/r/RADICALLYTRANS is a light-hearted, safe space subreddit where we gather to post the freshest trans memes, gifs, and videos, as well as share semi-serious discussions related to our experiences as trans and gender nonconforming people.
Welcome to /r/RADICALLYTRANS, a safe space for transgender and gender nonconforming people.
/r/RADICALLYTRANS is a light-hearted, safe space subreddit where we gather to post the freshest and zestiest trans memes, gifs, and videos, as well as share semi-serious discussions related to our experiences as trans people.
If you're interested in smashing the cisnormative heteropatriarchy, check out our sibling subs below under "Allies"!
Offensive slurs, used in any context or content, that are also used to demean a person based on their membership to an oppressed group such as race, nationality, sex, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or disability are strictly prohibited. Posts that contain creepy "dudebro" vibes or posts which abjectly fetishize trans people, women, or children will also be removed and the poster banned. If you're not sure, ask before you post!
Malicious name-calling and insulting other trans people is prohibited.
Advocating, sympathizing with, or otherwise holding the view of any fascist or reactionary tendency is strictly prohibited.
Posts must be in some way related to being trans.
Non-binary people exist and are valid; non-binary erasure and invalidation is prohibited.
Only links to subreddits included under the "Allies of /r/RADICALLYTRANS" list below are allowed and must use np.
links. Linking to any other subreddit is prohibited.
Please use trigger warnings and content warnings (including nsfw tag) where appropriate.
Bans are at moderator discretion.
The /r/RADICALLYTRANS moderation team reserves the right to remove posts deemed spam, low effort, trollish, asking for upvotes, or otherwise not meeting or disrupting community standards.
Please note: semi-serious discussion is allowed to an extent, at moderator discretion, but be mindful that this is not a debate, Q&A, or advice sub.
Above all, /r/RADICALLYTRANS is a safe space for trans and gender nonconforming people on Reddit.
Hi there! We are looking for individuals to participate in a research study to improve our current understanding of their valuable life experiences! In particular, we are interested to know more about how specific kinds of stressors relate to health among women+ and gender diverse people.
We are seeking participants who are at least 18 years old, identify as a woman+ or broadly as gender diverse (regardless of sex assigned at birth) and reside in the United States. As part of your participation, you will be asked to fill out an anonymous, online questionnaire (https://umt.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eLG2sJkteoDFQ7H) to tell us about your experiences.
The first part of the survey includes a brief (i.e., 3 minute) screener to determine whether you are eligible to complete the full survey. The full survey should take between 60-75 minutes to complete. Your participation is completely voluntary, and you can leave the survey at any time.
Those accessing the survey will have the chance to enter a drawing to win one of 5 $30 gift cards to Amazon.com!
I appreciate and value any and all feedback about this survey, in order to improve my future projects! Please direct comments and questions to kinsie.dunham@umontana.edu!
Thanks so much!
Just joined, tried to crosspost something from my profile, but keep getting told I can't post 18+ content here. Which is fine, but the post isn't flagged nsfw and I don't think I had anything offensive in my post. Any idea what the issue might be? Are there additional content rules in place here I missed?