This is a place for news, reviews, videos and discussion of your favorite nü metal bands. Bands associated with nü metal derive influence from a variety of diverse styles, including electronica/electronic music, funk, glam rock, gothic rock, grunge, hardcore punk, hip hop, industrial rock, jazz, post punk and synthpop. Also, nu metal derives influence from multiple subgenres of heavy metal including rap metal, funk metal, alternative metal and thrash metal.
Bands associated with nü metal derive influence from a variety of diverse styles, including electronica/electronic music, funk, glam rock, gothic rock, grunge, hardcore punk, hip hop, industrial rock, jazz, post punk and synthpop. Also, nu metal derives influence from multiple subgenres of heavy metal including rap metal, funk metal, alternative metal and thrash metal.
This is a place for news, reviews, videos and discussion of your favorite nü metal bands.
Format: Artist - Song Title (Additional Info Here)
Rule 2: Images / Video Links / Memes - Don't spam r/numetal with images and video links without discussion. You should be able to add your 2 cents to the post and not try and karma mine. Memes are permitted within good taste and must be nu-metal themed.
Rule 3: Leaks and Piracy - No posting illegal download links, leaks or asking for leaks. Breaking this rule will result in at least a 2 week ban.
Rule 4: Reposts & General Posting Guidelines - No reposting of songs/topics within two months of each other. Please check that your song or topic hasn't been posted within that time. Please refrain from posting a band's material if you or another user has submitted the same band in the past 24 hours.
Rule 5: No Full Album or Spotify Posts - No "Full Album" YouTube posts. Try to just post one song at a time. Please use YouTube for song posts as it is a free service.
Rule 6: Self-promotional spam - Posting your own band is allowed, but know the rules. We encourage learning about new bands and love when they stop by and post a new video. But if you drop a video and leave, we will label it as spam.
Rule 7: Selling/Trading - Ticket sales, ticket trades, and other offers where money is involved are not permitted
Rule 8: Don't be an asshole - Don't be an asshole. Before you post or reply to a comment, think "Am I being an asshole?" If you're like, "....yeah, I'm being an asshole." Stop, go look at yourself in the mirror, and self reflect. Once you're good, come back and be a good person. We're a community here, let's act civil.
Rule 9: "It's not nu-metal" - Ok so this is a difficult one to enforce as the definition of nu-metal isn't usually the same for everyone. However, there's certain songs and bands that just are not nu-metal. We'll obviously allow the occasional nu-metal phase of bands and artists like...Vanilla Ice. Anyway, read our wiki and just use some common sense please.
Met the boys, very nice chaps, and they signed the album I bought
... Anyone remember these folks? They were on Guitar Hero II, and holy shit what a track this is. It's like "Follow" by Drowning Pool off Sinner, albeit with more focused production and an otherworldly hook. Check it out!
Im going to get alot of hate for this
Mine is AJR 💀💀💀 For some dumb reason I got AJR mixed in my playlist with deftones, snot and korn.
But please write your guilty pleasure band. I wont judge (I dont think I even have the right to).
Tell me if I missed any song or if one of them isn't Nu Metal.
Linkin Park - In the End #2 (2001)
Evanescence - Bring Me to Life #5 (2003)
Staind - It's Been Awhile #5 (2001)
Linkin Park - Numb #11 (2003)
Trapt - Headstrong #16 (2002)
Alien Ant Farm - Smooth Criminal #23 (2001)
Linkin Park - Somewhere I Belong #32 (2003)
Korn - Did My Time #38 (2003)
Linkin Park - Lost #38 (2023)
P.O.D. - Alive #41 (2001)
Hoobastank - Running Away #44 (2002)
Linkin Park - Faint #48 (2003)
Saliva - Always #51 (2002)
Three Days Grace - I Hate Everything About You #55 (2003)
Three Days Grace - Just Like You #55 (2004)
Orgy - Blue Monday #56 (1998)
Papa Roach - Last Resort #57 (2000)
Staind - For You #63 (2001)
Korn - Twisted Transistor #64 (2005)
Limp Bizkit - Rollin' (Air Raid Vehicle) #65 (2000)
Chevelle - Send the Pain Below #65 (2003)
Staind - Price to Play #66 (2003)
Chevelle - Vitamin R (Leading Us Along) #68 (2004)
Hoobastank - Crawling in the Dark #68 (2001)
Evanescence - What You Want #68 (2011)
Trapt - Still Frame #69 (2003)
System of a Down - Toxicity #70 (2002)
Seether - Remedy #70 (2005)
Korn - Here to Stay #72 (2002)
Godsmack - Straight Out of Line #73 (2003)
Linkin Park - One Step Closer #75 (2000)
Limp Bizkit - My Way #75 (2001)
System of a Down - Chop Suey! #76 (2001)
Papa Roach - She Loves Me Not #76 (2002)
Linkin Park - Crawling #79 (2001)
Korn - Coming Undone #79 (2006)
Linkin Park - Heavy is the Crown #79 (2024)
Limp Bizkit - Nookie #80 (1999)
Cold - Stupid Girl #87 (2003)
Limp Bizkit - Re-Arranged #88 (1999)
Mudvayne - Happy? #89 (2005)
TRUSTcompany - Downfall #91 (2002)
Filter - Where Do We Go from Here #94 (2002)
Disturbed - Stricken #95 (2005)
How do we feel about Sevendust? They definitely had some nu metal records. I love their music and had the pleasure of meeting their front man Lajon Witherspoon at a concert in KC the other night!
I would love to acquire a str8jackit CD from any of their three albums. If anyone has any assistance or guidance on how to obtain a copy, it would be greatly appreciated. I’m also eager to help others find their own copies, as I believe this underrated band truly deserves more attention. Thank you in advance for your help!
She doesn’t really intense scream singing, she liked nirvana and other rock bands at one point but wasn’t active
I am young and still deciding what I want to do with the rest of my life. I recently discovered numetal in the form of Linkin Park, Mudvayne, Papa Roach, and Slipknot, and it's one of the best things I've ever heard. I'm just curious, for everyone who was a big numetal fan when they were younger, what do you do for your job now? Did you incorporate your love for music into your career? Or did you go in a completely different direction? I'm very curious.
They aren't on Spotify either, just a few tracks on YouTube it seems
New stuff from our new band From Grace. Hope you enjoy 😎🤘
I'd like recommendations of songs with really heavy instrumental
Examples: Emil Bulls - Cocoon, Will Haven - Miguel..., Dry Kill Logic - Boneyard
Not sure how much this is Numetal, but if early Incubus is I would say this is as well.
Anyway, really wish they put out more than one album😔