
Photograph via snooOG

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/r/photography is a place to politely discuss the tools, technique, art and culture of photography and to post topics that would be of interest to other photographers.

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How can I capture photos close to how my eyes view the scene?

Total noob iPhone-and-occasional-dslr photographer here. It seems that whenever I try to capture a picture, there’s always something off about the lighting, specifically in low light. For example, it’s 8PM here now and I wanted to capture this beautiful pinkish light that just coats the landscape right before the sunsets, and even with a nicer camera with decently high iso and aperture, the lighting still comes out flat.

What specific qualities/settings about cameras do I need to pay attention to in order to capture small differences in light shading during the evening?

1 Comment
00:06 UTC


How do I get clients??

Hello, all! I’m looking to get clients for portraits and small businesses. I’ve posted on local Facebook pages and dropped my prices. I’m only looking to do it part-time for extra cash but I’m getting zero clients. How do I get clients???

1 Comment
23:58 UTC


Finding photos with particular camera/lens combos

A number of years ago I used to use a website (I think it was called Pixel Peeper or something like that?) that let you filter by camera body and lens to find photos taken with that combination. I think maybe it used Flickr tags to search but I’m not sure.

Now I’m getting back into photography and have switched from a Canon to Fuji kit, and am building up my new lens collection. I was hoping to take a look at some examples of how people have composed shots with similar focal lengths to those that I own. The Fujifilm subreddit does require posters to say what lens they used which is helpful, but I was wondering if there are any other places to find examples of photos with particular focal lengths for inspiration or maybe to use as samples when considering a new lens purchase. Any ideas?

1 Comment
20:26 UTC


Suggestions for lens as gift

Hi all! I am new to this community, and a relative newb to photography. I am seeking advice on lens suggestions as a birthday gift for my wife. She regularly shoots stills and video for a small youtube channel, with our EOS Rebel SL3 and wants to up her game. We currently have a half busted 18 to 55 mm stock lens, which she has been dutifully using for a few years now. We have a small farm with sheep. The goal is to get higher quality shots and she'd really like some decent bokeh. The animals don't hold still for long and always approach so she can rarely get enough distance. Its easiest to get shots from within a few feet. Any suggestions on lenses would be much appreciated. Many thanks!

23:05 UTC


Bad Clarity when Transfer


I use a 2005 Fujifilm Finepix S and each time I transfer photos (those I have super zoomed) they become less resolute and blurry. I’m wondering if there is a solution either in editing or in transferring to something else?

Note- I’ve tried to find a way to transfer photos to my computer directly, but haven’t found a way with Fuji Bluetooth.

23:00 UTC


Advice on starting to freelance?

So, I've been working in social media adjacent jobs that sometimes required me to make videos and pictures. But my bachelor's is in Audiovisual Communications and interactive media. The last job was more about graphic design and occasional product pictures in store. Since I'm not longer there, and I figured out that photography is what I mostly enjoyed I finally bought a sony a7iii and I want to freelance. What I've been doing so far is I got in a couple of courses to polish some skills that i feel I was lacking and taking my camera everywhere (events, birthdays, street) and been taking pics and publishing the best ones on my ig (which I've also been editing to make it look more professional) and been building my portfolio with the best pics.

I don't really know what course of action to take. What do you guys think about maybe asking some small businesses in my area if they want some pictures and a couple of reels, maybe the first ones can be free and then we could talk about money? Do you have any ideas, advice? Also, which platform do you think is better to put your portfolio in (behance, canva sites, etc). Do i make business cards so they have my info? (I live in Peru, sometimes people are old school) I'm pretty motivated in learning and doing a good job but a bit lost in how the world of freelance photography works.

1 Comment
22:12 UTC


Zone system

I’m really into black and white photography and recently learned about thr zone system. I’m left with some questions. How would you meter on a camera. I am on a fuji xpro2 and know it has a couple of exposure metering types, which type would be the best way to meter? What type of exposure would be the best?

22:06 UTC


BEWARE of creepers phishing...

i am a photographer. an actress/model/friend posted one of our pics yesterday on instagram. later that day i got an email from "her" at a different email address asking to see the rest of the pics. i asked what address "she" was using and they said their other gmail was out of memory. i fell for it, eventually sending a dropbox link to the pics. i don't know if i sent them view only or edit access. but after several emails i realized i almost certainly was not talking to her. i deleted the link and the folder from dropbox just in case. but beware. all they had to do was go from her IG post to my instagram which has my website and email address...

1 Comment
21:51 UTC


ISO old Vice magazines

this probably isn't the right sub for it but i couldn't really find any relevant ones to post this to, but i'm looking for any old Vice magazines, whether from 1994 or anything more recent :) will pay shipping

any leads greatly appreciated too

21:02 UTC


Bag help!

Need a bag to hold Think Tank 10, and 20 press passes, with room for 2 compression packs of clothes. No camera backpacks (hate advertising my gear). Thanks!

1 Comment
17:33 UTC


Do people still find value in POV style photography videos?

I've been playing with video at a few events I've photographed recently, but I'm really not a video guy, so they are very simple.

I used to enjoy seeing different situations and how they were approached at the time, and it's nice to feel like I'm making something similar.

However, I know that this is well trod ground, and I'm wondering if there's anything specific you feel are missing from these types of video. I don't mean editing tricks and presentation styling, I mean in the content - what would you want to see through another photographers eyes?

Hope the question make sense, looking forward to hearing your thoughts! :)

10:23 UTC


Tips for Confidently Taking Your Camera Everywhere?

Hi, I have a beautiful Fujifilm camera that I absolutely adore. It's perfect for a new photographer like me. I watch videos on how to take pictures and always want to practice, but I feel a bit awkward lugging my pretty XT5 around. Sometimes I feel shy, sometimes invasive of people’s space.

Is there a routine, technique, or mindset that has helped people to just go and take pictures without overthinking? There are so many times I'm outside and think, "I wish I had my camera," but I leave it behind.

16:55 UTC


quantity over quality?

i was asking that myself quite often recently. especially related to cameras, more and more i hear people say stuff like ''i shoot this camera because the jpegs are allready nice so i dont need to edit so many photos''

and i just dont understand this logic. i think i never shot jpegs ever since owing my first camera... and i never need a lot of time on editing either.

but its because i always approach photography and my camera as a quality over quantity thing. if i take a travel trip for example and i shoot 1000 photos. i ll probably keep around 10-20 of them at max, that go through the editing stage and the rest goes to bin. usually i try to keep it at like 1 out of 100. maybe 2. because i only select the very best photos of a shoot or trip and ignore all the others.

i rather had a nice trip with like 5 awesome photos i want to print and hang on my wall instead of sitting on like 300 foddermaterial photos collecting dust on my harddrive i ll probably never even look at again. i pretty much see my entire collection as a portfolio. took 1000 photos, well lets review them, put them on a casting show and only the top 10 photos continue to the next round. and sometimes after that when the quality of those 10 isnt really equal, i sort them even more so i might only keep like 7 out of those 1000.

in general, if i ask myself: ''do i want to put this on my wall'' and the answer is no, the photo pretty much gets deleted straight away.

you know when i want just some quantity bulk snapshots i ll can just use my phone. my camera is used when i actually ''create'' something.

i dont know. is that how people use cameras nowadays? just spamming photos and then complain about that ''have to edit 500000 photos'' ?

18:29 UTC


Removable screen protectors for editing and drawing on 2024 iPad Pro

Looking for the best options for removable screen protectors for a photographers 13” 2024 iPad Pro, OLED screen.

I’m looking for 2 screen protector options, so both need to be removable.

Scenario 1. On location shoots where I’m tethering directly into the iPad, using a case with a shoulder strap. I need screen protection, but with as much native screen resolution and contrast as possible so I can check for focus and get a good idea of shadows and highlights. The drawing screen protectors such as Paperlike have a lot of diffusion, making focus checks and contrast evaluation difficult.

Scenario 2. Back in the studio and at home, I’ll want a drawing type screen protector to use with the Apple Pencil Pro for editing images, drawing, making Notes and for all the other apps where I can use the Apple Pencil. This would be one of the screen protectors that has a paper type feel to it, that nano “tooth” feel of paper that works with the pencil but is not great in scenario 1, where I want to be able to use the full screen quality of the OLED display.

As you can see, I’d need to swap between the two screen protectors depending on the type of work I’m doing, so both need to be removable.

Appreciate your thoughts and input!


1 Comment
18:18 UTC


What kind of services as van lifer ?


I'll quickly explain the situation: I currently have a regular job, but I would really like to supplement it by freelancing in photography. I have a project to convert a van and ultimately live solely from photography (if that's possible, of course).

What services can I offer as a nomad?

I already have some ideas but would like to have more

Thanks by advance

18:12 UTC


Photography Insurance - General Liability

Hello, first-time poster looking for advice! I booked a job with a magazine and the location asks everyone to submit General liability insurance that covers 1,000,000. I'm curious about what companies are your go-to for coverage. I've been looking around but am unsure which ones are reliable. I need to include myself and one assistant (not sure if you can normally add a person to the policy?)

any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

17:42 UTC


Is there a subreddit specific to newborn photography?

Trying to get into this niche and looking for advice :)

1 Comment
17:06 UTC


What lenses to rent for maternity shoot? Outdoors in Madeira, Portugal

I own a Sony Alpha 6500 and I’ll be traveling to Madeira, Portugal at 5 months pregnant. My sister is good at taking photos so I want her to shoot some maternity pics while we’re there! Any recommendations?

1 Comment
17:16 UTC


Neewer Q4 400w is it compatible with the Godox trigger x pro II?

Just found a deal and wanted to confirm before pulling the trigger. See what I did there? 😂

16:24 UTC


Who owns the photos?

Hi everyone!

Recently, an old job of mine posted some photos I had taken without credit or consent to do so. I took the photos while employed there as a leadership position, but had no written contract or duties to take photos or anything creative. I took them because I’m a freelancer on the side and used them while I worked there. But again, there was no written contract or release.

Who technically owns the photos? I’m based in the US.

Edit: thank you for all the quick responses! To clarify, I used my own personal gear to shoot them. I had permission from the owner to shoot the space for my own creative purpose and technically did so in my off time. It wasn’t originally for business use.

I did end up using some of the photos I took for social media while I worked there but then deleted them when I left.

I’ve also asked to be credited with the photos or for them to please remove them, with no luck so far.

16:17 UTC


Printing 8x14 photo?

I have a photo that I recently took of my kid with my iPhone 15 Pro Max that I love how it came out, and was considering getting a nice bigger print. I didn’t crop the photo in any way, so it’s the size the phone took.

However, looking at the dimensions, it’d be something like 8x14 - and none of the photo printing services I could find (including NPL, MPix, and others) offered prints in that dimension.

Am I missing something? Is my only choice to print bigger (8x16?), and trim the edges (somehow)?

I see offers online to print posters at 8x14, but not photos.

15:55 UTC



Hey I just started getting back into photography and started a new insta just for it what’s the best way I can get that account out there and gain followers without exploding peoples inbox’s begging them to follow

1 Comment
15:25 UTC


I need some advice on Bird photography.

Edit: Thanks for all the Info and Tips! I definitely learned a LOT from you all! Im pretty sure you all elevated my understanding a lot!

Ive started to do Wildlife Photography a while ago and everything is going fine except my Bird pictures.

Here are some examples:


Those are two of the sharpest i managed to get. Im using my Canon R7 and my Tamron 150-600mm G2.

My settings were ISO 4000, f6.3 and 1/8000s at 600mm. Im using the electronic first curtain shutter and focus was usually pretty much on the Bird.

So what exactly could i do better to get sharper images?

14:07 UTC


Media accreditation fee


I have been on couple races as a media so far. I am going to attend a race this weekend and I was kind of shocked to see, that the organizer want me to pay for the media accreditation. There even is a deposit for a vest.

Is it normal for bigger events? The event itself for spectators is free of charge with a permission to enter paddock and two tribunes.

What are your opinions?

EDIT: I sent them email and they responded that it is up to me to decide whether I am commercial or non commercial photographer. That means i can get there for free but can't sell or publish my photos to make money out of it.

13:34 UTC


Indoor sports photography at F/2.8-5.6

Never used my camera for indoor sports photography and was wondering if I can expect some satisfying results using my Sony A6400 and Tamron 28-200mm F/2.8-5.6 lens to shoot at an indoor basketball game?

I know F/2.8-5.6 isn‘t ideal for indoor photography but the photos are only for personal use so they don‘t need to be perfect.

Can I still expect to take some good shots if fully zoomed in or is it pretty much impossible at f5.6 indoors?

13:30 UTC


Trying to find a photography book: Celebrities at parties/clubs

Years ago I'm sure I perused a photography book filled with candid photos of celebrities at parties and nightclubs. It wasn't paparazzi style. It seemed like the work of a prominent photographer who was in the inner circle of these well known people. Super bright flash photography.

I think the photographer was a black American guy but not 100% sure. Any ideas??

12:40 UTC


Asking resources for learning

Hey everyone,

I'm new here and need some advice. I want to learn photography and editing (both photos and videos). I've watched a lot of tutorials, but most are either clickbait or just not clear. Where did you all learn these skills? Any good YouTube channels or videos you recommend?

I have a Sony ZV-E10 with a kit lens(planning to upgrade Tamron 17-70), and I want to color grade my shots skillfully. I'll be using Adobe Photoshop and DaVinci Resolve.


12:05 UTC


Weekly Edit My Raw Thread July 25, 2024

In this thread, use top level comments to post links to your own raws for other people to edit, or link to any freely licensed (CC or public domain) raws that you might find interesting. If you post your edit anywhere, be sure to credit the original photographer. Reply to others' comments with your own edits of the images!

Full schedule of our weekly community threads:

52 Weeks ShareAnything GoesAlbum Share & FeedbackEdit My RawFollow FridaySalty SaturdaySelf-Promotion Sunday
10:01 UTC

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