
Photograph via snooOG

A SubReddit specifically for people wanting to get into riding or just new to the riding scene.

Welcome to NewRiders!

After seeing the same questions by new riders asked over and over again on /r/motorcycles, I've decided to make a SubReddit dedicated to those interested in or new to riding.

Learn something new? Need advice/tips on riding? Don't know what gear to get? Don't know what bike is best for you? Feel free to make a post!


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Medium helmet has wiggle room, small i feel like a chipmunk

What’s the better option lol

13:20 UTC


How can you tell how far the bike is able to lean without going too far and crashing?

I'm new to riding and still mostly practicing on back roads with little traffic. When I'm practicing my turns, I can't tell how much lean I can put into a turn without dropping it. I've being very conservative, but when will I know in reaching the limit?

10:07 UTC


How do I reverse easier?

Hey guys,

I just got my first bike home safe, was shitting bricks about the ride back from the dealer lol but I will be keeping my zx4rr in my house, I can’t flat foot and I’m a light jockey to say the least.

What can I do to if I need to reverse it? I can’t move it at all right now unless I use only one foot or load up the front suspension with front brake and let it roll back. I don’t want to lower it because I could’ve ruined a ninja 400 instead and saved my wallet, but at the end of the day getting it inside today just over a slight bump on my front door into the house was a struggle. Any tips? hit the gym?

07:15 UTC


Just hit 600 miles, found a ride buddy, got caught in rain after dark

I’m on a new KLR-650 so I’ve been watching the ODO for the time to get the initial break-in service and hit it the other night while riding with a new friend made for the sole purpose of riding. BIGGEST thing to recommend: Get riding friends that know you’re new!!!
I got: Tips that made an immediate impact and Helped me to relax in corners. They gave me a line to follow and encouragement that I’m doing great We were up about 40 miles from town on Mt St Helens and it was going to be dark (a first for me) and we were likely to get rained on (also first time). Having an experienced rider there to show me it wasn’t a death sentence was gigantic. If you’ve been self-training, solo riding like me and hoping your skills will advance apace, do yourself a favor and reach out to find a riding friend or two who will offer up tips, show you fun routes, and encourage your growth and joy of riding! 😊

03:42 UTC


Someone passed me in a one lane…

I left work early because I wasn’t feeling too good so it wasn’t rush hour. Pretty dead streets but it was beautiful out and I was in the local roads. I followed the speed limit which was 35-25 depending on the school zones. I noticed a white SUV behind me driving real close and just ignored it thinking they’re being an asshole. I kept my eye on them. I got to the part of the road I had to weave in and out because of the bad road and next thing I know the SUV sped past me by going onto the oncoming traffic lane. I was so pissed but couldn’t find the horn and didn’t want to get too mad that I forget how to ride. What do you guys do in these situations? I was more mad because they passed me just to be right in front of me…. Didn’t make a gap at all…. And I didn’t notice them because I was busy looking at the potholes so that in itself is honestly scary.

01:06 UTC


Update from yesterday about taking my riding test

I did end up failing the test. I was off by 5 points to pass.

If I did start on the right side to turn left and right in-between the small cones I would have passed. I started on the left. I'll just say that

The other part I messed up on was that we stop and 90 degree turn into a u-turn. I found that to be the hardest thing. I never got it right in training. I look right, turn Right, and my bike just passes the turn off completely (thats on me I know).

I'll just have to try again. I already have an r3 to practice on so I'll be daily training near my house. Thanks for all the positivity guys I can't wait to say I passed

I would like to add I failed and that's on me. This was all on me. Instructors were fine. Any complaints I have is just me venting. I know I need to train and practice more

20:19 UTC


Exhaust recommendations

I want to put a louder exhaust but I’m not sure what to go with as far as brand and whatnot just looking for some recommendations. 2012 Harley XL883L . I’d prefer slip on over full system

14:43 UTC


When to change up and down gears

This is gonna sound stupid but please explain to me like I’m 5, when changing gears up and down is it just relative to the speed you are going. The faster you go the higher gear you should be in??

01:46 UTC


Tomorrow is the last day of exercises and then the riding test. Nervous about failing it.

Harley Davidson basic rider course.How much harder are the tests you take for passing? Any tips?

21:18 UTC


Essentials for maintenance/accessories on automatic bike?

Electric* not automatic

Hiya! So I’m going to be getting a Kawasaki e-1 sometimes next year (I don’t feel safe doing manual since my daily commute is up a very busy road full of large cars, buses and vans with 3 U-turns consecutively all on a very steep mountain and I suck at it) however if anyone can point me in the direction of a different automatic I won’t complain. Please don’t criticise me and tell me to learn manual and cope because my mind is set

I’m familiar with the thing will require for my person but I’m struggling to find advice on maintenance or just general things needed for the bike itself. So far I’ve got helmet lock, phone grip, a cover to wrap the whole bike to protect from weather and the things that stick out that save it if you fall. Since the e-1 is electric and only runs on batteries I’m not sure how relevant tool kits would be to me or what kind to aim for. I’m fairly certain I’d still need things to care for the chain but not for an oil change. This isn’t as common so I’m not surprised if there isn’t much advice around but anything applicable would be amazing. Thank you in advance and safe travels!

Quick edit: I’ve done some reading on the e-1 and most are complaining about the range, for reference my commute to school would be 7 miles one way and to work is also around 7 miles from my house so my top daily commute would be 28 miles so with one full charge being 41 miles that suits me fine.

14:16 UTC


CC does and doesn't make sense to me

So I've never ridden a bike, I haven't attended motorcycle classes yet, I'm still on the fence of even buying one and learning. I only have internet knowledge. I'm basically a kindergarten with access to Google and it's info.

From what I understand, higher CC isn't suggested for newer riders due to the sensitivity (I think that's correct?) of the vehicle and how it can respond drastically to even the slightest mess up. This I can understand from a surface level. My confusion comes from the fact that I would absolutely love an Indian Scout to cruise around in. And when I say cruise, I mean cruise. Taking back roads, not going fast, taking my time getting to my destination and enjoying the ride. However, the Indian Scout is about 1000cc. This confuses me bcuz 1) if it's not a bike meant for hauling ass, why is the cc so high?, and 2) if I only plan to take it for chill rides, is it really really that bad for me to go straight to it instead of starting on something like a Honda Grom? I'd rather not fork over 3600 for a Grom, sell it after 2 years, and them FINALLY get the bike I really want that's gonna be 9k+.

Can yall make it make sense on what I should do if I'm really looking to get into riding but with my preference in mind for not forking over thousands of dollars and years of time just to end up hopping on a 1000cc bike I wouldn't be speeding in?

07:25 UTC


Used airbag vest?

Is this a bad idea? Is there any way to tell if it has been used either buying online or in person? Any way to "test" it to see if it works if buying in person?

05:21 UTC


Too Much Too Soon?

Was given a 1998 VTR-1000 from a friend. It's in fairly good shape but it's obviously a bit of an older bike (and on the large side being a 998cc).

I have some minor riding experience but none in the last 7-8 years. It'd be best to consider myself a complete beginner.

I live in an area where I can't really trailer the bike to a parking lot to get to grips with it terribly easily, but I'd like to slowly work my way up to getting to grips with the bike.

Would be receptive to any advice on what I should do so that I don't:

1.) Hurt anyone else 2.) Hurt the bike 3.) Hurt myself lol

03:14 UTC


Anyone in HTX willing to teach/ride with me

I’m brand new and about to take my MSF course in a few weeks. I have no experience so I’m a bit nervous, so I’d love if anyone near me was willing to teach me a bit more once I get my bike? :) Any tips and advice welcome 😵‍💫😭

02:43 UTC


Creaky New Helmet--Safe?

Have tried plenty of helmets and this one that was delivered is very creaky, even just putting on the helmet. Is this a definite return? Thanks

1 Comment
23:41 UTC


Just failed my road test due to nerves… any advice for doing well despite the anxiety?

I practiced so much. I was doing so well during practice. I even practiced right before my test and rocked it.

As soon as I started the test I panicked and started putting my foot down left and right and wasn’t even allowed to finish the test because I racked up so many points so fast…

Any advice on not letting this test anxiety get to your head? Or how to ride through the nerves and still do well?

18:39 UTC


Need mechanic dad advice for 28f looking to purchase

I am a 28F looking to purchase a used motorcycle from a private seller. I am not particular on a make/model, however, I do like the look of the Honda Vulcan 1600 and similar sportsters. I am 5’9 so I am decently tall and don’t necessarily need to keep a small bike in mind but I know I dont want anything too heavy or too powerful. I’ve never been a driver on a bike but have been a backpack/copilot for many years. I will be getting gear and taking a class so I don’t need advice on anything like that.

Please be kind in regard to my lack of knowledge, my dad was a mechanic so I would ask him, but he passed recently. He had a way of explaining these concepts to my girl brain that made sense, so bear with me here lol. I just need help deciding what to look/what questions to ask so I don’t get taken advantage of being a novice and a woman.

Needs: -easy to fix and find parts for -decent gas mileage -can easily keep up on the highway so I can commute to/from work -on the lighter side -can fit a passenger when ready for one -something easily upgradable so it can grow with my skill/comfort level

Thoughts/random questions: -I live in Arizona, so I don’t have to worry about winter proofing

-with living in the desert in mind, what kind of tires should I use? Are wide tires better?

-What is generally good mileage/year for a bike (I saw an ‘05 Vulcan 1600 with less than 20k miles. That’s good right?)? - would $2500 be a good asking price for that bike?

  • can someone explain why different bikes go by different… sizes? I saw a Suzuki 40c on marketplace I liked but topped out at 95 mph so I think that would be too small? what is the difference between that and a 1600, other than the obvious size/speed. Would the 1600 be too much torque? I don’t understand the numbering system and what it means I guess. Going from 50cc to 750 to 1600 seems like a huge difference but I’m not seeing anything major. I also don’t know what I’m looking for. I don’t really know how to ask this question without rambling.. I’m sorry!

Any and all advice would be helpful!

04:29 UTC


How long did it take you to go out on your own for rides?

I've been only riding around the neighborhood during the weekends. I still stall out my bike. I'm slowly getting better but I hate stalling in traffic holding people up. Longest trip was 12 miles round trip following the old man on his bike. How long did it take you to get comfortable to go out on the main streets and ride on your own in traffic.

00:55 UTC


Good bike for new rider in TX?

Hey all, just completed my MSF course this last weekend with my dad and I was wondering if you guys had any insight as to which bike I should be leaning towards as my first. I'm 23, and I want to start by saying this MSF course is my only experience on a bike. My budget is around 5-8000, and I plan on buying in full, I had been looking at the Ninja 500, R3 / Aprilia RS457 but it really seems the top speed on them are all around the same range. I will be using the bike daily to commute to and from work (not required to get on a highway since its close luckily) however I would like to use it on I35 on the weekend and whatnot and was wondering how these 500's hold up on the interstate?

I had eyeballed the 650/R7 originally (because I think I will grow out of the 500 within a year) , and was looking to finance a bike but the FC insurance monthly payments was a big factor that pushed me towards just buying in full and getting liability insurance instead with a tracker and whatnot. Would the 500 be good enough for commuting on highways and whatnot without getting super hot (sorry if this is a dumb question, saw some comments on other posts mentioning the heat).

15:21 UTC


Front tire sounds like a garbage disposal ??

Hearing this noise from my front tire , I tapped the breaks and that didn’t do anything. Would rather fix this myself but motorcycle stands haven’t came in yet, so unfortunately might have to take it to the shop. What do you guys think ?

13:49 UTC


When to SHIFT and Trailbraking - Beginner Inquiries

Bike - GSX-8R (Highest Traction and Easiest Rider Mode 100% of the time)

Experience: 1 week - mostly parking lot with a couple hours in residential streets, 80~ miles on ODO.


  • UPSHIFTING: When should I do it? I'm up-shifting from first to 2nd gear at around ~28mph. Apparently I shouldn't be looking at the mph but at the RPMs. Should only be in 1st gear when coming to a stop and or from stop, or is it fine being in 2nd gear for a few seconds like at a stop sign and immediately accelerating?
  • DOWNSHIFTING: How I've been doing it - Clutch in, multiple downshifting until 1st gear if coming to a stop, both brakes if needed (coasting). Stay in 2nd gear if no stop needed and just take the corner slowly with clutch-in and braking slightly if needed.
  • REV-MATCHING: I've been trying to learn this past couple days. My timing sucks, but I guess it'll get better with time and experience. Having issues with learning about RPMs and matching the RPMs and engine. I'm just doing it, but not really knowing why or at what RPMs. Sometimes it works, most times it doesn't and the bike is jerky or gets super loud as the engine starts engine braking and jerking.


  • From the few videos I've seen of this, people talk about loading the front brakes a little to gain traction for easier turning, easing off brakes and start to open throttle once aimed in direction of exit. This is mostly talking about using front brakes. In another video I recently saw yesterday was saying to use the rear (especially for slow-speed maneuvers), but to be using the rear for trailbraking. So should I being just the front brakes, rear brakes, or a combination of both, while easing off when trailbraking?

  • Trailbraking used to be a race/track thing, but apparently has become more normalized for everyday street riding lately, despite it being common knowledge taught to beginners to never use the brakes (especially front) when cornering (lower speed before the corner). Which is the more correct school of thought? I am so confused with all of this being a beginner.

Sorry for the essay... most of this has been self-taught and from YT videos. I've taken the MSF course but honestly everything has been a blur and contradictions of some of the videos I've seen. I plan to take some of those school classes down the line, but I wanna get the basics down first.

13:36 UTC


Careful learning wheelies

I've been riding for about a month now. Bought a Honda crf300l got my M1 road test passed at DMV last week. I've been trying to figure out clutch up wheelies for a few days now being careful to not rev it up to much in fear of looping it. We'll I've never gotten it off the ground barely at all (partially from trying on dirt roads a lot without traction). I've been feeling way more confident since I've been licensed and riding around no problem. So after for the first time I take it to the gas station and to run an errand I'm feeling good so I take it to an empty lot and start messing around with conservative light clutch up wheelies. Barely anything happens doesn't come off the ground almost at all. So I keep increasing the revs by too much being ignorant not knowing and respecting the machine. Well like the 5th one I got it up all the way up and rode it for maybe 3 seconds until I had no clutch lever grabbed anymore or foot on the rear brake and had no way to really get it down and did not have the experience or planning out properly of what I was doing. So the bike laid over but luckily it's barely scratched other than the end of the clutch lever broke off. I'm fine as well thanks to my gear. Subungial hematoma on my big toe and some other slight bruising is about it. I was dumb cocky and got lucky. Learn from my mistake.

03:59 UTC


First bike ninja 650?

Im looking at some bikes and Im pretty sure I’ll be okay with a 650 but I wanted yall advice since the people around me think it’s too much for a first bike. Im 6 feet and no bike experience ever however I’ve been driving a car for almost 3 years now so I kind of know the danger of the road I know its not the same as a bike but atleast it is a road experience.

22:15 UTC


Cc for sports bikes and cruisers difference?

Im looking at getting into a motorcycle class come spring (Midwesterner) I've never ridden a motorcycle or dirt bike. I'm looking at a used cruiser marked as 600c Google says like 586cc or something. I'm rather tall but small I have no interest in going as fast as possible I rather like my current health. Would something like that be to much or should I be OK so long as I don't get speed happy? My budget is only like 3grand so I ain't looking at anything fancy. Everything I see for cc seems to ge involving sports bikes and man my leg and butt hurts just looking at them cruisers look more my speed

13:24 UTC


New to biking

Heya folks, in starting my cbt course soon, I was wondering what kind of gear I'd need to get started on the road and for the clothing do I need something that zips up together?

Thanks all

09:41 UTC


Beautiful day for a ride!

00:26 UTC


Tips on getting up to highway speed?

I haven’t gone on the highway yet, but I’ve gotten up to about 80 kmph on some faster roads. The thing that’s keeping me from feeling comfortable going any faster is the wind speed and noise to be honest. I have a svartpilen 401 so it’s a bit more of an upright bike, but it just feels like so much pressure against my body as I get that fast and it makes me feel not as stable. Any advice?

23:31 UTC


Losing traction in rear tire

Hi All I was riding today and lost traction in my rear tire like twice.

One time when I tried to shift from 2nd to 3rd gear and my shift got stuck or something, so it wasn’t a smooth shift & after I did so I lost a bit of traction in my rear, like a shaking sensation. Is this because I “slipped” the clutch?

I also lost traction while giving a good amount of throttle on a decent lean angle while trying to pass someone out.. it was on a slight incline if that matters. Happened twice to me actually, second time I felt my shoe just graze the ground lol. I recovered fairly quick and it didn’t seem like too much of a big deal. But definitely sketchier than the first occasion though.

Would like to avoid this in the future though. Any thoughts ? Tips? TY!

22:02 UTC


Beautiful morning for a bike ride!

20:48 UTC

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