This is a place for news, reviews, videos and discussion of your favorite nü metal bands. Bands associated with nü metal derive influence from a variety of diverse styles, including electronica/electronic music, funk, glam rock, gothic rock, grunge, hardcore punk, hip hop, industrial rock, jazz, post punk and synthpop. Also, nu metal derives influence from multiple subgenres of heavy metal including rap metal, funk metal, alternative metal and thrash metal.
Bands associated with nü metal derive influence from a variety of diverse styles, including electronica/electronic music, funk, glam rock, gothic rock, grunge, hardcore punk, hip hop, industrial rock, jazz, post punk and synthpop. Also, nu metal derives influence from multiple subgenres of heavy metal including rap metal, funk metal, alternative metal and thrash metal.
This is a place for news, reviews, videos and discussion of your favorite nü metal bands.
Format: Artist - Song Title (Additional Info Here)
Rule 2: Images / Video Links / Memes - Don't spam r/numetal with images and video links without discussion. You should be able to add your 2 cents to the post and not try and karma mine. Memes are permitted within good taste and must be nu-metal themed.
Rule 3: Leaks and Piracy - No posting illegal download links, leaks or asking for leaks. Breaking this rule will result in at least a 2 week ban.
Rule 4: Reposts & General Posting Guidelines - No reposting of songs/topics within two months of each other. Please check that your song or topic hasn't been posted within that time. Please refrain from posting a band's material if you or another user has submitted the same band in the past 24 hours.
Rule 5: No Full Album or Spotify Posts - No "Full Album" YouTube posts. Try to just post one song at a time. Please use YouTube for song posts as it is a free service.
Rule 6: Self-promotional spam - Posting your own band is allowed, but know the rules. We encourage learning about new bands and love when they stop by and post a new video. But if you drop a video and leave, we will label it as spam.
Rule 7: Selling/Trading - Ticket sales, ticket trades, and other offers where money is involved are not permitted
Rule 8: Don't be an asshole - Don't be an asshole. Before you post or reply to a comment, think "Am I being an asshole?" If you're like, "....yeah, I'm being an asshole." Stop, go look at yourself in the mirror, and self reflect. Once you're good, come back and be a good person. We're a community here, let's act civil.
Rule 9: "It's not nu-metal" - Ok so this is a difficult one to enforce as the definition of nu-metal isn't usually the same for everyone. However, there's certain songs and bands that just are not nu-metal. We'll obviously allow the occasional nu-metal phase of bands and artists like...Vanilla Ice. Anyway, read our wiki and just use some common sense please.
Who else remembers how fun Slipknot used to be back when no one knew their names or faces? They were just numbers and masks. I remember scouring the internet in the early 2000s, trying to figure out who they were and what they looked like. It was so exciting whenever I unearthed a photo of one of them!
Who else was on that particular scavenger hunt back in the day? I miss when artists could leave a little mystery and essentially only be known for their work. Now, everyone’s lives are all blasted out to the internet for the world to see, celebrities included. It really takes a lot of the wonder out of things.
Just curious if there's any good bands out there still doing Nu Metal that I should know about and failing that send me some of your lesser known suggestions
their debut album is a serious work of art, their live album is peak, why aren't they more famous? I wish they'd go in tour. if they went to Ohio I'd be the first buyer
I wanna know what some of you guy’s favorite super underground bands are so I can give them listens!
P.O.D. have pretty much been my favourite nu metal band since I first heard them. I love the reggae influence blended with hip hop and metal. And it's nice to have some positive uplifting nu metal!
songs with the vibes of wicked by korn and shame by soad, metal songs in heart but with hip hop verses and shit like that
Just that. I saw Static-X last week at Mexico City and he's fucking great. Even if they just played 2 songs from my favorite album from the band, I'm still spinning around with their great performance.
What are your opinions on Nu Metal “must haves”, the albums that are the pinnacle of Nu Metal greatness. You have to introduce an absolute newbie to Nu Metal, what are you using?
I'm hosting a nu metal Halloween party tomorrow night and I'm trying to come up with themed drink names. I'm putting them on paper slips and everyone will draw one at the top of the hour. Here's what I've got so far: Sextape on the Beach Rollin’ (Pear Raid Vehicle) BYOB (Jagerbomb) Bring me to Lime Y’all Want a Single (shot of any liquor) Linkin Tart (whiskey sour) Last Resort (tropical drink) Down with the Sickness (every alcohol) Duality (half & half drink)
If there's any Minnesotans on here, Black Flood Diesel is performing their final concert next Saturday at the Skyway theater. Great band!
Has anyone ever noticed the subtle similarities between mushroomhead and faith no more?
[LETO] themselves aren't considered nu metal but multiple of their songs can be considered nu metal, this one can, and Thomas is the singer of AqME which is considered a nu metal band
Hi, so my boyfriend and me have varying music tastes. I like Korn, Limp Bizkit, Deftones, Pantera ect ect and hes more of a Zach Bryan, Oasis kinda guy. I listen to his music but he thinks metal is too hardcore for him so im just trying to find a good few bands to slowly introduce him to it. I was thinking Incubus is a good start but does anyone have other ideas?
discovered them about a month ago, and really loved the 'nu strain' record.
Please use this thread to discuss recommendations.
Leave a detailed comment below asking for recommendations. Good example comments to leave:
If I like Slipknot, who else would I like?
Can anyone recommend albums like Tallah's Matriphagy?
If you have recommendations for a user, make sure you reply to their comment and let them know!
For further recommendations, you can see our Essential Albums and Songs page in the wiki. As well as 11 NEW nu-metal bands recommended by our mods.
Our TOP WEEKLY POSTS Spotify playlist is here.
Our NU-METAL SONGS OF 2023 Spotify playlist is here too.
Go to ThePRP or The Nu-Metal Agenda for numetal news.
If you want to dive deeper into Nu-Metal fandom, check out the following numetal podcasts:
Reminder! We have a discord server to chat live with your fellow /r/numetal users! Come say hi!
Let me know your guys's feedback on this demo! The overall goal with this was to go with a more grungy vibe. nu metal + grunge = Nú grunge!!