Welcome to your center for Phoenician memes on Reddit.
Psst... Kid. Wanna by some murex?
Part of r/Historymemenetwork
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All posts must be memes and must relate to the ancient Phoenicians. AI generated content is not a meme. "Phoenicia" is a somewhat problematic term, as the Greeks used it to refer to sea-faring Canaanites who would have not thought of themselves as a distinct ethnic identity from the Canaanites themselves. So we will use a loose definition here. Carthaginian, Canaanite, and Hebrew posts will be accepted within reason. However, if you are completely off-topic and no Semitic-speaking peoples are involved, you're in the wrong place.
If you suspect a reposted meme, please comment "u/repostsleuthbot" on the post & then report it.
Crop excessive blank space off of your images.
The post itself must be a meme. Titles are not taken into consideration.
AI generated images and text are not a meme. You can use an AI image as an ingredient in a meme, but "I gave AI a this prompt" is not a meme on its own. AI text alone is not a meme, if the post is mostly AI text it's probably not a meme even if you added some visuals.
Follow Reddiquette & Don't be a dick. No harassing other users
Minimize modern politics & don't preach your fringe theories