A place for r/photography users to share their original photographic works. Please read the rules before posting.
Welcome to /r/photographs! This is a place where /r/photography members can share their photos!
Post titles are Not for Commentary. - Post titles are to provide a simple text title for your photos only. No explanations, questions, emoji, hashtags, technical info, or gear details. Also do not include tags like "[OC]" in your post title, as titles are not for commentary and this would be redundant information anyway.
Original Content Only. - Your image must be your own. In composites, all elements must be your original work, and not sourced from anywhere else. Any photos from other photographers will be deleted and may result in a ban.
Legitimate photographic techniques are allowed. This includes compositing, stacking, removing elements, etc. Please note that every element must be your original. Any element which has elements sourced from someone else will be removed.
No NSFW/NSFL. - Due to frequent spamming and baiting NSFW posts, we do not allow any on the sub. There are plenty of other photo sharing subs where this content is allowed where you can post - just be sure to check their rules first.
Please share only one photo, not an album. - When posting, please link directly to the photograph and not any sort of album/landing page.
No Self Promotion. - This subreddit is meant for sharing your work, not promoting your website or social media. Do not post your handles/site in the title, or link to your own website. You may put this information in your flair.
Slow Your [Camera] Roll. - Please post no more than 3 images in a 24 hour period.
No Spam or Karmawhoring. - This sub is for sharing your own photographs only. We do not allow as posts any sort of blogspam, self-promotion, circlejerking, karmawhoring, or ITAP posts. Referral links are not permitted anywhere.
No Unsolicited Feedback. - Some users just want to share their work without receiving critique. Please respect that and only provide feedback on posts flaired "Feedback Welcome."
No personal attacks of any kind. - Personal attacks, bigotry, insults, or any other form of harassment deemed excessive by the moderation team can result in a swift ban.
Absolutely No Railroad Tracks. - Photos taken on, or appearing to have been taken on railroad tracks will be deleted. (Why do we prohibit this?)
User flair is for portfolios only. - The flair next to your username (not post flair) is to be used only for your portfolio or social media (ie: instagram). What is not allowed, for example: Gear, blogspam, shortlinks.
Something about the water just makes me feel at peace 🥰
One of my favorite birds, always love to visit them in the summit