
Photograph via snooOG

Moved to: /r/Logan


239 Subscribers


Northern Utah, USA. Spiders like this all over the trail at night. In fact the rocks were glinting like glitter, from all the reflective eyes staring back at me. WITB?

03:34 UTC


Utah Dialect survey

Hi, everyone. I'm a linguistics professor at Brigham Young University and I'm doing some research right now on Utah English (and English in the Middle Rockies region generally). I'd like to collect some audio from anyone and everyone who grew up in Utah, regardless of whether you feel like you have an accent.

The task would be to find a quiet place and record yourself reading aloud about 200 words and answer some open-ended questions about yourself and about language. You can just use the microphone built into your phone or computer. The whole thing should take about 10 minutes. (Fair warning: I do ask about affiliation with the LDS church and one of the questions is about whether you think there's a "Mormonese.")

If you grew up in Utah, speaking English, and are 18 or older, I'd be very grateful if you'd take a few minutes and help me out.

Click here to view the survey.

My goal is to have some basic results by the end of the summer and I'll add a link to this post when that's ready. I'll also be making the rounds to any other Utah-based subreddits I can find over the next few weeks (so I apologize if you see this again!), but feel free to share this link to other online spaces or to other people you know who qualify.

Thank you!

Joey Stanley

14:57 UTC


If anyone needs a matress

Weber High will be selling mattresses below market value as a fundraiser on October 30th from 10 am to 5 pm

01:15 UTC


My friends made a discord server if anyone wants to come talk and make friends =)

If anyone is looking to make friends and chat about a wide range of topics, my friends made a discord server that everyone is welcome to join and come chat at :)

Figured it would be a good way to social with everyone locked away inside =)


1 Comment
03:45 UTC


Fasting will worsen the pandemic, don’t do that

Please don’t fast. Fasting increases viral replication. Even fasting as short as 6 hours can impact your ability to fight viruses. A person can have coronavirus and have no symptoms. Just because you feel good doesn’t mean you aren’t infected. Fasting is dangerous for you and your loved ones. Find another way to pray and give up something important like dessert or meat. Don’t go without food please. Fasting leads to increased viral replication Links for evidence: Mouse model: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2016.07.026 Human model: https://cvi.asm.org/content/9/1/182.abstract

05:19 UTC


Visiting Ogden. Anyone know any places that rent snowmobiles for hourly rates?

1 Comment
01:51 UTC


PSA: Beware of TLC Labradors

Since reviews seem to be disabled for them on Google, I wanted to post this here.

TLC Labradors is a family-run Labrador Retriever breeding business located in Brigham City.

Back in October 2016, we purchased a puppy from them (who we'll call Fluffy). It was only a litter of 2, which the breeder (who I'll just refer to as TLC to avoid using names) showed concern about from an income standpoint. Our first hint of distrust came from them not being able to tell us the exact birth date (certificate says August 19, 2016 but she didn't let us know they were born until August 30, 2016). They also claimed they did the first round of vaccines themselves but didn't provide any paperwork as proof.

My fiance and I were travelling back to Pennsylvania for Christmas and asked TLC to watch Fluffy for us, who was only 4 months old at the time. The day we were supposed to drop Fluffy off, she showed signs of a UTI, so we booked an emergency appointment with our vet, got some antibiotics, and drove her up to TLC. We told them about the UTI and that Fluffy was supposed to have a pill in the morning and night. We also gave them the feeding schedule we'd been following. TLC told us to feel free to call/text for any updates.

We go home and made several attempts to get updates. The only response we got over almost 2 weeks was a 10 second video of Fluffy playing. We fly back to Utah and drive up to TLC to pick Fluffy up. The next hint of distrust came when TLC said the dogs were out back playing. In reality, they were kenneled in the garage. All TLC told us was that Fluffy was a delight to have and had a couple accidents in the house, which is expected of a 4 month old puppy. We take Fluffy home and the UTI seems to have gone away. But 3 weeks later, it returned. We go to the vet again and I text TLC asking if they've had experience with puppies getting recurrent UTIs.

This is when TLC began blowing up my voicemail and email accusing us of malnourishing and neglecting Fluffy, keeping her in a crate all day (we were crate-training her at that point while at work...otherwise she was out), saying she was skinny and had no muscle mass. She threatened to call animal services and to come to our home to "save this starving puppy's life". All of this made no sense because 1. it wasn't true, and 2. she didn't mention any of this when we picked her up after Christmas. She also told us that she free-fed Fluffy, which was evident when she took a poop the size of her head when we got her home. That really upset us because Labs are known to over-eat, which is why we gave TLC a feeding schedule. We were also now doubting that she gave her the UTI meds at all.

I get a call from animal services saying they need to come check on Fluffy. They show up and find that Fluffy is in perfect health and in a good home. We explain that she has a good diet and gets plenty of love and exercise. They left within minutes. We've since cut all ties and communication with TLC.

I had 3 family members all come up with a similar theory as to why this all happened. They think that since the litter was only 2 puppies and TLC verbally expressed disappointment in the income they'd receive, they came up with this scheme to try and get Fluffy back to resell her to someone who saw her over the holidays. Who knows if that's the case, but given all of this, it definitely seems possible.

Back when you could leave reviews for TLC on Google, there was another detailed story displaying them as crazy, even psychotic, breeders.

I strongly suggest that if you're looking for a Labrador Retriever, avoid TLC.

21:33 UTC


Holiday gift ideas with a distinctly Utah flavor

06:02 UTC


What is Northern Utah? Is it real? What's there?

23:07 UTC


Logan to Boise/Mountain Home ID - Rideshare Longshot

Anyone heading up to Boise/Mountain Home tonight or first thing tomorrow, from anywhere in Cache Valley? Would gladly pitch in for gas, snacks, whatever is needed.

I'm trying to get up to Mountain Park to pick up a motorcycle, any help would be appreciated.

1 Comment
23:27 UTC


TDKR tonight @ 9 at Stadium 9pm, 12-23-12

going with some friends the more the merrier

23:05 UTC


A weekly post talking about upcoming events might help.

I live in Riverside, and not much happens around here, but i think if we hear about an upcoming event we can post it here, maybe someone will be interested. I'm not opposed to driving to Logan or Brigham, if something cool is happening. I used to work at the bars around here, and am a Trustee for the Eagles, Ill post stuff for Tremonton and garland, in this post, as it is brought to my attention.

1 Comment
21:58 UTC


There hasn't been much activity in this subreddit lately, so before it dies off, is anyone down for a meetup sometime soon?

01:53 UTC


Anybody Going to see Kansas?

me and my girlfriend are going, what to expect?

10:53 UTC


Where are your favorite places to eat in Northern Utah?

Probably my most frequented restaurant in Logan is Kamin, the Thai place on 3rd south or so. Their buffet (Friday and Saturday lunchtime) is a good deal and pretty tasty.

Happy Sushi is another one of my favorites, but they are a bit on the pricier side. Probably the best sushi you can get in the area though.

What are some of your favorites?

06:18 UTC


So Summerfest just happened. Who went? What'd ya think?

I saw a handful of the music artists:

SteamDONKEY - Decent cover band.

Eight Track Mind - Great cover band (I also know the lead guitarist, he's awesome).

Austin Weyand Band - Decent show. I've seen him a couple of times at Summerfest and he does some pretty good New Age/Jazz Acoustic Guitar work. He didn't cover Michael Hedges this time, though. :(

Red Hot Rock Club - Decent. Their acoustic gypsy jazz is neat, but it does get a bit repetitive (maybe I'm just a noob at jazz).

Ryan Shupe and the Rubber Band - Lots of fun. It was great to see them come back again, but I think they let the audience choose too much of their set list. Of course the Logan fans are going to want the older songs. Still, they pulled it off, and I still think their version of The Devil Went Down to Georgia is the best.

I also looked around at the booths, but I generally feel that if you've seen one nature photo or cowboy on a horse, you've kind of seen them all, so I tend to focus on the stuff that's different. For example, the fractal guy was back, and there was one booth that had AWESOME night sky photography. I also saw an abstract artist that wasn't too bad, either. (Sorry for the lack of names; I can't remember who was who.)

I thought the food was pretty good too, but then I like food in general, so I'm far too biased.

That's my thoughts, what were yours?

04:06 UTC

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