
Photograph via snooOG

Taxidermy & preservation.

Hello! This subreddit is for all things related to taxidermy and preservation.

Most of your questions can be answered over at Taxidermy.net. There are years of information archived there, but feel free to ask questions here if you can't find anything or if you need further advice :)

You may also be interested in r/bonecollecting.


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New at taxidermy and need help

I did my first wet specimen today for my cousin and got a taste of the art of taxidermy, now I want to try traditional taxidermy. I would love to start to doing taxidermy but I have a few problems first is I’m 15 unemployed(until I can find a place willing to hire me) and don’t have an income so getting money isn’t easy. Second problem is I have no clue on how to obtain animals for taxidermy. I live near a highway and I have tried to find roadkill but it gets cleaned up before I can find it/get to it. So any tips for finding animals or where I can get animals for taxidermy. Money will not be a permanent issue as I am really trying to get a job so if there is any ways that cost money please tell me anyways that I can.

06:53 UTC


Preserving organs

I found a dead baby bird in my yard that was already decomposing. i let it sit for about a week and then put it in a bucket. Yesterday I picked the feathers that were still there out but I found what I think is a liver inside. no other organs. it's dried now. how should I go about cleaning it? (if needed) and possibly preserving it? I would like to have it as a wet specimen but either is okay by me.

06:13 UTC


New to taxidermy

Hello! Im looking to get into taxidermy and I was wondering what else is needed to start? Hoping to practice on a small mouse first (bought stillborn) So far i have surgical knives and I’m going to get borax to dry out the skin but that is about it Any advice for other tools or supplies?

1 Comment
02:48 UTC


Small issue while mummfining

So I have mummfided heads already but, I have two rabbit heads that there ears just ont hardned and it's driving me nuts! I don't think I did anything different

00:18 UTC


Where to buy taxidermy

I've been wanting to get some actual taxidermy for a while now, specifically a black bear shoulder mount or black bear pelt Does anyone know where the best place to get something like that would be?

23:55 UTC


Taxidermy and airports

I know I'm too young to be here (11) but this is the only place where I dind real answers so I applogize in advance for my grammar too because I'm french.

I like taxidermy and have a fox tail and a bobcat tail,wich I want to bring in moldova (tiny country)

But I don't know if the workers there would let me take it in my carry on bag

I know foxes aren't a protected specie there and that there is no bobcat hut I'm scared

I'm flying tomorrow Do y'all have any infos?

21:00 UTC


Tarantula Taxidermy

At my workplace, there has been a dead Grammostola pulchripes specimen in its insectarium since I began working there---over two months ago. It certainly has a smell to it, though I tried not to breathe it in when I slid my phone in to take a picture. I have just asked and received permission to take it if I wish as an alternative to simply throwing it away. I was wondering if there was any way to preserve it now, after all this time. Should I just preserve it in a jar with alcohol, or is it worth attempting the taxidermy despite the fact that it is likely rotting?

19:18 UTC


Bearded dragon passed away, want to know my options

hi all, my pet bearded dragon passed away unexpectedly. she was healthy and the love of my life and I don't want to bury her or cremate her. I want to know my other options are.

So far, im familiar with:

  • traditional taxidermy

  • skeletonization

I'm leaning more towards the skeletonization route, but was interested in purchasing beetles myself and supervising her decomposition. what would that process be like? is it feasible to do myself? What risks should I be aware of?

Also open to other options as well.

16:50 UTC


Preserving tentacles?

Hey! Taxidermist here, Is there any way to preserve octopi or squid tentacles dry? If there isn’t how can I wet specimen them without formalin or such? Thanks!

23:43 UTC


Need help with squirrel

I have slightly burried it in the ground with chicken wire and rocks but it smells. How do I stop it from smelling

17:36 UTC


Hanging hides with command strips?

I have a beautiful reindeer hide I’d want to hang on my wall but I don’t want to damage it (by sewing velcro in) or not be able to take it down (by nailing it) so I was wondering if anyone has experience with using command strips? Weight wise it should work and the area of damage from the glue should be small

Also, if anyone has used this method, is it impossible to remove the strips from the hide afterwards and is the damage from the glue severe?

Thank you in advance!

01:24 UTC

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