
Photograph via snooOG

Open Source Ecology is Network of Farmers, Engineers, and Supporters Building the Global Village Construction Set.

The Global Village Construction Set (GVCS) is a modular, DIY, low-cost, high-performance platform that allows for the easy fabrication of the 50 different Industrial Machines that it takes to build a small, sustainable civilization with modern comforts.

Open Source Ecology is a Network of Farmers, Engineers, and Supporters Building the Global Village Construction Set.

The Global Village Construction Set (GVCS) is a modular, DIY, low-cost, high-performance platform that allows for the easy fabrication of the 50 different Industrial Machines that it takes to build a small, sustainable civilization with modern comforts.

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A study on "The Environmental Impact of Bitcoin"

Hello everyone,

For my final dissertation, I am conducting a study on "The Environmental Impact of Bitcoin".

This survey will take less than 2min to complete (available in English, Français, and Español).

Thank you in advance to everyone who takes the time to fill it out.

Every opinion matters!

Have a great day


Here is the beginning of my work: https://metalab.essec.edu/towards-an-assessment-of-the-ecological-impact-of-bitcoin/

17:49 UTC


Algae Growth Methods - an 'open source' of fuel?

Hi All.

Like many here, I love the concept of open source and applying it to real world applications well beyond software.

One thing I'd like to share with you all is that I've been working on a project to try and turn algae into fuel in a DIY setting. I believe this could be a potential way to produce fuel ecologically, by reducing our reliance on fossil fuels for, well, fuels.

As part of this project, I've investigated how to grow algae faster by using different growth methods and comparing their performance.

I've made a whole video about this, to which I've provided a link!


17:11 UTC


WeTube: Open Source Video App for Everyone

1 Comment
06:31 UTC


Where are the Global Village Construction Set Plans?

I've been excited about the Global Village Construction Set (GVCS) by Open Source Ecology for years, but every time I check it, it feels like it's been marketed as "open source" but I can't ever seem to find the source documents for any of the supposedly created machines on any of the sites below:

Machines: Global Village Construction Set | Open Source Ecology

Structural PowerCube - Open Source Ecology

The power cube is core to this whole thing, but for example when you click the link above, you see a bunch of empty "module" folders. It seems like with some better organization of files this project could have been growing all on its own the last few years.

Where do we find the "open" source files for the machines.


To add to the confusion, it appears there are some (completely separate) machines available on an open source ecology Germany: Open Source Ecology - Germany

And there are some old information found at an old wiki, for a version 0.01:
Civilization Starter Kit DVD v0.01 - Open Source Ecology

Such a shame, it seems if this stuff had really been open I feel like it would have been self-fueling.

18:54 UTC


Will iron boost Chlorella Algae Growth?

Hi everyone.

So I saw a video a while back that demonstrated the effects of rich iron sources on the growth of the Algae Spirulina, in which the iron led to hastened growth and increased culture density. So, I wondered whether the same principle held true for Chlorella (Spoiler: It did!)

If you want to see more about this, follow the link below for the experiment and more in-depth insight.


12:46 UTC


My Introduction to Sand Batteries

Greetings everyone

Despite being simple and making use of abundant materials, sand batteries are paradoxically an emerging tech, that's only just started being utilised at some scale.

Through the link below, I explain sand batteries in more detail, and try to build a small one myself, as it's an area I want to explore further in my research.


I think the tech has great potential as a low tech, scalable, sustainable form of energy storage.

1 Comment
18:47 UTC



Hello. I've just noticed this outstanding project, I think they fit OSE's principles very closely:

However, for true decentralization to be possible, the ideas and abilities must be learnable. Many modern technologies are too complex to be learned and practiced by communities, and are instead bound to industrial modes of production, creating a class divide between “developers” and “consumers”. These complex technologies will never be decentralizable, and any attempts to decentralize them will fail.

(from their "Radical Decentralization, Radical Empowerment, and Dynamicland" document)


So, we have a lot of hesitation about putting anything on the internet basically, so we put most of our outreach into in-person things — getting people to come in and actually be face to face with us. Learning from each other face to face is so different from learning from each other on the internet.

(why Dynamicland Realtalk isn’t open source)

18:09 UTC


Starting My New Chlorella Algae Culture

Hi Everyone.

Algae cultivation has always been an interest of mine, ever since I heard about their applications in biofuel technology. There are many different species of Microalgae and one of the most promising with regards to biofuels is Chlorella. While Algae based biofuels might not make sense from a volume perspective, algae itself can be grown anywhere with the right environmental conditions, even in indoor spaces. And, if natural light is used, and it's scaled up to compensate for the energy cost of air pumps, it could provide a powerful carbon reducing feedstock not just for fuel, but for many other things, including foodstuffs and organic fertilisers (due to their typically high nitrogen content).

In the video linked below, I detail how I started my most recent algae culture, and how I learned from previous mistakes. This method is replicable to anyone who has the time, resources, and can get their hands on a starter culture (something I may work to resolve in the future!).


19:00 UTC


University degree topic

Hi everyone!

My academic journey is about to end and I need to write my final paper to finish my degree. I would like to write about ecological crime but in my language I cant find a lot.

Does anyone have a recommendation which crime to write about? English is not my first language and it would be helpful if the crime in question would be highly documented and media covered so that I wouldnt struggle to much with finding data sources.


11:27 UTC


UN Calls for Open Forest Data

Transparent forest data is key to effective climate action! The FAO's CBIT-Forest project, in collaboration with UNDP, is empowering countries to meet the transparency requirements of the Paris Agreement by enhancing the collection, analysis, and sharing of forest data.


02:33 UTC


D3D Pro 3D Printer Project Updates!

Hi everyone!!

For the past few years I have been studying, building, and documenting a new version of the D3D Pro 3D Printer based on Open Source Ecology's prior art. I wanted to post the documentation here that I have completed so far (still a work in progress).

Here's a link to the website version of the documentation: https://alexandrialittle.github.io/d3d-pro/

Here's the link to the source of the documentation (which is accepting pull requests) https://github.com/AlexandriaLittle/d3d-pro

Here are some photos and videos of the build: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipO1XlRq2MeO1X1idXfgvzrbPz2ozq8t9KZZMXAqVvah1MqOsn6VbolkMdVK6x30Iw?key=WXJrZ25La1l1SDNoMUNtOVhvUHJ1eGVXV2RTTGt3

Thank you for taking a look!

01:20 UTC


Designing For Modularity and Printability

Hi everyone.

Modular design, and design for dissassembly in general, are things I feel are crucial to transitioning to a more sustainable world. So, I thought I'd discuss the current state of how things are made, and how they could be made differently, to make them more repairable, recyclable, etc.

For people into 3D printing, I also thought I'd summarise a few tips on how to make your funcitonal designs more printable on a typical FDM printer.


22:01 UTC


Looking for contributors for a begginer-friendly opensource project

I am looking for contributors for a new open source project I have just started. The goal is to create a versatile library that includes several frontend components. Currently, the project is in its early stages, actually we are 6 developers.

Why you should contribute:

  1. Transparency: I am currently the only developer, and I do not use "we" when it is not appropriate.
  2. Freedom: I will not continually ask you to contribute; if you like the idea, you are free to participate.
  3. Simplicity: It is a project without bureaucratic complications. You are free to contribute as and when you want.
  4. Open Source: The project is completely free, and any contribution is welcome.
  5. Beginner-Friendly: The project is super-accessible

GitHub repo: https://github.com/VisiUI/VisiUI

Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/nuovaareadila-6ll7179/shared_invite/zt-2oge4h1vn-J18RupLnaPKbmgF_AnhuSw

1 Comment
13:00 UTC


Mapping the Diversity of Land Uses Following Deforestation Across Africa

Explore the groundbreaking study "Mapping the Diversity of Land Uses Following Deforestation Across Africa" that reveals the primary drivers of forest loss and offers actionable insights for conservation. With high-resolution mapping and open-source data, we can make informed decisions to protect our forests and biodiversity.


20:42 UTC


Trees and Methane: Unveiling the Dual Role of Forests in the Methane Cycle

Trees and Methane: Unveiling the Dual Role of Forests in the Methane Cycle

Discover how forests play a hidden but vital role in methane mitigation. Recent research highlights the significant methane uptake by tree stems across various forest types, revealing the importance of preserving and expanding forests to combat climate change. Explore the findings and learn how open-source data is driving collaborative efforts in environmental sustainability.


12:14 UTC


ModuCoil Generator v2

Greetings all.

Modularity is an important part of sustainable design, when it's relatively easy to assemble and dissasemble something, it makes it easer to repair, and to recover and recycle individual components at the end of their life.

Modularity is also the spirit of the design I am showing here today. Using my coil-holder design I call 'ModuCoil', I have created the version 2 of my ModuCoil generator. I hope to use this not only as a demo for modular design, but also to expment with, in a few areas from small scale wind, to energy storage and more.

If you want to find out more about this design, here's a link. You'll also find, through here, the STLs on my thingiverse page.


16:51 UTC


We Chose Meilisearch Over 10+ Other Search Engines Despite a Major Drawback

I tried using the Meilisearch search engine for our product but faced issues while syncing with my PostgreSQL database. I used a tool called Meilisync, which is suggested by Meilisearch, but it didn't work properly. Finally, I built a solution using Golang. Has anyone faced a similar issue? You can read more about my implementation here. https://journal.hexmos.com/we-chose-meilisearch-over-10-other-search-engines-despite-a-major-drawback/

15:32 UTC


23:19 UTC


Laptop upgrade for OpenSource Contribution

I have a 4 year old laptop. It used to be very slow and hangs often. I had 4GB RAM, AMD Pro processeor. Recently I upgraded 500gb hdd as secondary and 256gb ssd. It significantly improved the performance. I always wanted to contribute to open source projects. After the upgrade of ssd, I tried to locally setup and run an open source project. But it hanged (Not responding).. Until I closed Vs code. I use Ubuntu most of times for my development work. And use windows 10 normal. I am interested in contributing to Web development based projects(JS, TS,..)

To run any open source projects locally and to contribute, what should I upgrade in my laptop? Is upgrading 4gb to 8gb RAM will be enough?

05:52 UTC


My 3D printed Wind tunnel and how it works

Wind tunnels are handy devices that are used extensively in the renewables and aerospace sectors. They provide a consistent, laminar air flow source that can accurately and fairly measure the performance of wind turbines.

Hence, I have decided to design and 3D print my own Wind Tunnel, so that I have a fair test apparatus for any Wind turbines I find or design, and eventually print.

Follow the link below to learn more about my wind tunnel. STLs are available in the comments.


19:29 UTC


Alcohol burner

I have a still so I end up with lots of waste alcohol at around 80%. Anyone develop a simple burner to heat a greenhouse or shop?

16:32 UTC

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