Penmanship Porn
What counts as penmanship?
For the purpose of this subreddit, penmanship is any hand-written text. This can be everyday handwriting, calligraphy and hand-written text on chalkboards, whiteboards, and signs.
If any submission breaks the following rules, report the post and message the mods about why you reported it.
1) No posts asking for help/tips with your handwriting/signature, and no posts asking for people to sign your name. This includes "Is my handwriting good or bad?" posts. Those posts should be posted in /r/Handwriting
2) Keep comments civil. No personal attacks, bigotry, hate speech, etc.
3) No Blogspam or self promotion.
4) Search before posting. Reposts will be removed. If you spot a repost, report it and message the link to the reposed submission and with a link the original post.
4a) Do not post this video. It has been posted hundreds of times.
5) Penmanship/Handwriting pictures/videos/ect only. Meaning, no links to news articles about penmanship, pictures of pens, ink, ect., or anything that doesn't directly have handwriting content.
6) Try to use RES friendly urls. Use Imgur if in doubt. Avoid Photobucket and Instagram as image hosts due to incompatibility with RES. If the content is someone else's post on Instagram, it is allowed to be posted so that the content creator can get credit.
Sometimes I try to write with a rhythm.
I love this gradient. ❤️
Practicing Spencerian for real. Needs work, but it's a start. I actually purchased an oblique pen for the first time so I'll try again with that soon.
This is part of a poem written by Siegfried Sassoon, written with a gel pen in a mishmash of writing styles that I have adopted.
Used a Kingart gel pen. I especially love any sparkling gel pens, especially when they behave and do not skip.
I tried to use flex nib until it ran out of ink so I went to a gel pen because I needed to write.
Leonardt principal ef, gouache
Written with a gel pen after 20 minutes of oval drills to build muscle memory.
I did a whole series of these, oh, around summer 2020-ish and this was one I always thought came out well.
Looks to be done with a pointed dip-pen and that old-timey sepia toned ink made from black walnut shells. Just exquisite 🖤
Side note: it's absolutely bonkers to put this thing side by side with a modern KJV Bible and see how WILDLY different they are from each other. Tell me more about how this book is the divine word of God and hasn't been endlessly tampered with by people r