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Welcome to /r/Pak - A subreddit about Pakistan and all things Pakistani.

We are very similar to our sister subreddit /r/Pakistan but have an open view on posting material. We accept all posts including vlogs and such as long as you are not self promoting excessively. We seek to show a clear picture of how life is currently in Pakistan through News sources, Video Links, and Personal accounts that are written by users who frequent Pakistan or live there currently.

We allow open discussion of all topics but look down upon excessive fighting or trolling. The safety and security of Pakistan is a serious issue and due to this, we ask our users to be respectful on posts that contain graphic material. We do not condone any types of calls for violence or comments celebrating the suffering of others.

This land is your land as long as you treat it like your home.

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One of the most iconic pieces in videogame history, now with full orchestral rendition.

This is one of the very few pieces out there which brings tears to my eyes everytime I listen to it. An amazing ethereal song from Nobuo Uematsu, the greatest videogame composer of our times.


21:43 UTC


Married families overseas?

It’s been 4 years I moved to UK and even before that I was working in GCC. Man I just want to go home (Pakistan) on a long vacation (like 3,4 months) and I just don’t know how. I got work from home job so that is doable but my wife works too and she won’t get more than 25 holidays and children don’t get more than the usual summer holidays (40 days).

I just don’t know what to do and I can’t leave family alone here. Any overseas Pakistani ever felt the same? What should I do seriously?

21:02 UTC


OnLy cOunTrY wiTh a SpiNe. The spine: This is Tadamon massacre, Iran-backed Bashar regime killing innocent sunni civilians in Syria

14:16 UTC


Everyday I find new retardation on the internet


Here we go again

20:41 UTC


Maulana discussing atheism

There’s been some posts about atheism in this sub. I came across this video series, I found the discussion to be very interesting and nuanced with a balanced approach. If anyone is curious have a listen. One is a sunni mufti the other is a Shia aalim.

1 Comment
20:30 UTC


[Question] The Lands belong to whom? those who came 1st? or 2nd? Or to God?

Dear brothers & sisters from Pakistan,

Assalamualaikum & Eid Mubarak,

اللهم ارنا الحق حقاً وارزقنا اتباعه وارنا الباطل باطلا وارزقنا اجتنابه

(Our Lord let us see truth as truth & let us embrace the truth & let us see falsehood as falsehood & avoid the falsehood).

May the meditations of my heart & the writings & words from my mouth & mind be pleasing unto you Most High God.

I was silently suffering the events in the news (the desecration of Babri Masjid, the suffering of the Muslims of the Levant & Kashmir) & I wished to share the following insights with you please so things go well for all of us & particularly the Ummah. (I shared this with /islam to reach other Muslims but there is someone there who without any explanation just banned my account, so I approach you.) Maybe I am wrong about things, so may God & His people correct me gently & kindly. But whatever I say here is some insight that can help by God's Grace.

  1. the first thing that may be grieving us is the treatment of the Muslims in the Levant (around Jerusalem / Al Quds). As a child I would get upset when I heard the words "Israel" because of all the stories of the suffering of the Muslims in the area. Now I know better. Israel is the name of one of the greatest of Prophets Hazrath Yaqub (SW) or Jacob otherwise known as Hazrath Israel SW. This is not a name to be get angry over but a name to be revered & exalted & celebrated. So be careful with the words you use.
    1. Do not get upset with the word "Zion" (it literally means Kingdom of Heaven) - you are not going to fight against "zionists" because they are FOR the "Kingdom of Heaven", so there is no need to use that word to refer to your opponents.
    2. Do not get upset with the word "Jew" because "Jew" literally means descendants of Hazrath Yehuda (Judah) SW a son of the Prophet Yaqub (Jacob).
    3. Do not use "hebrew" or "hebe" like the ignorant misguided use this term as an insult because they don't know the term hebrew literally means a descendant of Hazrath Ibrahim SW (Abraham) who is also our father/ancestor.
    4. It is similar to 1-2-many Pakistanis getting upset over the term "Paki" when it means "holy" or "Pure". Are you going to get upset with someone complimenting you by calling you "holy"? What you are upset about is the oppression & the unkindness & the misunderstanding - so fix that. So take pride in being called a Paki but weep if someone utters your name or the name of your nation with anger or sorrow instead of joy & love - because even the holiest of names if uttered in grief can become an insult.
    5. don't be guided by just the "connotation" (intent) of a word, heed the denotation (meaning) also. It is not right to call those lands "Philistine" or "Palestine" because it is the name of the ancient idolaters who preceded our Jewish cousins (remember we as Muslims are part of the aal-e-Ibrahimi or family of Ibrahim SW).
    6. The reason why some Muslims call themselves Palestinians is because they have embraced the language & vocabulary which the misguided use to condemn Muslims of the Levant. We are Muslims who were blessed with sovereignty over the Levant & our right to the lands does not spring from being "indigenous" or having been there first or second or third. This brings me to the next point:
  2. who do the lands belong to? it does not belong to the "indigenous" people, it does not belong to who came second or third but to the people who are loved by God (Allah SWT). People who are nice to each other & love each other & heal & beautify one another & take good care of the land. The Jews no matter their faults are whiter, taller, prettier, nicer & they are turning the lands into European lands which our people could not do after centuries of rule over those lands.
    1. Our lands (with the exception of some in EU & Turkey & N. Pakistan etc.) are mostly without flowers, grass, snowfall, clean waters, clean rivers, clean lakes etc. then some of our lands are tropical & equatorial (hot AND humid which renders it more amenable to bacterial growth & disease transmission- more on this later if there is interest).
    2. The Jews & Christians know how to turn the flora & fauna into a European/ Swiss/ N. European flora/ fauna with snow & cold climes & they know how to banish harmful animals from the land (there are no lions or tigers in the lands of our European Christian Cousins because they have prayers which help them make the flora / fauna benign & loving). In light of this, would not any human being rejoice at the sight of & the mere presence European, white Christians & Jews? I know I would.
    3. When it comes to the white Christians & Jews who are healthy & loving & good for the land & animals we must be open but when it comes to misguided nations we must stand up to them & either reform them or prevent the spread of incorrect ways & harmful flora/ fauna (be it our own).
    4. We must ask ourselves do we Muslims help each other become healthy& beautiful & successful MORE than any other nation? Yes we are blessed to be better than many nations, but are we better than the white Jews & Christians?
    5. if you cannot love one another, if you cannot beautify one another & if you cannot beautify your lands then get ready to hand your lands to peoples who are better than you. Invite the righteous & virtuous & defend the lands against corrupters of the lands and the peoples (that is the least you can do). This brings me to the next point : are we blessed enough to raise & heal & edify one another & our lands?
  3. do we as Muslims make each other white, blonde, blue eyed, tall & slender & athletic & healthy & wealthy the way the Christians & Jews do ? if we ask ourselves honestly we may find that we have room for improvement. Are we Muslims shunning envy / jealousy & celebrating each others' beauty & success? or are we suffering from moments of jealousy & envy or "hasad"? It seems we see the product that is our people before our eyes. Our people are not as beautiful as Bar Rafaeli / Gwenyth Paltrow nor as beautiful as Armie Hammer (no matter their character). Some people argue that our people's moral character is not upto standard so it is right to make us unhealthy & unattractive. That is now what the Europeans & Christians & Jews do.
    1. No matter the character of the people the Europeans & white Christians& Jews make each other beautiful & healthy. One too many Muslims start making excuses "O, what really matters is on the inside" dismissing exterior health & beauty. But the Christians & Europeans & Jews are different. If someone has poor character they make that person even more beautiful so others are nice to the poor & their exterior beauty & the love it attracts causes the immoral to become nice on the inside too. Just look at Hitler, he had Blue eyes despite his wrongs. But Muslims will not let one another have blue eyes. Are we worse than Hitler? Ofcourse not. Then why is Hitler whiter than most of you & has blue eyes when one too many of us are more unattractive than Hitler? So using character or morality as an excuse to keep people unattractive, & non-white is not right.
    2. Now the Jews get alarmed when one too many Muslims say that Jewish people are more beautiful than the Arab Muslims. Why? because when the Jews were led by Hazrath Musa (Moses) out of slavery & Egypt they came upon Philistine where everyone was taller & "giant" like & white & beautiful & they took good care of the lands. At which point God told the Jews that yes the Philistines were pretty & nice but the Philistines were engaging in idolatry so they were no longer loved by God. The Jews think that if the Muslims start complimenting them for their looks they will inherit the lands like the Jews did in the past. The truth is the lands belong those who are humble & do their best to please the Lord God Most High & you must not use these tricks to try to gain ascendancy but only to improve yourselves in inner & outer beauty.
    3. Be beautiful on the inside & outside both. Be a good person & be gorgeous too & make & make your lands like the lands of the Europeans. The Jews & Christians make each other beautiful & healthy despite the flaws & inner state of the peoples because there is a chance to heal your spirit or morality or character but an injured health that gets encoded into the genotype is a trauma passed through the generations. This "mark" or "darkness" passes from one generation to the other dragging everyone down (even when people's characters are far superior). So we have to stop harming or marking one another. Stop afflicting each other with gray hair or wrinkles or disease but instead make each other ever youthful, give each other natural blonde hair & smooth fair & healthy skin. Treat each other with love & then treat the lands well. How do we do that?
    4. Invite & embrace snowfall & cold climes (cold sterilizes & preserves as in a refrigerator but heat cooks & scars & burns & leaves a darkness behind after the heat invigorates bacterial & viral growth & spread of disease). Do the Christians & Jews keep each other forever youthful, no not all but they are getting there. Do the Christians & Jews make each other white & blonde & blue eyed (naturally, organically & without medical or surgical procedures?) more than one too many Muslims (who do not even consider it within a realm of possibility). Do the Christians & Jews cause snowfall to fall upon their barren deserts & tropical forests? more & more are increasingly inviting such climate change (change for the better! climate equality or climate justice is good so embrace what is good). Why are 1-2-many of us Muslims not so rightly guided & motivated? this brings me to the next point:
  4. why do some of us suffer from vices like envy/ anger/ irrationality/ misguidance/ health issues / symptoms of race-harm (we are not as tall & fair & healthy etc.) ? one of the functions of religion is to save us from negative thoughts & vices (like anger, hatred or lust) etc. if we suffer from health issues (or stunted growth or darkened skin or soft facial features) or psychological vices then it is not "normal" & it is not healthy & it is not right because it is a result of a spiritual attack & an unwholesome environment & the result of our misunderstanding our religion & the will of Allah SWT & God & practicing our religion incorrectly (but even if someone did practice their religion incorrectly it is not right to afflict them with health issues or darkened skin or stunted height or to make the fat or unattractive).
    1. One way of facilitating virtue & righteousness is to stop buying goods from nations located downstream (far East & nations East of Pakistan or nations that are worse off than Pakistan). Buy Pakistani because our people are at least better in many ways (despite our faults) than some Australoid Indian or mongoloid Chinese/ Korean/ Japanese etc. Make your own cars, make your own trains & planes & computers & phones. If you cannot have mercy upon your own people then buy Iranian or Russian or European or Saudi or Emirati or Egyptian or Turkish or American (people who are better off than you) but for the love of God do not buy from nations that are suffering worse/more than you are. Help the far east & the Australoid/ Mongoloid/oppressed races but do not buy their goods please. Please become self sufficient & conscious about who you give your money to & whose products & cars you use. Stop patronizing Indian art & movies (even if they use Muslims like the Khans to advance their industry), stop supporting Indian tech & science (even if they are using Muslims like Abdul Kalam as mouthpieces); wish them well but develop your own lands & people FIRST! The Indians do not even allow Coca-Cola to sell carbonated beverages because they want indigenous production - why are you letting your own drive taxi-cabs from Korea (Hyundai) & promoting their industry while your own people work as cab drivers? are our own Muslims worse than the Koreans!? Surely not!
    2. Why do you permit so many of you to be misled by Indian/Oriental propaganda in Indian/Oriental films & all the while one too many of you are subverting/ undermining your own film/music/arts industry & why can you not find wholesome decent artists to advance film, music & the arts? (why do our artists have to make profane art like the drug addled indulgence portrayed by Mohsin Hamid & the recent film on transvestites called joyland ? when we have more fundamental issues to tackle?) yes our religious ideals are not perfect but they are surely better than the misguided ideology of idolaters further downstream of us. Become self-reliant & let the Christians & Jews know that they do not have to rely on the idolaters & outsiders for help, they can turn to us.
    3. Let us ask ourselves what can we do to make our Christian/ Jewish white cousins realize that they don't have to turn to Japan or China or Korea for tech or help or assistance. They can turn to us! we will fight for them! & build for them & work for their happiness! We are raised to sacrifice our lives for God & country & the faith & our peoples - you will find the Christians & Europeans & even the Jews far easier to love & sacrifice for, I guarantee it. The white Europeans & Christians & Jews do not have to rely on a misguided eastern races & religions for trade. I will now elaborate upon how we need to make our society & environment as holy & safe as can be...
  5. how do we make our environments as good, wholesome, holy & rightly guided as the insides of our masajid & houses of worship (churches)? when I attended Jumas the Imam would always make us cry & then say "you are crying over your sins now but when you step outside the masjid you will go back to ignoring your prayers & good conduct". That always puzzled me but now I know why.
    1. It is because our outside environments : our movies, arts, music, advertisements, social settings are not holy. For e.g. the movie theater & theater should be treated like a church / masjid (as Martin Scorsese & many other US Filmmakers view the cinema & the arts) and the director and actors ought to be like the high priests and clergy & religious workers like the Sahaba & Prophets. The messages/ music/ movies/ art should immerse the people in wholesome & good ideals. We do not make the environment outside the masjid/ church safe enough.
    2. The arts are neglected & they need to be espousing good ethical, safe ideals NOT the "joys of being transgender" (as in the recent Pakistani film called joyland which is fine as an effort but that subject matter perhaps should be the last priority? even though we have a problem with gender bending in some parts of the East & South of Karachi, maybe). One of the reasons why we have an unsafe environment outside & sometimes even in front of some Imams is because we do not value the arts/ artists/ imams/ soldiers/ politicians enough & this is very important.
  6. The fault is both with us & a little with the traumatized Imams from traumatized backgrounds.
    1. We have to hire & compensate leaders properly & ensure that our leaders have privileged & sheltered backgrounds. We have to source our leaders like Imams (priests, politicians, soldiers, teachers, leaders etc.) who have minimum a PhD in theology (religion) & can speak Arabic & Hebrew (the language of Torath) & Greek (the language of Injil) & are learned in morality & come from the best backgrounds & families. Unfortunately one too many of us do not value our clergy or Maulanas enough and that is NOT good at all.
    2. There are at least three professions that are super important: clergy, soldiery & leadership positions (like politician, teachers, parents). The politicians & leadership should ideally be the ultimate stop for people who do well as clergy & as soldiers & lawyers (judges). Yet we abuse our clergy & armed forces & our politicians & now lawyers instead of praying for their betterment & improvement & protection, ensuring they are composed of the best of the best & are compensated as the best of the best. In the western world the sons of aristocracy went into law (politics), military & priesthood because Plato & the philosophers (upon whose ideals our universities/ academia & sciences / engineering/ law/ medicine are based) identified soldiers (defenders/ guardians of the land), theologians as ideal candidates for leadership roles.
    3. Yet 1-2-many of us abuse our "Mullahs" & we abuse our "politicians" & we abuse our soldiers. That is not good for society. We as Sunni Muslims are particularly not trained to abuse our leaders / politicians etc. We after all exalt Amir Muawiya RA & the Khulafa-al-Rashideen RA (Abu bakar RA, Umar RA, Usman RA, Ali RA) despite the accusations against them. I mean Amir Muawiya's family transgressed against the grand children of the Prophet Muhammad SAW but we are still told to bless them & pray for their improvement & health instead of abusing them. Now our beloved Shia brothers & sisters are gorgeous & whiter & more European looking than us but we cannot & ought not to follow their example in this case. If we as Sunnis can respect & exalt Amir Muawiya surely our leadership (Sharifs, Bhuttos, Khans, Musharrafs etc.) ought to receive our best wishes, prayers for their health & safety & right guidance.
    4. The Christians every Sunday pray for the health & safety & right guidance of their leaders (no matter who the leaders are President Obama or President Trump or Der Fuhrer Adolph Hitler) why can we not pray for the health, safety & right guidance of our leadership?
  7. the conflict between 1-2-many Muslims & the US has unfortunately risen ever since the end of the cold war (Samuel Huntington's Clash of Civilizations is unfortunately playing out but it does not have to). Professor Huntington & one too many personnel in the US armed forces have been compromised by the orient (due to wars in Japan, Koreas, South East Asia - which in the West means everything East of Nepal & does NOT include Pakistan).
    1. Some misguided white folk actually think they have more in common culturally (/ values) with the mongoloid race! which is absurd & utterly misguided & self-defeating (but who is to blame except our own & our own inability to love & serve our own)? Today the Japanese outnumber white peoples in Hawaii (ever since 2017) & California became majority non-white (since 2001) but if any of you are happy about this then you are not one of us. This ought to be a cause for concern for all Muslims because if darkness prospers in any part it concerns all of us.
    2. The conflict & trade with orient has given rise to gender bending (transitioning to various genders) as well as sexuality bending (corrupting people to different sexualities). This should concern all Jews, Christians & Muslims. You have to be strong & righteous & healthy enough to put an end to these vices along with the vices of race-harm (making people non-white) & other forms of harm (making people poor, unhealthy, afflicting them with vicious thoughts like anger, lust etc.).
    3. While reducing conflict between aale-Ibrahimi (family of Hazrath Ibrahim SW: Jews, Christians, Muslims) please try to be kind to the idolater the Indians & Chinese. Even though its easy to rejoice at their misguidance & suffering (like some Indian gentleman could not get into a club etc.) please try to improve your own peoples & advance your own & reach out to advance those less fortunate than you. When you rejoice in the suffering of your opponents it provokes Allah SWT who cares for the unfortunate outcast & lost more than the rightly guided & obedient.


  1. use the right words when addressing your opponents & be gentle in your dialogue so you may continue to receive right-guidance & you may emerge from darkness (jahalath)
  2. all lands & families & properties belong to Allah SWT not to those who came first or second or third.
  3. improve your & everyone's health & exterior beauty by improving the quality of land, air, water & introducing snow into your environs & make your flora/ fauna benign
  4. if you want to improve your character learn what is morally correct & support your own economy & industry first but if you cannot love your own then support the economy & industry of your jewish & christian & muslim brothers & sisters first
  5. make your environment safe, wholesome, edifying; compensate & respect the artists & arts
  6. pay respect to & take seriously your leaders no matter how terrible they may seem.
  7. be ready & eager to serve your white/ European Jewish & Christians brothers & sisters for their dilution & suffering undermines human & our well-being Do not rejoice in the suffering of your opponents.
20:29 UTC


Opinion on Haram Relationships

Just wanted to ask about your opinion on haram relationships. Y'all think it's bad or good. And if you're in one do you feel guilty for continuously doing haram act?

20:08 UTC


Narcissistic father with anger issues

Hello everyone, I'm currently 18. I've loved my father all my life just like everyone else but in recent months that love is unfortunately fading. My dad is struggling a lot in his business due to the economic situation so his basically taking out his frustration at me since I'm the only child in the house now (my elder bro moved to London 6 months ago). My dad teases me over every small thing and even abuses me and calls me a loser who's spoilt etc. Like I'm not even doing anything wrong, I study all day and don't do any bad shit. That's why in recent days I've just avoided talking to him and only greet him because any small convo I have with him turns into him either lecturing me or abusing me. What do I do? Do I confront him or just wait for him to be normal again? Because his constant negative behaviour towards me is killing my self esteem.

19:55 UTC


When did Coke Studio turn sh*t?

It’s just not giving what it used to. Pasoori was a hit last season but most of the tracks are just so far off from what they used to be.

Too many damn artists in each track, the unnecessary rap, the let’s do everything all at once approach. Maza nahin ata ab. It turned to shi*e after Rohail Hyat left.

18:46 UTC


Ahead of Ram Navami procession in Hyderabad, mosque covered with cloth

18:43 UTC


Trading in Pakistan

I have been a profitable trader for around two years, i have a prop firm account and a private account. I trade forex and shares, any ideas on how to trade if I was to move to Islamabad, any fellow traders that have brokers set up in Pakistan?

18:05 UTC



What do you think which bachelors program is worth in todays and upcoming world. What is scope of these bachelor programs and where do you see the graduates of these programs ?

17:53 UTC


So true, and also Bhutan, Mongolia, Nauru, Fiji among others. Also my Phuppo Rashida Begum 🤬

17:51 UTC


Thoughts about leaving Pakistan

Just want to hear the opinion of people about leaving this country. Y'all want to live here or leave. Personally I think the world is going to end very soon so there's no point in leaving

17:33 UTC


Bata Sneakers - Sketchers Replica

I went to buy joggers and found BATA SNEAKERS Studio lineup. The joggers were 13k PKR, had memory foam in its sole. I didnt have the color of choice, the giy insisted on paying advance so they can arrange the shoes. At that time i felt, they r trying hard to sell this shoe. Anyone used this lineup of Bata? Suggestions are welcome. I need a good shoe as i have an ankle issue. Thanks

17:02 UTC


Molluscus contagiosum on my genital,

I am male 34, and somehow got this weird dots on my penis, within a passage of 2 months it has widely spread over the shaft. I am very worried about it. I have visited 3 skin specialist, one said it is fungal and I did the whole course of month but with no effect. And the others two said it's molluscus contagiosum, one recommended to put some 35 percent HCl and the other said do the 30k hydrotherapy, which I cannot afford at all. Anyone suffering from it? I am really worried and sometimes it itches causing bleading as well. Please help if anyone can give any remedy.

16:52 UTC


Part of the reason for the loneliness crisis is tons of people suck at having conversations but think they don't

16:34 UTC


What’s the best car in your household?

16:12 UTC


What are we gonna say about this. 2 tenures in KPK already

16:03 UTC


کیا واقعی پاکستان کو ٹویٹر پلیٹ فارم سے خطرہ ہے

پچھلے تین ماہ سے ٹویٹر کو گورنمنٹ اف پاکستان نے بند کر رکھا ہے جب عدالت میں کیس گیا تو بتایا گیا کہ اس سے پاکستان کی سلامتی کو خطرہ ہے کیا واقعی اس سے پاکستان کی سلامتی کو خطرہ ہے یا پڑھے لکھے نوجوانوں کی آواز کو دبانے کی کوشش کی جا رہی ہے

15:43 UTC


Why is running not as popular in pakistan like the rest of the world ?

I have not found any running support groups online nor anyone locally to run with, any idea to where to find pacing/running buddies or just give up and keep at it alone till i go back abroad.

15:30 UTC


Maternal and child health

I am looking for some responses on this research questionnaire from the people around here .

It's basically about married men's perception regarding maternal and child health. And gauging out the lacking in their awareness of maternal mortality.

would be helpful if u guys take some time out for thiss 🫡 Plis fill this if you're :

-married male -have a child


15:09 UTC


Some part unfilled at the back of Matric and Fsc sanad. Is this the norm? Can you check yours and let me know

14:39 UTC


The hypocrisy of Iran.

Tired of Iran this Iran that posts, I don't understand why they are unable to see the real face of Irani Mullahs.

14:22 UTC


Do people here know any artificial jewerly or kids clothing shop owners in Pakistan?

Assalam Alikum. I'm about to start my own artificial jewelry, or kids clothing online business and I'm looking to get added to whatsapp groups that these shop owners run where they send pictures of new products to advertise.

If you know any such shop owners or anything else, please, let me know in the comments or in a private message.


14:03 UTC


Guys spend lots of time with ur mum.I live in a hostel and my mum passed away about a year ago and i remember she use to call me daily without mussing a day just to ask how my day was.Your mum is the only person in the world who will love you unconditionally so take care of her.

1 Comment
13:52 UTC


Are there any new and upcoming entertainment projects in Karachi?

There appears to be stagnation in entertainment options in the metropolis so I wanted to know if any projects are underway in the city.

13:47 UTC


Laptop 💻 to buy in the range of 120K-140K. Online sellers reliable?

13:47 UTC

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