A place to shitpost memes and other content outside of the Oxygen Not Included thread. We respect the direction of the /r/Oxygennotincluded thread and wanted to make a space for funny stuff that is not within the current guidelines. Feel free to crosspost from them but be careful when crossposting to them. I don't want anyone's feeling getting hurt because Travaldo got himself trapped again.
A place to shitpost memes outside of the Oxygen Not Included thread.
What you guys think? ahah - and btw, it is a bug
Well...the lavatory description says dupe waste is emitted at 37C, and the sieve puts out enough heat it could probably push that to be just a little bit hotter.
Hmmmmmmmmm recycling at its finest.
The only cold geyser on what is luckily my second planetoid. I can only imagine this is gonna be a messy and slow extraction...
Theres a hydrogen vent down there too to, ya know, keep things spicy! :V
Would you take this dupe? I got this in a printing pod... I didn't think this was even possible