The United Federation of Travelers is an alliance of civilized space zones of NMS players.
Welcome to the United Federation of Travelers
Please check the "Federation Wiki" to understand this subreddit's purpose(s).
A.D.E.P.T. Federation (Ambassador: u/SgtSocks)
Alliance of Galactic Travelers (Ambassadors: u/zazariins, u/Patholas8)
Amino Hub (Ambassadors: u/BoidGaming, u/SageArza_)
Calypso Travellers Foundation (Ambassador: u/ogre_magi_mutly)
CELAB Galactic Industries (Ambassador: u/celabgalactic)
Eissentam Qitanian Empire (Ambassadors: u/ShiftyKinect, u/sowersian, u/beacher72)
Enigma Alliance (Ambassador: u/Override5)
Eyfert Khannate (Ambassador: u/g5457s)
The Galactic Hub Project (Ambassadors: u/7101334, u/AugmentEcho, u/MrJordanMurphy)
Galactic Hub Calypso (Ambassador: u/ApexFatality)
Galactic Hub Eissentam (Ambassadors: u/KinG-Asssassin)
Intergalactic Exploration Corporation (Ambassador: u/peacebomb1)
Intergalactic Travellers Foundation (Ambassador: u/Bufalo04)
Morley Celestial Bureau (Ambassador: u/Morley_C_Bureau)
Nomad Foxes (Ambassador: u/OmniShoutmon)
Pirates of No Mans Sky (Ambassadors: u/PIRATES-OF-NMS, u/Astronuverse_)
Qitanian Empire (Ambassadors: u/EdVintage, u/intub81, u/Captain_Carcosa)
Sepros Alliance (Ambassador: u/gallusdallas_SA)
Viridian Assembly of Eissentam (Ambassador: u/Mattastic119)
YES Recovery Project (Ambassador: u/Nunki_II)
Atlas Entity Tech Consultant - u/pahefu
Subreddit Designer - u/TheMarco, u/Acolatio
Emblem Designer - u/morgvom_org, u/Acolatio
General Moderator - u/7101334, u/zazariins, u/Acolatio
Greetings Delegates and Friends of The Federation. Per command from The Atlas, and by obligitory vote of the TC - Council of Elders...the Tugarv Compendium has returned from the Euclid Void. We have once again found our rightful place in Civilized Space. And have quickly brought our TC - Archive up to the current markings of NMS recorded history (Cross-Save).
Perhaps when the leading delegation next convenes, a simple request can be brought to motion. The Tugarv Compendium would like to return to The UFT. We look forward to working with all of the joined and allied civilizations.
Morning Interlopers,
I was just wondering if there is a unification Day this year as nothing has been mentioned so far? (to my knowledge anyway).
Thanks Interlopers and safe travels.
TL;DR - Should we stop requiring people to exclusively document content on Fandom due to Fandom's excessive advertisements? And if so, what should it be replaced with?
Greetings interlopers!
I intend to sponsor a measure which, if approved, will remove the first point of the United Federation of Travelers Constitution Β§ VII. CIVILIZATION & AMBASSADOR CODE OF CONDUCT:
I was the primary actor in pushing the entire No Man's Sky community (not even just the Fed, ultimately) to use Gamepedia as a documentation database over all other options which were utilized at the time, notably Wikia and Orcz.
This decision was made for a variety of reasons: Gamepedia had the most up-to-date information, it had the best website formatting, it had the most robust article / page formatting options, and it wasn't inundated by ads.
That last point is the crux of my proposal. I challenge anyone to visit the No Man's Sky Fandom wiki on mobile without an ad blocker and without being logged in. Ads will frequently take up half of the page, and some ads don't even disappear fully when you scroll down.
This isn't an entirely surprising development: as I said, one of the wiki farms which I intentionally pushed the NMS community away from due to its low-quality nature and excessive advertisements was Wikia. Well, Wikia - now known as Fandom - purchased Gamepedia and, in my view, ruined the NMS wiki by implementing the exact same practices which inspired me to avoid using Wikia years ago.
The logical question, then, is: "If not Fandom, what should we use?" That's what this discussion will determine. It is my personal view that we should encourage the use of the NMS Miraheze. Miraheze is a volunteer-run, donation-paid platform with zero ads, created largely to rival Fandom and other corporate wiki farms. However, I choose the word "encourage" intentionally - I do not think it serves the Federation to require any specific site to be used, at this stage in the community's life. This means civilizations which already use Fandom and have no desire to switch would not be expected to make any change. (However, Miraheze formatting is almost identical to Fandom in most cases, and pages can be directly migrated.)
The Galactic Hub has already established our own GH-dedicated Miraheze, meaning we're technically in violation of the UFT Constitution. I'd like to remedy that by updating the Constitution, because there's no chance of us ever returning to Fandom (except to update major pages, like the main Galactic Hub Project page, for recruitment purposes).
Thank you fellow Ambassadors, and good journeys!
This notice is to inform all Representatives and Ambassadors of the Immediate withdrawal of the Calypso Travellers Foundations from the Federation. As of this moment that is the only change in our operation. We are still available to assist Travellers in the Calypso Galaxy, and all other channels of communication are still open.
To All Federation ambassadors, please be advised that CELAB Galactic Industries is announcing their withdrawal from the Federation effective immediately. The company remains a registered company operating under the Alliance of Galactic Traveller Infrastructure Subsidiary Partnership.
Some of you have become friends and partners over the years and rest assured that CELAB Galactic Industries will remain engaged with those of you that collaborate and partner with us in our missions supporting the entire NMS community, as well as our mandates to the AGT and its Travellers Foundations.
Bestβ Regards.