
Photograph via snooOG

A forum dedicated to the Pokémon games HeartGold & SoulSilver, remakes of the original Pokémon Gold & Silver games released in 1999.

Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver are remakes of the original Gold & Silver games released in 1999 with further aspects which were introduced in Crystal in 2000. These games are set in the Johto & Kanto regions and were released in Japan on September 2009.

As these games are remakes of Gold & Silver, they feature both Johto & Kanto and follow the storyline of you as a new trainer, going through the gyms of Johto and Kanto, and winding up needing to thwart a Team Rocket plot to takeover the world with their Pokémon.

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Shiny hunters fatigue

So I've been shiny hunting Ho-oh for a few months on/ off and I know many people here are on the same boat as me. I'm starting to feel burnout from the hunt and wanna continue playing. Do you guys just put your game on pause to hunt your specific target for weeks and months at a time, or get bored and play the game then go back to shiny hunt again once you get the itch again? And does that affect the odds in any way? Basically wondering what everyone's shiny hunt strat looks like in this community. Also good luck to you all.

00:30 UTC


Trying to make a Sword Dance / Agility / Baton Pass team member!

Hey y'all! I've been lurking since I came back to HG after nearly a decade, trying to play the game proper instead of forcing a win with a lv. 70 Typhlosion like the good old days.

I'm wanting to make a setup mon for my Miltank with the moves mentioned in the title... I was thinking Scizor but I'm incredibly confused on how the egg move system functions and what other pokemon I'd need.

Any help would be very appreciated! Cheers.

00:17 UTC


Another Totodile…

Started looking for a shiny Cyndaquil on Heart Gold at the start of the month, I found a shiny Totodile 3 days in and decided to use it for a Heart Gold playthrough and took like a week off hunting before and switching my hunt over to Soul Silver. After about 2 weeks of nothing ANOTHER FUCKING TOTODILE

23:17 UTC


Thanksgiving in January - HGSS WiFi Battle

22:38 UTC


Is it just me or..

Does Paras's cry sound eerily familiar to Mew's cry? Like.. It sounds ALMOST the same, with the pitch being different. It's been stuck in my mind that they sound familiar but I kinda wanna know if anyone else thinks they sound the same

19:55 UTC


What would be the best moveset for Smeargle for Adventure only?

Hi. I'm so happy I found my old heartgold game! :D

I want to play this game using Pokémon that I've never played in my life. I intend to play Smeargle, and if my understanding is correct, every 10 level he can copy permanently any move.

I don't plan on doing PvP at all, however I want my Smeargle to be super strong vs. Gym Leaders and Elite 4. What would be the best moveset for this purpose? Should I have moves that are lower than 60 to benefit from his Technician Ability or would that be useless?

Thanks a lot for the help!! :D

19:26 UTC


Automatic Shiny Hunting Machine

Put down your pitchforks!

I just wanted to share a project I started a few days ago.

I always wanted a full shiny dream team, but unfortunately I don't have all the time in the world to hunt for shinies.

I already caught a few full odds shinies in the past, but I wanted to challenge myself and automate the process with the help of Python and an Adruino.

The code works with the Adruino and it's components as follows :

Script commands Adruino servos to move in game character up and down (in a cave) until battle sound is detected by a KY038 sound sensor.

The sound sensors notifies the python script to wait X amount of seconds to allow the wild pokemon to appear, and stops the character from moving.

Once X amount of seconds pass, a webcam compares RGB values of the wild pokemon to the RGB values of a shiny zubat in this case. This works by taking an average of RGB values across a 5x5 pixel space.

If the RGB values do not match, an Adruino servo motor pressed down on the run button and repeats the whole process.

The script also records the amount of encounters and RGB value of every encounter.

If a shiny is found, the script stops and that's when I have the chance to catch the shiny.

Although this is not considered cheating, it's definitely betting. I did not want to hack the game, instead I wanted to challenge myself to automate the process using engineering.

I'm waiting on parts to arrive, hopefully by the weekend. The script is ready to go and has been simulated multiple times with a 100% success rste. All I need to do now is to build the Adruino and we're good to go.

I have zero coding experience, so I'm sure I will run into some trouble, but a super fun project nonetheless.

If anyone is interested, I'll keep you updated with a future post.

Project inspired by : https://youtu.be/E9rO9NdW49o?si=CxP8gmssbjNBpKAG

11:13 UTC


I wish I had a niece/nephew to babysit... so I could-

Hire them to help me shiny hunt while I do work around the house, or my job if they're old enough to be responsible. And I mean HIRE; allowance for the effort, and grand reward if they actually succeed. Paid to play games, every child's dream, no?

09:09 UTC


Shiny Hunting Question

Hay! I recently got my Soul Silver game and decided I wanted to try and get all the legendaries as shiny.

My only real question is can I defeat the Story encounter Lugia and shiny hunt it after it respawns? or does it become shiny locked after you encounter it?

Only asking cuz Im barely at the level to really guarantee I can catch it in the ball I want (highest level mon is lv 37)

07:12 UTC


All 3 Johto Starters in Soul Silver?

Hey is there any way to get all 3 Johto starters in Soul Silver apart from trading with those who have the game copies? I don't know anyone else who has it

Any input is appreciated, thanks!

04:49 UTC


Suggestions for a cute team?

Hi guys, so I decided to start a new file and focus on getting a cute pokemon team, give me suggestions for one, it can't be trade Pokemon either there's too many to choose from

01:28 UTC


Finally Beat Red (with a team of 60s)

Quilava is just awesome

The necessary electric type; Ampharos is always solid

This dude was just a beast; nothing else to be said

Technician is such a cool ability, giving Scyther 90BP STAB moves

The Lance Killer...also the Pikachu Killer when Quick Claw would activate

Always wanted to use Hitmonchan in a post physical/special split world. He was solid

Took a couple of tries and a little luck, but I finally beat Red in this game using no items in battle and in Set mode. I really didn't want to grind anymore, so I just went in with what I had and took him down after about six attempts. This was very satisfying as when I played HGSS on release, I made it to Red but my team wasn't very good and I would have had to grind and I just didn't have the drive. Beating him over a decade later was very satisfying. I did a decent amount of soft-resetting and Abra usage for good natures but gave up doing that once I got Tyrogue lol. Anyway, final movesets:

Quilava (Quill):

  1. Eruption

  2. Focus Blast

  3. Rock Climb

  4. Flamethrower

Ampharos (Larxene):

  1. Thunderbolt

  2. Signal Beam

  3. Power Gem

  4. Thunder Wave

Heracross (Locutus; bonus points if you can figure out why I named him this):

  1. Megahorn

  2. Close Combat

  3. Night Slash

  4. Rock Slide

Scyther (Mantis):

  1. Air Slash

  2. X-Scissor

  3. Night Slash

  4. Swords Dance

Gyarados (Quetzal):

  1. Waterfall

  2. Ice Fang

  3. Dragon Dance

  4. Earthquake

Hitmonchan (Balboa):

  1. Fire Punch

  2. Ice Punch

  3. ThunderPunch

  4. Close Combat

01:16 UTC


Favorite Smeargle Moveset?

I'm planning on making a run with Smeargle, and I want to know what your guys' favorite movesets for him would be?

00:49 UTC


I'll be champion

He will lose to my sickly dragonite.

00:24 UTC


Update on the shiny zubat. Now its a crobat =D

19:02 UTC


Restoring my Pokéwalker

I've recently found my Pokéwalker, but the front is pretty scratched. Although it works, I want to restore it a bit. The screen is most important to me to restore. Does someone have some tips on how to restore it?

17:23 UTC


Best Set for Calm Latios with 31 Speed IV?

I just caught Latios in Soul Silver and these are the IVs:

Latios @ Calm

HP: 6-8

ATT: 26-28

DEF: 12-14

SP ATT: 6-8

SP DEF: 9-11


Not the greatest but I think Calm is good enough, I don't want to endlessly faint it and beat the E4 to make it respawn. The 31 Speed makes me think it could work.

So what would be the best moveset/EVs for the Battle Tower? I do plan on SR-ing for a good Suicune and Zapdos but haven't caught them yet. I have all the psuedo legends from the Safari Zone I could breed too.

1 Comment
08:01 UTC


Ellie Mae Bonus Chapter: Lugia

Charge + Discharge from our lvl 40 Ampharos Rahm just took down this legendary in one hit, the kimono girls sound accepting, but I don't like her tone...

04:50 UTC


Well that was an hour well spent, thought it was going to take me way more time

04:21 UTC


Beat e4 first time team rocket squad

Beat e4 with team rocket pokemon this is one of favorite team compositions. they have pretty good coverage. The only problem I had was Claire and dragon type.. They wall team rocket pokemon. Makes sense why Lance beat them.

Crobat- cross poison, fly, steel wing and shadow ball

Steelix- earthquake, stone edge, iron tail and dragon pulse

Persian - hyper beam, hypnosis, dream eater, and nasty plot

Honchkrow- psychic, steel wing, payback, and fly

Weezing- sludge bomb, flamethrower, curse and gyro ball

Raticate - sucker punch, hyper fang , swords dance and dig.

03:13 UTC


Am I cookingy dsl

Currently soft resetting for a shiny starter and my top screen is getting progressively worse And shaking and developed a hue to it now

1 Comment
02:23 UTC


Has anyone been able to reach Palmers second team in the battle tower let alone beat it?

I'm using a team with superior ivs and fully ev trained pokemon with great coverage from cloning tms. Gyarados, Electivire, and Tyranitar in that order. Gyarados shreds through palmers first team but I can't even reach his second stronger one after 48 wins. Anybody got any tips?

I just lost at match 35 to a destiny bond froslass 😑

23:03 UTC


Unexpected Surprise

Was trying to fill my dex with Hoenn mons from the Safari Zone when I came across this fancy looking bird! Really makes you worry about them running if the first ball fails. Ended up catching her tho

22:49 UTC


Should I put Lugia on my team?

So I caught Lugia, made it to the Indigo Plateau, and now I’m debating whether or not to put Lugia on my time. It feels a little cheap to use a legendary to beat the Elite four, but I also don’t know if Lugia is even a particularly good legendary. My current team is (in no particular order):

Starmie lvl.41: Recover, Thunderbolt, Surf, Ice Beam

Dragonair lvl.41: Draco Metoer, Slam, Dragon Rush, Whirpool (popped it on him to get to the dragons den and don’t know what move to replace it with)

Typhloshion lvl.41: Lava Plume, Blast Burn, Headbutt, Smokescreen (again don’t know what other move to have)

Heracross lvl. 40: Shadow Claw, Aerial Ace, Brick Break, Close Combat

Ampharos lvl.42: Signal Beam, Iron Tail, Strength, Discharge

Pupitar lvl. 41: Crunch, Dark Pulse, Rock slide, Sandstorm.

If I were to swap someone out, I am thinking either my dragonair or starmie. I’m kinda emotionally attached to my dragonair tho and starmie is very useful. Lugia’s extrasensory would really help against the poison type trainer tho. I can’t really decide 😭 so, should i add Lugia to my team? Is it a good pokemon to have?

19:25 UTC


Looking for help with getting an electirizer and evolving 2 Clamperl!

1 Comment
18:08 UTC


Onwards to Kanto :)

15:29 UTC

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