A collection of dinosaurs and other awesome creatures that are now extinct.
Post cool pictures of extinct animals including artist impressions. Anything goes from plants to animals to bacteria and viruses.
1. Not extinct.
Content posted here should involve some form of life which no longer exists.
2. Not metal.
Flowery, fluffy and otherwise beautiful content will be removed.
Any content resubmitted within 60 days will be removed. This includes different pictures of the same content such as museum displays.
4. Politics.
No politics, race, nationality, religion, gender, or similar topics of human conceit. We are here for the awesomeness of nature. These topics will be removed.
5. Shitposts.
Shitposting gets you ripped in half by a pair of t-rexes.
/r/NatureIsMetal: for brutal, savage and gorey nature.
/r/HumansAreMetal: for people doing badass things.
/r/NatureIsFuckingLit: for the stunning beauty of nature.
/r/taxidermyismetal: for animals being baddases beyond the grave.
/r/taxidermy: for the hobbyist.
Idk why I keep drawing this one 😂 thought I'd share
This is what got me into Prehistory I can't remember who the artist is :(
I didn’t start truly admiring barinasuchus until recently. It’s estimated they were 20 feet long weighed 3700 pounds, stood 6 feet tall, could run 25 mph and these land crocs could have been even bigger given some estimates. They had a laterally compressed snout along with a durable 2 foot long skull that would have resulted in a powerful bone crushing bite force. One of the largest land predators since the K-Pg extinction.
I recommend checking out more of his artwork some has made it into museums