if there are any early ways to detect RA or if anyone’s gone through a similar process. My grandma had RA, my mom has Raynaud’s and trigger finger, and I️ have Raynaud’s. I’m 23 years old, healthy, exercise daily, and have been diagnosed with periodontal disease. My dentist suggested I️ had some underlying autoimmune disorder contributing to this as I️ have very healthy teeth in general, and now I️’m very concerned with what I️’m missing. RA is one of the autoimmune disorders linked to early gum disease which is what sparks this thought. My joints do hurt frequently but I️ assumed that was due to exercise.. anyone else have any advice and/or know if there are other ways to identify this? Does anyone have any links or articles related to early RA? I️ ’d rather catch it early and get a handle on it then wake up in 10 years wishing I️ could’ve done something sooner.

10:56 UTC



I’m only on day four but it’s making me clear my throat nonstop. And I feel terrible overall. Will it fade? Maybe my body is getting used to it. Anyone have any experience with this?

10:25 UTC


Does everyone's Rheumatologist monitor eyesight?

I was diagnosed with RA a few years ago and I'm now on MTX, plaquenil, Arava and Prednisolone. When I mentioned eye problems at the beginning, the Rheumatologist said that's nothing to do with him. They say he's very good, but I've seen things that concern me. I went for an eye screen as I have reading glasses, and they said my sight was getting worse. They also said I should be screened annually with RA and seemed surprised he wasn't keeping track of my vision changes. I'm getting older which might explain some vision changes, but I'm worried by some things the Rheumatologist said and I feel like he doesnt listen to me so I've started looking for a new Rheumatologist.

Can anyone tell me what to look for?

What should a Rheumatologist keep track of and what questions should they ask?

09:36 UTC


Irregular periods


Does anyone else have issues with irregular periods?

I had a steroid shot 6 weeks ago and I had an irregular period 20th April - 28th April so 9 days long (I’m usually about 5 days long) and it was very light and dark blood.

Now a week later, it looks like I’m starting another period.

My rheum nurse said it’s because of the steroid shot but it’s so weird to be starting a second period a week later!!

Anyone else have similar issues??

I’m not on birth control

09:17 UTC


Alternating joint pain

Hello, I was diagnosed last June with RA. At this time it was only my fingers and wrists that hurt.

I was prescribed methotrexate which made it worse, and me being hard headed I stopped taking it and never went back.

I noticed more recently that after I work during the day, if I do ANYTHING out of my ordinary routine I am in horrible pain.

Example: The other night after work I went around and cleaned my house over about 2 hours or so, that night I could hardly walk from how badly my knee hurt.

Today I did a lot of driving (off-roading) and was out of the vehicle maybe a total of 10 mins, and tonight my heel/ankle are excruciatingly painful.

The most interesting thing is that by morning most if not all of the pain disappears until the next day.

Any thoughts on this? I go back to my rheumatologist tomorrow to get some more answers hopefully.

03:01 UTC


JIA diagnosed at 17. Now 30 and symptoms are much worse. Doctor doesn’t care.

Hello, I’m sorry this is going to be long and ranty. I was diagnosed with JIA years ago, chronic knee, back, shoulder and hand joint pain. I had a flare up and 4 of my finger joints were swollen. I’ve been in pain since age 11. I was put on weekly Enbrel shots with pain meds for a couple of years. I had to switch hospitals and my new rhuem told me that I didn’t have JIA and said it was fibromyalgia. Completely brushed me off and sent me home samples of a new drug. She didn’t even pull my records from the other hospital. I felt completely unheard and stopped going.

Years later my symptoms are completely unmanageable. Doctors still say, “you’re healthy just eat better.” I have less mobility in my left hand and visible swelling on my ring finger. My left shoulder and upper back are at a constant 6/10 pain and physical therapy is not helping. I have new symptoms that have persisted for a few years now.

  1. Entire left side of body is in constant pain. Numbness, tingles, it goes to sleep if I’m sitting on the toilet for a few minutes and when driving. In the last month it’s travelled to my head. Tingles and face numbness. It feels like my face is drooping? I cannot sleep on that side or I wake up numb and my shoulder feels “caught”. I have to manually unstick it.

  2. Rashes. I never used to be sensitive to sun. 5 minutes of sun and my legs get itchy, burn and become red with bumps. I now have a rash on my nose and cheeks only. The skin is slightly rougher. Face rash is constant even without sun but sun makes it more noticeable.

  3. Asthma has gotten worse. I’ve had pneumonia twice. My chest cracks and catches and is super painful.

  4. Left side of Back went out for the first time ever. My rib cracked out of place and it took a week to subside.

  5. I’m hyper mobile in my shoulders, knees, hips, elbows and toes. My elbows are achy just lifting them.

  6. Allergies are worse.

  7. Headaches and vision in right eye is impaired. Driving at night is stress inducing. Everything blurs and my sensitivity to artificial light is high. Lights in the house give me headaches and prefer being in the dark. Pressure behind eyes and dry eyes. I use artificial tears.

  8. I used to have great arm strength. I can’t even open jars anymore. I’m a massage therapist and my pressure is so different now. I can’t carry groceries bags without having to drop them.

  9. Tired. ALL THE TIME. I have ADHD and my meds don’t help with it. I want to nap constantly.

I feel like an old person. I have fantasies about scraping and digging in my skin to relieve pain.

I feel lost. I walk dogs and massage. I love it but my body doesn’t. Honestly wondering if something else is going on.

20:58 UTC


Adalimumab open fridge

Hi everyone,

Had a very nervous situation, today i left my fridge not fully closed when left for an entire day trip. I had 7 Adalimumab Humira doses in it. When got back home I noticed everything including Humira got pretty warmer in the open fridge.

I closed the fridge back to cool it back down ASAP. Are the syringes ruined now? This was my supply for next 3 months, so I hope I dont die when injecting them now.

1 Comment
20:02 UTC


Had rheum appt, baffled by their response

For the past 6 months have had a variety of weird symptoms: fatigue, chest pain, nerve sensations, headaches, low grade fever, dry eyes and swelling and joint pain in my fingers and now elbows and finger tips. I’ve seen a neurologist, ENT, cardiologist who all found no concerns. Neurologist referred me to a rheumatologist where I finally felt like I was going to get answers for my ever changing but consistent symptoms. Bloodwork is all normal so far, but my response to NSAIDs and a taperpak of methylprednisolone indicts something inflammatory. Rheum PA sent me for an ultrasound of hand (they were not actively swelling or hurting) and it came back normal. They told me, “it’s probably fibromyalgia, and we don’t treat that.”

I am at a loss. I expected them to be more investigative or at least offer another round of steroids. Nothing. I am certain my issue is not fibro, since my pain is localized to my joints and I have visible swelling and a fever. My primary doctor will do tests if I push for them, but they think I am overly anxious and want me to get on an SSRI or duloxetine. I have 2 aunts with lupus, and immediate family members with hashimotos and celiacs. I am not being a hypochondriac.

I am going to get a second opinion, but am I right think that my experience was not normal? To be dismissed based on 1 ultrasound and 2 month old labwork? Any insight is appreciated.

19:52 UTC


normal life?

my gf (17) has mild to severe RA for almost a year now, she just have started treatment with methotrexate. reading all posts on this sub scare me to death... I'm very worried

are there any people without unbearable pain, brain fog, tiredness, merged joints and everything? just living physically active life with some pain from time to time? is there hope or is it like a sinking ship? please be realistic and don't hold back.

19:34 UTC


Are you still running?

Curious to hear stories of folks who have been diagnosed with RA and who love running. Are you still able to participate in the sport? 💕

19:00 UTC


What are the tests that tell us the disease activity of RA, like the score or how well it is controlled, etc.

16:28 UTC



I did post about my distended belly a bit ago but now questioning this new drug. I just started taking it about 2 weeks ago. I recently had a UTI and thought I had a bad reaction (bad nausea and headache) to the antibiotic which I can have. But now I’m wondering if it’s the sulfa. Upset stomach just about all the time. Anybody else? Thanks

15:30 UTC


Steering wheel cover?

Any recommendations for a comfortable steering wheel cover? I'm made a 2 hour drive yesterday and my hands were killing me. I've got a 5 hour drive next week and I'm dreading it.

14:37 UTC


Feeling like I can't keep up...

I've had RA for 10 years. According to my labs it is well controlled, whatever that is supposed to mean lol. I take a DMARD and a Biologic. I also have DDD, OA and diabetes. I am so tired! I feel like I can't get enough done in a day. I make myself rest in between tasks. I had to stop working about 4 years ago. I'm not sure I have a point just frustrated I guess. I hope everyone is well.

14:18 UTC


Bone Erosion Treatment?

Just diagnosed with bone erosion and "advanced/severe osteoarthritis changes", on top of prior RA and Fibromyalgia diagnosis.

What treatment options are there? I can really feel it in my hands and wrists. Any precautions I should take? It's far worse in my dominant side, so I imagine it's a use issue.

Thank you.

12:02 UTC


What’s the likely hood of AI curing us?

Honestly do you think in the next 20 years we will see a break through in our treatment?

Or should I except that I’m gonna be like this for life and on harmful meds.

11:46 UTC


Seronegative Question

First appointment on Wednesday. Any insight on what to expect? Do I start medication automatically?

04:37 UTC


Starting Humira Soon, looking for advice

hello! i’ve been on MTX for two years now and it’s pretty okay, but i still have significant stiffness and inflammation so my doc is moving forward with incorporating a biologic and i’m excited but also nervous.

from what i understand it makes you significantly more immunocompromised and MTX has already been making it easy for me to catch illnesses. so i just wanted to see what everyone else does to help prevent from getting sick. i’m prepared to mask in public but my partner is in public and at schools a lot and idk if he would be okay or able to be masking constantly.

also a lot of my family believes they’re stronger than needing to mask and i would rather not get into it with them or try to fight them to mask for me. i’m worried i’m just gonna get sick a lot and have to deal with it. how does everyone else deal with it?

01:06 UTC


Does anyone here have NO fatigue?

I'm a 30yoF who's getting worked up with a rheum right now - so far labs are normal except for ESR of 55. X-rays are normal. Vague knee/ankle pain for 10+ years, mild knee swelling infrequently. Hand pain began 1-2 years ago, worsening. Mild stiffness in hands but no redness or swelling.

Two symptoms I definitely don't have are fatigue or brain fog, and my pain is overall mild and controlled with no NSAIDs.

Is there anyone here who has a RA diagnosis with NO fatigue? Or developed fatigue later on?

23:08 UTC


Always questions, questions

I am 60, and was diagnosed a few weeks ago after 6 months of the god awful pain and exhaustion. Idk about the positive negitive stuff cuz my doc is literally on the opposite coast. I just finished a course of Prednisone. So my immune system is reduced to zero, right? So if I go out in s crowd I should probably wear a mask? Are other people susceptible because of me, or is the only infection danger to me? Im waiting for my Methotrexate script to arrive to start but need to read up on what to expect. The doc also said daily folic acid and ZERO alcohol. Its mind boggling!

21:47 UTC


Flareups getting worse

Hey guys! My wife was diagnosed with RA around 3 years ago. Started methotrexate and HCQs (both oral) and she was totally fine for the first year and a half or so ever since she started the meds. The last 6 months have been horrible though especially with the wrist and fingers, constant inflammation and swellings - the rheumatologist regularly takes blood tests to make sure everything looks okay, which it is.

Are flareups common even though all the blood work appears normal? What advice do you have for this? Sometimes her hand is so inflamed she can't even lift a jug of water for herself and her quality of life is really dropping.

Would you suggest we see another rheumatologist for a better more recent prescription? Any suggestions would be welcome if you know any amazing doctor that offers zoom calls.

Also, anyone here have better results with SC methotrexate over the oral route?

Thanks! And sorry for the long post Honestly any help/advice would be really appreciated!

21:21 UTC


Is this pattern of flare symptoms a thing?

So I almost certainly have RA; I had juvenile RA from 13-18 years old before it went into remission, and am now having symptoms in my 30s. It's likely been active for the last few years but I kept brushing it off as being "old" and out of shape, but symptoms recently got severe enough to see my GP and the blood test results strongly support an RA diagnosis (very high CRP, sed rate, and platelets).

My GP referred me to a rheumatology practice (which, funny enough, is owned by the doctor who diagnosed and treated my JRA). They didn't have an appointment available until the end of June, so I've been keeping track of symptoms and pain levels while I wait. I've noticed a pattern that never happened when I was a kid, so I was wondering if it might be a known thing or if there's a term for it that might be helpful for my notes.

Basically, I'm having this weird cycle happen over and over for about 4 months now. I'll have a day where I break out in hives all over my body; my skin turns bright red and nothing really helps with the burning and itching sensations. For the next 6 days, I'll have unrelenting severe pain in virtually all my joints at once (my 10 is the pain I experienced from appendicitis and I would put this at a 9). Nothing relieves the pain at all, I'm so stiff I can't even type (let alone walk), and there's no position I can rest in because everything aggravates one joint or another. After those 6 days, it tapers off some and the pain moves around, only affecting a few joints at once. That lasts until the next time I get the hives and it all starts over again. This is about a 2-week cycle and I can't think of anything external that could possibly be triggering it.

I've tried finding info on this but I'm having a hard time coming up search terms specific enough to bring up relevant results. Has anyone else experienced this, or does anyone know if there's a word for it? I just want to have the best info I can to make the most of my (eventual) rheumatologist appointment.

21:16 UTC


Anyone else develop a cough wile on methotrexate?

I read it was a side effect, I thought I was just sick but it only happened when I laid down for bed. I skipped a week and it did eventually clear up, but is this going to keep happening?

1 Comment
21:05 UTC


Anyone switched from SC to oral?

I recently started having a lot of anxiety doing my MTX injection so my rheum switched me to the oral. I’ve only done the oral dose once and I know it has a lower efficacy than the injection but I’ve had a lot of swelling, pain and stiffness that was almost gone with the injection. Has anyone made this switch? If so, how did it affect you? Just curious if anyone else has had this experience.

20:19 UTC


Fever and chills

Been in n my feet for a prolong period of time and I know have moderate knee and ankle pain, as well as a mild fever and chills. It isn’t a cold or anything I haven’t been around anyone, the burning pain is making me think it’s inflammation and a flare up?

Anyone else get this?

1 Comment
20:07 UTC


Labrum tear in both hips - Rheumatoid Arthritis

So I was first diagnosed in March of 2023 with positive Rheumatoid arthritis was put on methotrexate which I stayed on with chloroquine until I had to change due to vomiting I then tried sulfasalazine which didn't work and now I'm on leflunomide 20mg with chloroquine and exinef 90 mg I am kind of in remission but the leflunomide isn't really working it's best so hopefully getting new meds soon I've had a bad flare when I tried sulfasalazine which caused severe pain in my hips rheumatologist sent me for an MRI in both my hips my MRI showed no signs of damage or inflammation except a labrum tear in both my hips in the cartilage . Now I have never done sport I am very young so it's not due to age or traumatic injury so I'm left with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis as a cause . Has anyone gotten the same diagnosis and what treatment helped ? I have so many questions any help would be great!

17:35 UTC


Anyone else get horrible brain fog?

I have graves disease (autoimmune, thyroid) and developing seropositive RA, which is two autoimmune diseases - they've both been flaring up for the past few months and I am unbelievably exhausted and can hardly think or hold phone calls. It's especially awful because I'm in the middle of final exams at the moment 🥲

Does anyone else get awful exhaustion and brain fog during flares? Just wondering if it's related to my AI conditions or if I should be looking for other factors :)

13:51 UTC

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