
Photograph via snooOG

For fans, old and new, of Pharoah + Cleopatra and the upcoming Pharaoh: A New Era.

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This place is dedicated to the 1999 classic game Pharoah + Cleopatra as well as the upcoming Pharaoh: A New Era.

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Why Nubt/Kom Ombo?

Is there any logical reason why they chose Nubt/Kom Ombo for the location of the first city? As far as I know it was built in the New Kingdom but mostly in Ptolemaic time. Choosing Memphis would have made a lot more sense. Just wondering if anyone knows.

14:50 UTC


Can't Finish Kebet

Man, I've played through Pharaoh and Cleo on hard and this mission (on normal) in New Era seems impossible. Recruiter barely produces units, I had one battle, lost my two starting full forts, then they never recovered. Seemed to be 1 unit a year if at all. The invasions seem to happen every six months. Is there any way to beat this without holding a fest to set every month to survive? Thanks! Again have attempted maybe 6-7 times. Mostly seems to be the recruiter almost never producing anything despite having full storage yards full of weapons etc.

03:09 UTC



17:57 UTC


Can't send military to help other cities


I've 2 archer regiments, one on both side of the map and two transport berths (with ship)

Still unable to click to send to help in the military menu. Am I doing something wrong, or is it a known bug? It is the second mission it happens (Heh, it also happened during Kebet earlier)

Thanks for your help

1 Comment
18:06 UTC


Custom Map Help

I’m creating my own map and have run into trade issues I can’t solve. I’ve currently designated “Shaat” as “My City”. Buhen and Heh are trading partners. In Edit mode they both sell two commodities and buy 4-5 commodities from me.

In actual game play, Heh has no commodities to sell or buy, Buhen only has 1 to buy. I’ve deleted the commodities from each city, saved, reloaded, placed the commodities back, saved, reloaded, and still nothing shows up. I’ve deleted the routes, added them back, changed the quantities of goods, changed the prices, no matter what I do, nothing seems to work.

Has anyone had this issue before or know what I can do? I’ve made up multiple maps and don’t ever remember running into this problem.

17:17 UTC


Delivery men

Hello everyone! I have a question about the delivery men. So I have a storage yard full of fish and near that is a granary that's accepting every type of food. But the basars have no food at all. When I ordered the storage yard to empty the fish the delivery man was taking those to a granary that's located on the other side of the map, and not to the one nearby. How do I get him to put the fish where I want to? Why is this happening?

12:09 UTC


Question about issue with land trades not working

I'm playing on a campaign mission in Abedju right now, and my city's economy was exporting and importing just fine, until I had a pop-up warning me that a tempest was coming which would stop my sea trades. After then, all my exports which were over the land stopped, even though the sea trade came back just fine. It could be unrelated and I changed something accidentally, or it could be a bug I'm not sure, but either way my city is spiraling down into debt and I'm not sure how to fix it.

Storage Yard right next to the Kingdom Road with a trader

Trader not buying anything

My trade settings with export over 0 set

Men Nefer


With all these settings everything should be working fine? What else could be messing up the trade?

06:22 UTC


Which one should I get? Pharaoh: A New Era or wait to get Pharaoh + Cleopatra

I have enough spending money for Pharaoh + Cleopatra on gog, but then I saw that Pharaoh: A New Era even though it was on sale for $14.94 is and more updated one, I don't have enough for it, but I can wait until I have enough and wait for a sale again. So which one should I do?

04:26 UTC


What’s the point of building a navy in PANE?

Does it reduce the number of land soldiers? I’ve progressed pretty far in the game, and I just don’t build a navy on military levels where there are water battles, and focus solely on building a land army.

For invasions that begin with a water battle and end in a land invasion, would engaging in the water battle reduce the number of soldiers that invade on land?


1 Comment
01:16 UTC


Timna - How to get rid of beduin soldiers?

I need some help understanding warfare in Pharaoh Cleopatra. I didn’t want to read walkthroughs as I don’t want to skip straight to solution bit just to understand better the consequences of war. Playing Timna (mining, warfare introduction) I lost my first war, there were 5 Beduin soldiers left and they kept ransacking my city. Initially I was rebuilding bit they kept destroying more and more so I stopped to see if they will leave at some point. They never did. My Recruiter wasn’t hiring new soldiers due to no one working there despite me putting Military as Nr1 priority with the Labour Overseer and the chart saying it’s 12/12 workforce. I got into debt so stopped doing anything just to see how the game will play out. Then another attack was announced, and as another army got in I saw there were two soldiers recruited and Recruiter working but there was no point and the mission was lost soon after. Does losing a battle always mean Mission Defeat or there is a way to deal with leftover soldiers? Was the Recruiter not working a bug or also part of consequences of losing a battle?

20:00 UTC


Game status check


When PANE was released I did play a lot (200+ hours) and haven’t played it then

I consider now a fresh start but was curious to know if there have been any major breakthrough since on some points that I was expecting but did not come quite fast.

Could you pharaoner provide a small update ?

1- war system : is it still the mobile pop up that resolve war ? Can we set up the ancient war system that I enjoyed so much ?

2- animals : do we still need to toggle them off because of bugs / climb hills / impossibility to circle ?

3- bugs : are they mostly solved ?

4- custom map that would help a lot the community to thrive and provide new challenge ?

Thank by advance, these were the points that pushed me out of the game waiting for a new freshened development :)

07:50 UTC


Help with exports.

I'm playing ANE and I've noticed on some of the maps I have the ability to export items that I can't grow/produce/import. For instance, in my most recent mission I had the option to export lettuce and barley, but I can't grow either of those items. I couldn't even import them. Can anyone explain why that is? It's confusing when I first start planning my city to see goods that I don't have the option to produce.

22:50 UTC


Pharaoh: A New Era Trouble with screenshots

Anyone else had this issue? For some reason whenever I try to take a screenshot of the game the screen blinks for a moment and it cancels the screenshot. The only way I got to make on was to make the game windowed and small, then focus on another app on my second monitor and there call for a screenshot. But can't do it with the game on focus. There are some other minor issues regarding window size and stuff in windowed but is not the main issue nor something that will bother me 98% of my playtime, but the screenshots yes. I would love to be able to share my city with friends.

02:37 UTC


Is there any way, or mod can make Pharaoh labor pool global?

For the original Pharaoh, I know the new one has the ability to.

However I know there was demand for like a Augustus fork to bring in the feature, any news on that?

I currently have Akhenaten, but it does not seem to have the feature.

19:07 UTC


Selima Oasis - I keep getting destoyed by ships but I can't build a ship army?

I'm playing the remake (A New Era). I've tried looking this up myself, but I can't find a decisive answer. I'm doing okay in this level until ships start attacking me. I have no ships because there's no water on this map (except for a pond), so I'm not sure how I'm supposed to survive or fight back during the ship battles when I can only make land armies. I feel like I'm missing something major here lol. Thanks in advance!

16:55 UTC


Is it wrong I'm happy that my new computer didn't pass my saved data over??

Yes that's right I'm starting a fresh with Pharoah for the at least fifth time and I'm happy doing it all over again. This game is the main game that I can lose myself in and relax from everything else that is going on in the world.

10:03 UTC


Now time to wait for the granite to be imported so I build the Obelisks

19:06 UTC


100% completion


I went for the Zig Zag Approach


I have never 100%'d any games on my steam account. I am working on this one being my first. I'm at 78% so far but some of them are pretty intimidating (looking at you, lonely water carrier). Any advice for the ones I have left?


08:27 UTC


So what's everyone doing with their excess straw?

Usually I just gather it to one storage lot and delete when full.

23:30 UTC


Anyway toppled up monument building?

Is there anyway to speed up pyramid building? Like a cheat code?

21:12 UTC


I can't get provisions to work

I've completed my stepped pyramid and stepped pyramid complex in Meidum and gone to the pverseer of monuments. There are no options for the provisions. I already restarted this mission twice because the pyramid wouldn't complete. There is nothing built around the pyramid. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

11:25 UTC


OMG! I've been playing the original for 25 years and just found this!!! So excited!

I have the old game and cleopatra on CDrom! I've loaded it on to every computer I've had since high school. I go back at least once a year. I'm so glad they updated this complex and rewarding game!!

Good thing I have off tomorrow!!

22:00 UTC


A New Era zoom?

Hi, this might be a really stupid question, but I've scoured the Internet and I can't find out how to zoom in?! I've somehow accidentally zoomed out, and now everything is annoyingly small, so if anyone knows how to zoom in on a new era, please help me! :)

13:40 UTC


Work Camp Help

I’m having difficulties with keeping the work camp staffed for my farms. I delete the road block to allow the recruiters access to homes, they fill up with workers. After I place the road block back, the harvest comes and then they empty again? Do I just need to build the work camps in my main town. Or do I just have to have shanties that live near the farms?

1 Comment
04:37 UTC

19:17 UTC


Is there a way to free build in the Mission Editor?

I can't find it if so, but I've been googling around to no avail. I just want to construct a city, like, not play the city per se, but just design the city to look at. Having access to just plop down completed monuments, housing in my style of choice (like just place a common residence and have it stay a common residence), etc. Having to play the city to build would mean requiring all the resources to level to the appropriate tier of house, plus you couldn't have different levels of housing on the same street, stuff like that; limitations related to the actual gameplay when all I want to do is just put down structures to make the appearance of a city to my design. Also being able to have control over building style, like, some housing tiers have multiple styles for the same tier (fancy residence) so being able to select and play the style

I haven't found it yet and I don't know if this is possible, but some missions, campaign and custom, already have buildings in them. Like I assume for Cleo's Alexandria they didn't...play until the Library and Mausoleum and stuff were complete, and then just delete everything. Some missions have houses already built, and temples. So how can I play where I can just freely put down whatever like that? If there's an easy way and I'm missing it I apologize, and if you can't do this at all then I'll just have to petition the devs on the steam forums or something lol

07:25 UTC


İs there an appearance mod?

İs there a mod that either makes it look more like the original or just makes it look less like a mobile game?

I like everything about the new games except I can't stand the appearance.... honestly I don't know how you make a reboot of a ~20 year old game uglier. İt looks like there is a haze over the entire map, nothing is crisp, and all the detail is washed out. İt's really sucking the fun out when the old game looked so much better

Sometimes I think they could have just saved their time and added the quality of life / control improvements to the old game and called it good

17:18 UTC


Coptic lessons: Imperative verbs. Coptic Manuscripts. Daily use sentences فعل الأمرفي اللغة القبطية

Comparison between Coptic and Hieroglyphic

1 Comment
16:22 UTC


I just beat Thinis (normal) !!

According what I saw during my scrolling onto this subreddit, I play on the old version. The new one seems beautiful.

Anyway : finally !!!

21:09 UTC


Custom missions

Hey all, just played my first custom mission (Unreliant) and have built all the monuments but I'm not "winning" - do custom missions just not end? Or am i missing something. Trying to get the achievements so wanting to tick these off.

04:13 UTC

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