
Photograph via snooOG

A place for stockmen, grass farmers, and cowboys to gather.

A place for stockmen, grass farmers, and cowboys to gather. Share news, reports, stories, and pictures about the ranching world.

Some friendly subs of like-minded folks:


26,934 Subscribers


Any idea of how much I could lease out grazing land for?

11:40 UTC


How do I get a job as a ranch hand?

Ive been trying for a while now using this website called ranchwork.com and out of 10 ranches one responded. The other issue is I am relatively green. I have experience as a carpenter/roofer and know how to work hard i just dont have much when it comes to horsemanship… ive ridden before however on those horse tours the horse knows where hes going.

00:04 UTC


New guard donkey - need name

Today I got a guard donkey for my herd of 50 mother cows. He is about two years old and gentle. Any suggestions for a name? Thx!

22:56 UTC


What is it like as a pen rider?

I'm considering applying as a pen rider, but I'm not sure what my level of qualification is for the position. Like what level of a rider do I need to be? I'm not a bad rider, have done it my whole life, am very competent on a good horse, can ride any position in a gather, but my roping leaves lots to be desired. Basically I know that I am a decent rider but I am also very aware that I am nothing special

14:50 UTC


Challenges of Direct Marketing?

Hey, I am trying to dip a toe into trying to direct market as opposed to selling calves at pre-conditioned sales.

We currently run a cow calf operation at 120 calves a year. I’ve read a lot of marketing but what does it really mean? I feel like I’m oversimplifying it by just making a FB page and saying, “here’s some meat”

What were some things y’all found challenging in the beginning? What are some things you had wish you had known looking back?

Welcoming any advice!!!!! And thank you!

03:44 UTC


Got a job offer at a livestock auction, is this a good way to get a job as a ranch hand?

And if so, what type of work does this job entail?

16:42 UTC


Opinions on liquid feed (West Way)

I have a small herd of thirty of what used to be 125 as my family has gone through a transitional period where the ranch has been handed down to the next generation. I've been feeding for my grandpa my whole life and now my parents. They have me more involved on the decision making as they don't plan to keep very long themselves.we produce our own hay of middlin' quality and have plenty of improved forage for our area in South Central Oklahoma.

I'm looking for opinions from individuals that have used liquid feed and whether they would recommend it. The feed in question is Westway's 35-0.5-60.

15:39 UTC


Holiday to CA

Hi All, I am a UK based sheepfarmer and flying out to San Fran, CA, for a couple of weeks in February. My goal is to spend a week on a sheep ranch, I would love to offer some free labour, as I am just fasinated by seeing how different cultures farm. Does anyone have advice on the best way to reach out to sheep ranchers? Do you think it would be possible?

It is quite common in Europe, we have had many French farmers visit our farm over the years, so I was wondering the liklihood of me actually being able to find something similiar. Any input would be apprecited.

Thanks :)

08:46 UTC


Charts on pasture rent pricing for winter compared to summer and fall?

I have someone inquiring about winter pasture and I'm not sure how best to calculate pricing. I know the rule of thumb for fall dry cow is 2/3s the summer price for a pair. Is winter still roughly calculated the same? I realize they may have to do some protein supplement but the wear and tear of keeping wells up in winter for locations I normally shut down is giving me pause. I can't get a well guy to even visit for less than $1,500 and asking too little could leave me holding a bag. I also had talked to this person about summer and they ghosted, now they are back that it is dry.

Do some of you calculate off the price of hay atm? I know our local nrcs always wants to calculate off a 1 to 3 percent of value profit margin after expenses, with land value where it is it's pulling teeth to even get that 1 percent. Any links would also be appreciated.

23:15 UTC


Just a single girl and her little green broke mare ranchin

01:11 UTC


Nebraska Cattlemen Holding Members-Only Webinar on Traceability tomorrow, October 17

With less than a month before USDA's new traceability rule takes effect, we want to make sure Nebraska Cattlemen members have the opportunity to learn more about how this rule may impact their operation. Join us for a members-only webinar on updated EID tag requirements for animal disease traceability this Thursday, October 17 at 7:30 p.m. CT.

Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_zVJEdj5zQXyFcH3TML7vZQ#/registration

Speakers include:

Sigrid Johannes, Senior Director of Government Affairs for NCBA

Dr. Jared Walahoski, D.V.M, Overton Veterinary Services

Britney Hagood, Animal Disease Traceability Program Manager for the Nebraska Department of Agriculture


19:08 UTC


Marking Barbed Wire

First time poster, long time lurker. I’ve always been taught by my grandfather & family, when making a new fence line to make it visible by putting construction tape on the barbed wire until the cows are established in the new pasture. So I continue to do it after having pounded it into my head for generations. Is it an old wives’ tale or do any of you do it? 🤷🏻‍♂️

16:53 UTC


fence stretcher bar?

So I tried the 2x4s bolted together method to stretch woven wire fence and it busted up my fence and failed pretty bad after multiple tries. Looking online, very few options to source them and theyre obscenely expensive for some half ass welded bars and wedges. Even TSC doesnt carry the wedge style bars in store, online only and $350 for a 5ft bar. Anyone know of another option? seems completely insane to pay that much for one of these.

22:54 UTC


Anyone looking for guardian dog?

Our Great Pyrenees had puppy’s to some stray dog that were looking to re-home. If anyone wants some they’re gonna be ready to go around Christmas.

17:26 UTC


Bull "jumped" the fence

I live on 5 acres land and have 1 milking cow (Dexter/jersey) and a jersey bull that is a year and a half old. Appearently he jumped the barbed wire fence and got into my neighbors pasture. They penned him up at their place and came over this morning before church to yell at me about it. Firstly our bull has never done this before and our neighbors have a lot of beef cattle as well as a bull. This is the first time we have ever had any issue. They told me there is a cattle auction tomorrow and asked me what I wanted to do with him because they said if we bring him back he will more than likely keep coming over. So I agreed to have him hauled off to the auction cause I dont want it to be an issue with my neighbors. They said the auction would send us a check minus the transport cost in the mail and then they would get with me later on for what ever it cost to have the 10 young heifers they said he breed pregnancies aborted ( he was in our pasture at 6pm last night when I fed our cows and this was 8am when they came to my door so he wasnt even in their pasture 12 hours) anyway they say it would cost 300.00 per heifer. That seems a bit high to me and how are they to even know he impregnated them all. Just wondering if that seems right to y'all? Not saying it's not my responsibility cause he jumped the fence but its not like I was being careless ..he jumped the fence and this has never happened before.

20:54 UTC


Starting a Cattle Farm

Okay, I am a city girl(26). I have experience in doing manufacturing business with large scale employees. I come from a business background so I know how to work around.

It was my dream to have a cattle farm. I am not seeking profit at the moment but more on creating a farm. My farm knowledge is bounded by farm simulators and Jeremy Clarkson’s Farm show. Dabbled on a few small farm projects ( consulted my friends on some issues related to their agro)

The breeds I am stocking for dairy production are Holsteins and Jersey. Meat I am going for Hasha, Shahiwals and local breeds. I will start with 50 cows and planning to go up to 300 cows.

I am keeping a few staff for feed and taking care of the cows. I am almost done with the shed building and my end-goal is have the farm up and running and using the farm produce to make secondary goods like butter, clarified butter, yoghurt, and etc at low cost for the local market around my factory with that have an agricultural farm that makes hygienic produce.

Please don’t discourage me not to have a farm cause it’s a loss project etc but that’s for western countries. Here in my country it’s a pretty good business and goodwill.


What I need is some tips and tricks for the cattle, what are the western secrets for raising milking and meat producing cows that I can implement?

Feedstock and feeding tips?

Profitability techniques?

Machineries and new innovations?

Any secret tips and tricks you professionals learned along the way?

Thank you x


Basic feeding, medical and raising the cows will be done by hired handlers. At the moment it’s a passion project but in the future I would like to see some profitability. Shelters are built accordingly. I am keeping track of all the cost.

Location: Asian country with tropical climate ( Warm, Rainy with very less cool weather). I dont want to reveal it, and have someone stalk me.

All I am seeking is some advice or tips/tricks that you have used in your ranch/cattle farm that worked. I am still gathering knowledge, as the sheds for the cows are still being under-construction. I want to learn from real People, and practice some foreign SOPs/process/tips in my new venture. What should I avoid, what should I do, and when should I do’s.

If you have any pointers do let me know, anything new innovative tech or such you came across?

17:35 UTC


Ranch apparel

Hey everyone,

I'm on the hunt for some new ranch-themed apparel, specifically t-shirts and hats. I'm interested in supporting ranches that sell their own merchandise. I have tried reaching out to local ranches near me, but nothing promising.

Does anyone know of any ranches that offer apparel for sale? I'm open to recommendations from anywhere in the country. I've checked out the ranch wear club, but would rather directly support ranchers.

Thanks for your help!

15:46 UTC


Seaweed Cow Feed?

Hey all!

I'm working with an MIT team of researchers to process kelp from the Caribbean to reduce emissions affordably.

I'm curious how much you would pay for the supplement and where you might find it from. Why have you or haven't you tried in the past?

Not to have such a shameless plug but I saw a really good thread in this group before and thought that I might be able to get some feedback and potentially connect with some cow ranchers.

Thanks for any help here and have a great weekend

06:03 UTC


Well… hope I don’t have to choose sides. I’m now a cattleman and a shepherd.

01:34 UTC



Been clearing a quarter section of nothing but hedge and eastern Red cedar. What do I do with all these posts ?

17:54 UTC


Makeshift sifter

I have a cutting pen full of sand and big rocks that I’m trying to get out. Is there a way I can make something out of materials to sift out the rocks or do you guys have any recommendations on something to buy that isn’t going to break my wallet? lol

17:23 UTC


Question: For those of you that are horse ranchers on this sub. What are some things you wish you knew before getting into either the Stable or ranching business?

13:58 UTC


Belt buckle search

Okay so i didn’t know which subreddit to ask this so here I am. I am looking for a belt buckle with a guy flipping a calf for my boyfriend’s birthday. Does anyone know where I could possibly find one. He knows an old guy near him that has one so I know they are made. (Not a roping or rodeo buckle it’s a guy flipping a calf with his hands like during branding)

01:43 UTC


Belt buckle search

Okay so i didn’t know which subreddit to ask this so here I am. I am looking for a belt buckle with a guy flipping a calf for my boyfriend’s birthday. Does anyone know where I could possibly find one. He knows an old guy near him that has one so I know they are made. I should clarify not a roping buckle. I need cowboy flipping a calf over with his hands.

01:43 UTC


Is this lifestyle worth it?

I've always loved animals and nature and I'm a pretty hard worker and have some experience working on a "hobby farm" (planting/picking vegetables, raising chickens rabbits and pigs, building chicken coops planters and fences, and landscaping) and I've been thinking about ranchwork as a "backup" plan

So I guess my question is should I do it?

And to anyone who has dropped everything and went to be a ranch hand was it worth it?

03:00 UTC


Wanting to start a ranch

I previously wrote a post about this, but the feedback I received was mostly negative. The comments were pointing me towards r/homesteading, likely because I wasn’t clear in my original message. I’d like to rephrase it and provide more context this time.

I’m 26 years old, and thirteen years ago was the last time I lived the country lifestyle. After my grandmother passed away, my dad fell into drug use, and my grandfather had no choice but to sell the property, along with the horses, dogs, and cats. Since then, I’ve been living in the city/suburbs, as my mom took me with her.

Growing up, I had three horses: Coco, a chocolate-colored Quarter Horse mare, Domino, an all-white stallion, and Angel, their daughter, an all-white mare. I helped care for them by feeding, fixing fences, grading fields with the truck, and cleaning the stalls. We also had chickens, mainly for eggs, and at one point, a pig we ended up selling. While we lived a homestead lifestyle, I now want to continue what my grandmother started and take it even further.

I have a friend with experience managing a ranch, and she’s eager to help me. I’m also looking into horseback riding lessons and considering a job as a ranch hand to gain more experience.

My goal is to have horses, cows, chickens (for eggs, meat, and potentially selling), goats, and at least one donkey. My friend, who trains horses, is excited to join me on this journey to raise, train, and sell horses.

I’ll be using a VA loan since I’m an Air Force veteran. I’d really appreciate any advice or tips. I’m also looking for checklists, helpful links, and any information on ranch hand jobs—specifically pay and where to find opportunities.

01:35 UTC


The Ranch, The Life.

As someone looking to get into the lifestyle of Ranching, where do I start? Like in general? What to read? Where to work? What to know? Give it to me straight.

00:38 UTC


Cattle issues

Hello! New here! I had 6 cattle break through my fence and get onto my neighbors property. We got 4 of them back but there are still 2 at large. They are roaming in a very steep heavily wooded area and my neighbors corn fields. We have spoken to him multiple times, we go out daily to locate them and cannot find them but he supposedly has photos on his trail cams. He has claimed they have ruined a 30 foot by 30 foot area of his corn. We have investigated and seen a couple cow tracks but no cow droppings which means they don't stay there for extended periods of time. We have seen MANY bear tracks and bear droppings. He is now trying to get the lawyers involved because he is trying to tell us we own him over $1,000 for the 30x30 area of land that the two cattle have supposedly ruined. He is also trying to claim the cattle ruined the edge of his feild when the corn was clearly eaten down by wildlife prior to the cattle even being placed on the ranch and now cattle tracks to be found. I don't know anything about corn but I feel like that is a pretty steep price for that little of land considering he has over 100 aces of corn. I should mention we got denied for cattle insurance because I am A brand new company and I am trying to come up with a reasonable amount to settle on. I take full responsibility that my cattle got out even though in Wisconsin we have a shared fence liability and more than likely they got out of his side of the fence because it's basically nonexistent. Any advice?

1 Comment
08:21 UTC


Brand Inspector wage

I'm currently looking for a fresh start and will be interviewing for a brand inspector position in Alberta. I was wondering if anyone had any insight into what their wages, benefits and hours might be like? I currently cow boss a decent sized outfit so I'm comfortable with job description and responsibilities.

06:44 UTC

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